
Chapter 330, Molesting Narenge Rile

Chapter 330, Molesting Narenge Rile

But Su San smiled and said: "Wu Wang's order should not be disobeyed! But the Sandeban has the rules of the Sandeban. 【】Any member of the class must wear a doll face on his head to meet the guests! Therefore, the mask cannot be removed. This point is hard to follow. The class leader of the Sande class is just the class leader of the Sande class. Everyone is not a member of the Sande class. It seems that there is no need to listen to the class leader of the Sande class! No way! Because this is also stipulated by the class rules. The class rules do not allow the same performance, and a second class member speaks up! I’m afraid it will be messy. So, this point is also unforgivable.”

Then someone laughed and said, "What kind of class rules are these? Is there such an outrageous class rule?"

Seeing that Su San spoke easily, but made his own words clean, Zhao Yun felt that he had lost face, and said angrily: "Hide your head and show your tail, cheating and making jokes! How dare you openly disobey this king's order! I'm afraid it's because of ulterior motives." Ghost. Do you want to take off the headgear? If you don’t, I’d like to try the quality of the San De class.”

Everyone saw that the prince was not angry, but the king of Wu became angry first, and they couldn't help worrying about San Deban!In all fairness, San Deban is still capable.Competent people are a little weird, and there is nothing wrong with the Sande class having such weird rules!There is nothing wrong with people not wanting to show their faces.It's just that it's not worth it to offend the King of Wu in public for these reasons.

If you follow Wu Wang's wishes and say a few nice words, first respond to the scene, then take off the doll's head and show your face!After giving King Wu enough face, there will be nothing like this.But the person who spoke, although it sounded soft, but the meaning behind the words was very rigid, obviously he didn't want to listen to King Wu.

Wu Wanggui is a royal family, and he must do what he says. On this occasion, what can he do if he can't get off the stage?Since Zhao Yun opened his mouth to try San Deban's weight, he would naturally not miss out.

Seeing what Zhao Yun said, Zhao Guang quickly slapped the table and stood up!

He already guessed in his heart that Master Huang was very likely to be the father, but his character is soft, and he refuses to believe in things that can be confirmed, and always thinks that there may be other possibilities!It's just that Zhao Yun is so tit-for-tat, if Master Huang is really the father, what should he do?

The royal father appeared in such a concealed manner, he must not want people to see his true face, knowing that the royal father is here, if he doesn't maintain it, I'm afraid it will leave a bad impression in the royal father's heart !

Therefore, it was a natural reaction for him to slap the table and stand up.But when he stood up, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing Zhao Yun staring at him in surprise, and everyone also focused their eyes on him, he just felt dizzy in his head, and it took him a long time to say: "This... the state owns the state law, and the class has the class rules! The three classes It's just a theater troupe, since they have these special rules, as long as they don't hinder anyone, there is nothing to worry about!"

How could Zhao Yun listen to Zhao Guang?

He came here to sing opposite Zhao Guang!The trouble with the Sande class is to touch Zhao Guang's prestige and make Zhao Guang lose face in this account.

Su San would not let Zhao Yun do this!Ren Ji's opening ceremony, offending anyone is not good, and Su Yi's transfer to Chengdu Mansion requires Zhao Yun's efforts.If Zhao Yun broke his trust with the emperor at this time, Zhao Yun would take his anger out on Su Yi.

Therefore, as soon as Zhao Yun opened his mouth, Su San gave Xu Yingming a hint, implying that Xu Yingming would tell Zhao Yun the news that the emperor was here!

After Xu Yingming entered the door from the emperor, his heart had long been in suspense. Seeing Su San's hint, he hurried upstairs!

Su Yi was right behind Zhao Yun, although he felt that it was definitely not a good thing for King Wu and the crown prince to confront each other openly in public!But the purpose of King Wu's visit today is precisely this, and he has no way to persuade him, so he can only wait and see what happens.

Seeing Xu Yingming go upstairs, he saw him, then walked to his side, said a few words in a low voice, Su Yi turned pale with shock!He glanced downstairs lightly, thought for a while, and walked to Zhao Yun's side.

At this time the prince's words had just landed, Su Yi quickly looked at the space, stepped forward and said to Zhao Yun: "Master Huang is the emperor! Your lord must not be reckless."

King Wu's heart sank, his eyelids twitched, he didn't go downstairs, nor did Su Yi, and at the same time many thoughts flashed through his mind, he followed Zhao Guang's words and said with a smile: "It's not about worrying! It's not peaceful. When encountering suspicious things, we all have to be concerned about it, right? However, since the crown prince said so, it makes sense for Yun to think about it. After all, the Sande class was also invited by Ren Ji. Yun was surprised."

Hearing what Zhao Yun said, Su San immediately felt relieved!

It's really not easy to play with the emperor like this!Let's end it early.

But there are still people who think that things are not big enough and lively enough!

"Didn't you just say that you can speak and sing? Sing one." A delicate voice suggested.

