
Chapter 328, The Emperor's Speech!

Chapter 328, The Emperor Acts! (three)

Su San said fiercely: "This is a comparison of words. With so many of you, can't you pick out one with better writing?"

This anger naturally aroused public anger, but this anger couldn't be vented!It's not human's style to be inferior to people in skills and only use words to gain advantage. 【】.

"I'm coming." A voice came from the second floor.

When everyone looked up, they saw that the crown prince had already stood up.

Seeing Zhao Guang standing up first, Gao Zai couldn't help but feel a little relieved!Although the prince is still young, this calligraphy is about talent and realm!Being in the imperial palace and gathering the strengths of all the families, the prince's vision of calligraphy, from the very beginning, was much higher than everyone else's.Besides, like a father like a son, there is a master-level person all day long who reminds him to be diligent and diligent, can Zhao Guang's handwriting be bad?

What's more, Zhao Guang has been very talented in calligraphy since he was a child. The current emperor also said: Given time, he will definitely be better than blue!

In this building, if the prince's handwriting can't be compared with this mysterious Master Huang, then there are probably not many people in the world who have a chance to win.Ji Lao can be regarded as one, but today Ji Lao is the host, so naturally it is impossible to play!If it was really Ji Lao who played, even if he won, it would have given Master Huang a great deal of face. .

The prince watched all the women look at him with admiration, and his adrenal glands naturally rushed upwards rapidly.Such a direct competition with people face to face has never happened to him.

In the palace, when encountering festive events, she can also write and compose poems!But in that kind of occasion, the emperor would generally not allow him to write, because once he did, few of the officials would dare to write.This opportunity is rare.

However, Gao Xianxian has been compared, so he can't be careless.

A clerk in the shop had already sent up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone under Xu Yingming's gesture.

Zhao Guang frowned when he mentioned the pens prepared in the store!This pen is a bit thick, not as good as my usual pen!However, Gao Zaixian and that Master Huang also used such pens, so he naturally couldn't say it, so he bought a better pen.

If others can write with such a pen, so can he!It's just that it feels a little worse.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Guang first practiced a few strokes on a piece of paper, and only after he became familiar with the strokes did he formally start composing poems!

Although he is not outstanding at composing poems, with so many masters teaching him, it is impossible for him to be so bad!Although it is not Cai Feiyang, it can be regarded as neat and decent. Zhao Guang is in a good mood today, so he has already got a few words.

Because it is written: the master has fish to enjoy the present, please play the zither Jinling guest; the animals are all quiet, and the four words are about to sink.

It is written about the scene when some prostitutes in the building played the piano just now!Although the praise is a bit exaggerated, it can be regarded as a scene.

A guard had already stepped forward, took Zhao Guang's handwriting, and went downstairs to hand it to Ji Lao!All the people hung their eyes and went to Ji Lao!

Zhao Guang also had a nervous expression on his face, for fear that his handwriting would be knocked down by Ji Lao, and he would lose face!However, it is logically impossible. Although calligraphy has reached a certain level, it is difficult to say who is good and who is bad, but since Mr. Ji left Gao Xian's characters, there is no reason to write his own characters!

Both myself and Gao Xianxian are deeply immersed in calligraphy, and there is absolutely no reason to choose Gao Xianxian and abandon my own calligraphy!

I saw Ji Lao holding Gao Xianxian's characters in one hand and Zhao Guang's characters in the other, left and right!Then I picked up the words written by Master Huang and took a look, finally I had to wave to Gao Zaixian: "Zaoxian! You come closer."

Gao Zaixian was performing junior ceremony in front of Ji Lao, hurriedly stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "Ji Lao!"

"The previous characters and the prince's characters are both good! But we don't want to win with more, so we can only choose one of the two characters! The prince's characters are somewhat similar to the master Huang's characters. It’s easy to compare, so I took the prince’s characters!” Ji Lao said while handing Gao Xianxian’s characters back!

How could Gao Zaixian dare to have a temper, he passed the prince's words, and knew that it was really difficult to distinguish between the two!The prince's handwriting is graceful and soft, which is quite popular in the world. Therefore, in most cases, the prince's handwriting is more likable, which is not wrong!What's more, in this kind of situation, is it possible to praise your own words and type down the prince's words?

Therefore, Gao Zaixian quickly took back his own words!Some students rushed forward, asking for the word "higher first"!Gao Xianxian didn't hide his clumsiness, so he handed over the words to everyone.

The students, all of a sudden, they stopped talking!Such a good handwriting has been brushed down, and from Ji Lao's previous tone, it seems that Master Huang's handwriting is even better.Can't help but take a breath, it turns out that the reason why the San Deban is so arrogant is really emboldened!

It hits people's self-confidence when they are most proud of them!It's like a straight-forward approach, and it's like a mountain overwhelming, it's the easiest to break down.

