
Chapter 331, I'm going to kill you!

Chapter 331, I'm going to kill you!

Su San let out an oh, and stopped talking!Instead, he directed the four baby-faced guards to prepare a few screens to cover their faces when they were going to sing for Guo De!You know, wearing this headgear, you can't sing. 【】

Everyone saw that Su San's story had reached a beginning, and then it ended, they were in awe.Suddenly I heard someone laughing.Immediately afterwards, the laughter seemed to be contagious, passing from one person to another, and it couldn't be stopped anymore.

Naren is too smart, that's why sometimes she is serious, and she is clever but she is mistaken by cleverness!Today she was full of other thoughts in her heart, and she didn't use all her energy to deal with Su San, but she made mistakes again and again, and her heart was already disturbed!That's why he fell into Su San's trap!When she woke up and realized that the idiot in Su San's story who could only shake her head or say "no" was herself, and she was the story, her anger could burn her hair.

She firmly grasped the fence, glared at Su San and said, "Pull off your doll's head, I, I will kill you."

Zhao Guang was taken aback by Narenge Rile's impulsive expression, and then became annoyed, and shouted: "Shut up!"

In a word, the laughter in the building was silenced!But some people couldn't help it, snorted, and sprayed out loudly!I couldn't swallow the laughter, so I turned to coughing directly. That expression was more painful than constipation.

After Zhao Guang finished his angry reprimand, his mind cleared up a bit. Originally, he wanted to vent his anger on Narenge Rile, but suddenly he remembered that his father was still there.I thought: Not good, how did you stop the emperor's excitement?This matter was originally Narenge Rile asking for trouble, so what should I do now?Seeing that San Deban was playing with the screen, he had to smile wryly and said: "Okay, the questions are over, let's sing."

Guo De couldn't stand it for a long time. The emperor, Charlie, and Su San had all performed well. He was naturally dissatisfied that he hadn't really appeared on the stage yet!Before he came up, he was still worried about this and that, but when the emperor was performing, Guo De no longer had to worry about anything because of his complacency. Now all he thought about was how to make the emperor happier.

He really thanked Narenge Rile very much, if it wasn't for her suggestion, he would never have had the chance to sing!

In the past, it was only sung for the emperor in the palace, but now it can be sung here, facing so many people, this kind of excitement is not something everyone can get.

Although it's a pity that you can't show your true colors, it still feels quite good.

Guo De bowed to the emperor!The emperor waved his hand to signal him to sing boldly, Guo De walked behind the screen and opened his voice!

Guo De's accent was a bit strange, but it was just right!Both men and women, and also Zhuang and Xie, but they sing the old tone of the North, with a style of their own.

Once he started singing, Guo De couldn't stop. .One song after another, when they sang to the point of emotion, the people in the building were so emotional that their faces were full of tears!

King Wu already guessed that the person who sang the song must be Guo De!And the prince has confirmed that Master Huang is definitely the emperor!

Narenge Rile's mood also calmed down at this time.She didn't know why, but when she met the leader's baby face, she felt angry naturally!Really weird.But now she can basically guess that the people in the Sande class must have a great background, otherwise King Wu and the crown prince would not have become so reserved all of a sudden. .

Could it be that the person below is the emperor?

Not the emperor, who could make King Wu and Zhao Guang so cautious at the same time?

Who does that mouth that confronts her tit for tat belong to?

With Guo De's emotional singing, the Sande class finally ended the performance!In fact, in the final analysis, this last lottery was won by Guo De!Because, when San Deban left the field, the applause was basically for Guo De.

As soon as the Sande class left, the poetry meeting resumed its normal rhythm under the auspices of Ji Lao!

After the prince and King Wu left in Sandeban, they also left in a hurry.

Zhao Qian wanted to chat with Yu Feng and the others a few more words, but Zhao Guang was leaving, and she couldn't stay alone, so she could only leave together.However, she somehow figured it out, that 'Farewell My Concubine' was originally Li Yueer's business, and after several detours, she finally expressed what she wanted for 'Farewell My Concubine'!

However, Li Yue'er laughed and said, "It's worth your while! All the distinguished guests who came today will be given gifts."

Therefore, when the prince drove away from Ren Ji, there were a few extra porcelain vases in the car!Zhao Guang pointed to the porcelain vases in the car and said, "What are these? Why are they put here?"

Zhao Qian laughed and said, "This is 'Farewell My Concubine'!"

It was only when the prince's car arrived at the imperial palace that Zhao Guang realized that this 'Farewell My Concubine' was used to wash his hair.

The activities in Renji continued after the prince and King Wu left, but the focus has shifted from Renji to the gifts to be given today.

When Xu Yingming introduced "Farewell My Concubine" and announced that all the poems that can be listed on the list of famous poems today will receive the precious "Farewell My Concubine", everyone became excited.

It's no wonder they were excited, because there were many women's hair on display, and Feng Chao, men also had beautiful hair.The so-called love of beauty, everyone has it, such a good thing, even men like it.

Ji Lao naturally relaxed the standard on purpose, and recorded as many good poems as possible!But at the same time, he held the propriety, which made some people feel regretful!