Su San looked up, but it was Naren Gerile leaning on the fence with a charming smile, with a face of not knowing what was going on in the building, and smilingly offering suggestions!

By the time Zhao Guang wanted to stop it, it was already too late!After hearing this suggestion from Naren Gerile, the people on the first floor started screaming crazily.Everyone was overwhelmed by the Sande class, and naturally most of them were still unconvinced. This suggestion fit everyone's minds, how could they not clamor loudly?

Everything?Hey, not necessarily!How can you be sure if you don't try them one by one?

Su San does not shy away from this suggestion!Is there another master in the team who didn't make an appearance?Although Guo De is an eunuch, he has a good voice. He usually sang to make fun of the emperor!This is not a problem for San Deban.

But you can sing it. After singing, if someone else comes out with other monsters, then he can't control it. .Bie Naren looked innocent, but he noticed that Naren Ge Rile hadn't paid much attention to their martial arts performance until Zhao Guang suddenly changed his attitude, and then Zhao Yun also changed his due attitude. Rencai pays great attention to the Sandeban!That being the case, before she finds out what the situation is, she probably won't stop. Taking advantage of the people in the building, she still doesn't know how embarrassing San Deban is in her heart. Woolen cloth. .

He still has a deep memory of the time when this woman performed in the Tea Rhyme Attic!It is not easy to have such a scheming woman.If she is asked to sing here again, with the emperor, Su San is not willing to play with her!

If the boat capsized in the gutter, there would be no place for his face!

"Sing, yes!" Su San suppressed everyone's voices with these words first!Then he said slowly: "But everyone knows the rules of the Sande class! Since the girl wants to listen to the singing, she has to show her sincerity..."

"Oh! Do you want to gamble too? Well, anyway, Sandeban doesn't accept money for gambling, and if you gamble in Ren Ji, Ren Ji won't let customers pay, so let's bet 10 taels!" smiling.This made everyone laugh. .

But Su San stood there calmly, with his hands behind his back, not speaking, just waiting for the laughter in the building to die down, and then said again: "That's not necessary, just the girl to answer." A few questions for the villain! If you can answer it, then sing! If you can’t answer it, then don’t sing! The villain promises that the questions are very simple, even a fool can answer them, how dare you, girl?”

Everyone heard Su San say this, no matter how they heard it, they felt that the meaning was not simple!

What is a question that even a fool can answer?Since a fool can answer the question, why ask it!Obviously, there is something weird here.

However, fortunately, I didn't pick this head myself.Otherwise, if this sentence is reflected on my body, is it yes or no?

Na Ren deliberately didn't want to agree, and wanted to find an excuse to avoid this topic!But Su San's last sentence, "Girl can dare", aroused her heart!She is Na Ren Ge Ri Le, her heart is comparable to the prairie, and her wisdom is like the stars in the sky. Could it be that she is afraid of this smooth-talking person from the Sander Class?

"Ask." Naren Gerile said with a smile. .

The crowd booed again!The eccentric Sandeban and the exotic beauty collide together!With just this nod, the opening ceremony was not in vain. .They all helped Narenge Rile and said, "Who is afraid of whom?"

"Listen clearly." Su San said softly, and after everyone calmed down, he raised his voice and asked upstairs: "Is there anything bigger than a bowl?"

Scared, what is the problem, it is really simple enough.

Thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with it, Naren Gerile said with a smile: "Of course there is."

"Well, the bowl is bigger than the basin! The girl answered well. But, is there anything bigger than the basin?"

This question is asked.Same as the previous question.

"Of course there is."

"Well, the pot is not as big as the barrel! The girl got the answer right again, but, is there anything bigger than the barrel?"

Seeing that Su San asked so bluntly, Na Ren was not annoyed, but more cautious, but said with a relaxed expression on his face: "Of course there is."

Su San asked very quickly: "Is there anyone more stupid than you?"

Su San spoke very fast, and Na Ren was brought in by him for a while.But she had already raised caution, and as soon as she thought about it, she replied seriously: "No."

"Well, this answer can't be wrong!"

Hearing Na Ren's answer, the whole building was silent at first, and then burst into laughter. .

At this moment, Narenge Rile realized that she had been fooled by Su San!Whether you have it or not, it's your own disadvantage!He stomped his feet resentfully, with great hatred in his heart.She always thought she was smart, and she was the only one who played tricks on others, but today she was played by such a person in front of so many people, how could she be calm.


"Since the girl has admitted that no one is more stupid than the girl, then there is no need to ask the next few questions. How about telling the girl a story?" Su San laughed.


"Do not listen."

"Afraid you don't understand? It's okay, maybe I've heard it before, so it's easy to understand this time?"


Su San ignored Narenge Rile's princess temper, but said to herself: "Once upon a time, there was a fool..." Su San secretly took a look at Narenge Rile, seeing that she was actually listening, Then he continued: "She is very stupid. When people ask her any questions, she will just shake her head or answer 'no'! By the way, girl, have you heard this story?"

Na Ren remembered what Su San said before, which was easy to understand after hearing it once, and said coldly: "No."


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