Students and talented people are most proud of their collection and knowledge!And besides, calligraphy is the foundation!If someone is on top of this and compares them, how can they get mad?

At the same time, Zhao Pu was very proud!

Regardless of poetry, he still has confidence in his own words.Before, he was still a little uncertain!Because he is praised by the people around him every day, he dare not believe in anything anymore.It wasn't until Mr. Ji typed out the characters of all the talented scholars, and saw that the one he liked very much was the first, so the characters were also typed out, but replaced with the prince's characters!

Now, he has confidence in his heart.

Knowing a son is like a father, Zhao Guang has a few pounds and a few taels, how could he, as a father, not know.

Wu Wang Zhao Yun looked at Zhao Guang coldly, and saw that Zhao Guang was all focused on Ji Lao.I couldn't help laughing in my heart: It's just writing a word and making a poem!Can this thing rule the country?This thing can make Feng Chao strong?This thing can make Fengren beat Jingren back to his hometown.

"No business!"

Mo Shaohua pretended not to hear Zhao Yun scolding in a low voice!Instead, he quietly asked Ji Lao to announce the final result.

Mo Shaohua is from a human background, so he naturally has no prejudice against the prince!

Those who rule the country, practice more, there are absolutely only advantages, not disadvantages!But rulers can't specialize in learning, and they can't make themselves into a master of calligraphy, and it's not good for masters of calligraphy.

After all, the time in a person's life is limited. It is definitely not easy to excel in a certain profession, and it takes a lot of time!If the ruler spends all his time on other things, it is not a good thing for the country. .At this point, Mo Shaohua admired King Wu again.

The emperor should be diligent in state affairs, not soaked in such petty skills.

Ji Laoqing coughed, and briskly switched the prince's poem manuscript and the poem manuscript of Sandeban Master Huang in his hands a few times!Then he beckoned someone to hang these two poems on the pillars on both sides and said: "For the sake of fairness, I don't dare to make a judgment! These two poems have been changed. As long as the crown prince doesn't say anything, this Master Huang will If you don’t say anything, no one will know who the real masters of these two poems are! Now hang them up and let everyone judge, whichever word you like, everyone will stand on the side of that word! Let’s start.”

All of a sudden, there was chaos on the first floor, with heads rushing in and out.However, it was chaos for a while, and it didn't take long for most of the people to stand on Ji Lao's left hand side!

Zhao Guang hooked his head and looked down, his heart was itchy and uncomfortable!He really wanted to know if the word on the left was his own, but he kept it serious and didn't speak!

After the old man checked his eyes, he didn't show any extra expression, but said slowly: "After the word comparison, there is one more item, which is the poetry comparison! Let everyone complete this matter, and whichever poem everyone thinks is better, just stand To which side of the poem."

When people write characters, they also write poems.Obviously it is on the left hand side of Ji Lao, this poem is better. .

Therefore, there were not many people on the right, and a few more came over.

Mr. Ji glanced at the prince lightly, but still said slowly: "Okay! I have compared both of them! Taken together, it is still for everyone to judge who is better! However, before the final result comes out, the old man still Just a reminder: this last choice is related to the bet of [-] taels, as well as the face of the students in the building! Be careful! Start choosing now."

Elder Ji also chatted about being a teenager, and when he said this, he raised his eyes and glanced at the few people on the right!

These people who were already standing on Ji Lao's left would naturally not move!When selecting characters, I stood on the left; when selecting poems, I also stood on the left; for no reason, I stood on the right when I finally made a comprehensive selection!

And the person standing on the right side of Ji Lao, seeing Ji Lao's wink, couldn't help beating in his heart.Although the word I chose is not bad, and the poem is not bad, but I don't know if it belongs to the prince!If this word is the word that bullied San Deban, wouldn't it be embarrassing for them?

The old Ji's wink just now seems to be implying something?Thinking that Elder Ji would never grow the ambition of the San Deban and lose face, he was moved, and they all stood on the left side of Elder Ji.

Elder Ji smiled and said: "I have chosen all? Are you moving?"

"Don't move." A group of people came to Ji Lao with relaxed expressions, thinking that the overall situation has been settled!

Seeing this situation, Zhao Guang also felt that the words on Ji Lao's left hand should be his own!That's right, my handwriting follows the way of my father. There are many officials in this building. They usually have a chance to come into contact with my father's handwriting, and they naturally know the style of their own handwriting. Might be wrong.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guang's heart was determined, he copied the teacup in his hand, and drank it comfortably.

Elder Ji was acting weird, and said to everyone: "Then everyone, read the poem on the left! Things will come to fruition."

Several officials who wanted to flatter the prince chanted in unison: "The blue bird holds the grapes and flies to the golden well fence."The beauty is afraid to go, not daring to roll up the curtain.


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