
Chapter 332, Awe!

Chapter 332, Awe!

Lu An's kung fu is naturally not bad!Although it is slightly inferior to Zhang He and Deng Qiying, it is already outstanding. 【】

Zhang Gong hurriedly said: "It's Master Lu who refused to use his full strength, that's why the tie was made!"

In fact, both of them have reservations!But if Su San analyzes it, Zhang Gong should be stronger than Lu An, but compared with Zhang He and Deng Qiying, he is still a little bit worse!He once heard Li Ji say that Zhang Gong's skill is not much different from that of his master Ding Jinxian, he is a brother from Zhenwei Martial Arts Academy, the one with the highest martial arts!

He is honest and willing to practice, so he has drilled deeply in martial arts.Besides, Ding Jinxian is old, and this punch is afraid of being young. If Ding Jinxian and Zhang Gong fight on the ground, it is really hard to tell who wins and who loses!

"Everyone sit down, Mr. Zhang sits too!" Seeing that Mr. Zhang was about to leave, Su San pointed to the chair beside her and said with a smile!Then he said to Zhang He: "What? At the end of this year, a group of officials are all running to Jinling, and they are all running for officials. You also follow this trend. I'm afraid you didn't come to Ningyuan on a special trip, but you also came thinking of running for officials."

Zhang He laughed and said: "Old Zhang, no one knows what I mean, Mr. Su doesn't know? Mr. said he was running away from an official, then he was running away from an official, and if he said no, then he was not."

Su San smiled and said: "It's only a few days before the Chinese New Year. Those who should run should actually run, especially at King Wu's place. It's also appropriate to prepare a small gift! Maybe at any time, King Wu will send you I remembered. Just be careful not to get too close."

Zhang He listened to Su San's words carefully, and after he wrote them down carefully, he said with a smile: "This afternoon, Mr. Zhang borrowed the treasure land, and Lao Zhang put it on a table, and called Deng Qiying and Tie Ping over together. Let's have a good time." How about a get together?"

"Okay! I've been to Jinling, but I haven't contacted them yet! This is just right!" Su San laughed.

"I'll arrange it!" Zhang He clapped his hands after saying that, and two soldiers came in from the yard. Hu fiercely clasped his fists and stood silently under the hall, very imposing!Zhang Heyi waved his hand and said: "One goes to Tie Mansion, please come over Tie Ping and Tie Yuhou! One goes to Deng Mansion, please come over Deng Qiying!"

"Yes!" The two soldiers responded with a bang, and rushed away in a hurry.

Seeing Mr. Zhang, Su San was jealous, and couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Zhang is definitely a good hand if he wants to join the army! Would you like Ning Yuan to do it for him?"

Zhang Gong's eyes were happy, but he shook his head and said: "Zhang Gong has decided to participate in this year's martial arts election! The martial arts academy has registered and kept the file, and Zhang Gong wants to fight for a martial arts job in a serious way!"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Gong really planned to join the army. Zhang He also said happily: "Okay, have ambition! However, no matter what the result of the military election is, you have to apply to join the Wuling Army. We are our own people. As long as you If you are willing to come, I will definitely not let you suffer!"

Zhang Gong was eager to try, he cupped his fists at Zhang Heyi and said, "Thank you, General Zhang!"

Su San smiled and said, "You have to be careful! Don't be a laughing General Zhang. The military discipline is very strict. After tricking you in later, I suffered a lot. Don't blame Ning Yuan for not reminding you."

But Zhang Gong said seriously: "Of all the troops in the imperial court, only the Vanguard Army is worthy of a battle! The other armies that can be compared with the Vanguard Army are the Wuling Army of the rear guard! Strictly, Zhang Gong is not afraid; bitter, Zhang Gong is even worse!" Don’t be afraid; what you’re afraid of is neither strictness nor hardship, and being a soldier is like a young master.”

Unexpectedly, Zhang Gong, who has always been quiet, would have such an idea.It's rare that he has such an accurate understanding of the army!Only this point is enough, Zhang Gong is definitely a talented person.

"Okay! Well said, I like it." Zhang He was not happy because Zhang Gong praised his Wuling Army!Whether the Wuling army is good or not, and whether it can fight or not, he knows better than anyone else. No one needs to say this.He was delighted that if Zhang Gong could say these words, it meant that this person had some brains.With good skills and brains, he picked and picked in the Wuling army, and he only picked out Lu An.

If only he could really become the commander of the rear guard!Controlling nearly 10 horses will inevitably require a large number of talents, and Zhang Gong is exactly the talent he desperately needs.It doesn't matter if you don't know how to fight, no one is born with the ability to fight; even he himself has never really been on the battlefield.He knew very well that if the battle was fought, it would happen naturally.What he wants now is loyalty. He doesn't want to be the commander of the guard army, but he can't control the people under him at all. Therefore, he is extremely eager for talents.

Near noon, Zhang He called his soldiers to listen to a table set up in Yulou, and Su San asked Xiao An to go to the store to get some fried fish nuggets to drink with!While setting up the room, Deng Qiying hurried in.

The wound on this boy's face has healed, but he left a terrifying scar!Not to mention, he used to be a little boy, but now he really adds a lot of masculinity.

As soon as he came in, he said loudly: "Little brother is guilty. Mr. Su has been in Jinling for so long, and the little brother didn't come and walk around. It's all my mother's fault. She refused to let me go out. If I didn't go to the Imperial Guard yesterday to register Submission, I heard that Mr. Su has become a martial arts examiner, I really don’t know that Mr. has come to Jinling long ago! Guilty, guilty, three cups of punishment!”

"Okay, don't be guilty as soon as you enter the door! With your appearance, if you really go out and scare the little girl, then you are really guilty. If you stay at home honestly, you are doing good deeds, understand?" Zhang He said. Like to joke with Deng Qiying.

Deng Qiying said with a bitter face: "Hey, don't mention it, the woman's family really came to withdraw the marriage, but the girl refused to withdraw, so it was considered over, but the marriage was postponed. In fact, Qiying would rather withdraw, manly man, Why bother with your wife?"

"Yo, just say it! With a pale face, a woman will definitely jump! Tsk tsk, it sounds nice, why worry about a wife, begging for a child, as long as you have money, you want to marry a wife in your family, who is willing to marry a daughter to you?" Grimace? I don’t know, which family’s girl is you, you’re so embarrassed, you’re going to follow you, I’m afraid you’ve already given her to that.” Zhang He is someone who has been here before, and the joke was marginal.

These words made Deng Qiying blush, but she said with a smile: "It's the same sentence, with this scar, she is more manly, and a girl with some knowledge will never judge others by appearance. I don't want Qiying, the girl."

Su San saw that the two of them were chatting endlessly on this topic, so she crossed a cross and asked, "Just now you mentioned that you can apply for membership in the Imperial Guard, is Qiying planning to join the Imperial Guard?"

Since Deng Qiying met Su San for the first time in the small tea shed outside Wuling City, every time he saw Su San, he would have a deeper understanding; and the more he knew Su San, the more he respected Su San in his heart!

To Su San, he is truly in awe, a kind of awe that looks up from a high mountain.


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