Don't count these details!When Su San sent the emperor away from Ren Ji through the back door, he breathed a sigh of relief.He said to the emperor with a wry smile: "Ning Yuan has offended both the crown prince and the king of Wu."

"Haha." Zhao Pu almost burst out laughing on the spot, how could he hold back at this moment.Pressing on Su San's shoulder, he said with a smile: "It's none of your business! This is all my idea. I love you and don't worry, go do your work, I am very happy today."

After finishing speaking, he led Guo De, Charlie and others all the way back to the palace.As he walked, he said that Guo De stole the limelight today and so on.

Seeing the emperor leaving happily, Su San couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile again!I hope the emperor won't be addicted, otherwise he won't be in the mood and just agree!

Back in Ren Ji's backyard, I saw Xiao An leading a man under a tree in the yard, waiting for him!

Su San turned out the folding fan, shook it lightly twice, then walked over, and smiled at the person led by Xiao An.The man didn't wait for Xiao An's introduction, he quickly bowed his head and said: "Master Su! The little Li Zhi is a family member in Li Cheng's residence!"

"Oh, how is Li Cheng recently? This time he entered Jinling, he didn't have time to pay a visit to the mansion, so Li Cheng should not blame Ning Yuan!" Su San said with a smile.The last time I met Li Daoming in the posthouse, we only chatted briefly for a while, without any deep talk.

Su San is actually very free, but Su Yi is still guilty, so it's not easy for him to walk around blatantly!A lot of troubles have been caused for no reason, which makes people chew their tongues.

Li Zhi smiled and said, "I won't blame you anymore! The master often mentions Master Su's kindness in Wuling!"

Su San smiled, knowing that it would be impossible for Li Zhi to know the details of how he punched He Haotian to death!At most, he knew that he had saved Li Daoming's life. .Because he once told Li Daoming not to spread the word that he knows martial arts!

Li Zhi went on to say: "My master asked the younger one to come over and pass on a message! It is said that in the imperial censor's platform, many imperial censors have written in their notebooks, to participate in Mr. Su! All the matters involved are related to the military imperial examinations , the most mentioned thing is seniority! The master said that he can’t suppress this matter, and he has persuaded some of the people who should be persuaded, but there are still some young censors who speak fiercely! Tomorrow is the Great Court Meeting, this matter is guaranteed It was exposed, and not only the Yushitai, but also the officials, there are many criticisms, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble at the court meeting tomorrow! The master asked the younger one to come over and remind Mr. Su!"

"Haha, Ning Yuan knows it well! Go back and thank your master for your kindness, and say that Ning Yuan knows."

Li Daoming was able to send Li Zhi to talk about this matter, although it was a little effort, but this kindness is still very satisfactory!After Li Zhi finished talking about this matter, he wanted to ask him to leave. He came here specifically to talk to Su San about this matter. He searched around Su's mansion first, but found no one, so he found Ji Ren!Yin said: "Master Su's mansion seems to have a guest, and he is waiting in the living room. The younger one didn't ask so many questions, so he came looking for him, so I don't know who it is."

Su San couldn't guess who would come to the door at this time.I don't know whether they are looking for him or Su Yi.Because she broke up with Li Zhi, she took Xiao An all the way back to Su Mansion!

In just half a quarter of an hour, Su San entered the Su Mansion!

But in the front yard, Zhang Gong was fighting with Yi!Take a closer look, but it is Lu An, the head of the Wolf Head Camp under Zhang He!The person sitting in front of the next step is not Zhang He, but who is it!

"Oh, Lao Zhang! Today is really a good day! What kind of wind has blown you to Jinling, and you are so hurt?" Su San stepped forward and gave Zhang He a bear hug.

When Zhang Gong and Lu An saw Su San coming in, they had already stopped.Seeing that Su San and General Zhang He are so intimate, Zhang Gong couldn't help but know Su San a little more!

Zhang He also hugged Su San tightly, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Su is promoted, Lao Zhang has heard about it in Wuling, and this time he entered Jinling to celebrate Mr. Su." After finishing speaking, he pointed to the corner of the hall wearing gift!

Su San punched Zhang He's chest, the pain caused Zhang He to burst into tears, it was not easy to hit, but he wanted to hit the injured place.

"Brothers who have lived and died together, actually still play this. They deserve to be killed." Su San said with a cold face.

Zhang He hurriedly begged for mercy: "You can't ask Lao Zhang to enter the door empty-handed! You don't accept the gift. I heard that there are still some dolls in Mr. Su's house. Why is Lao Zhang empty-handed?"

"Okay, I'm a big bastard, but I want to be polite like this. Lu An!" Su San sat down in the living room and asked Xiao An to pour tea, but said to Lu An: "Why? As soon as you enter the door, you will talk to the guard in the mansion. Fighting? Who loses and who wins?"

Zhang Gong felt that Su San's words were a bit domineering, and he was afraid that Lu An's face would be embarrassing!Unexpectedly, Lu An was very respectful, and even responded more respectfully than Zhang He: "This is all our general's fault! He can't sit still, and he doesn't like to do it himself. Seeing that the receptionist Zhang Wushi is in good shape , so I asked Lu An to try it out! Who knows, this Martial Master Zhang's kung fu is really good, under the concession, it was a tie!"


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