
Chapter 333, Don't get drunk

Chapter 333, Don't Get Drunk, Don't Return

This feeling deepens every time I see Su San. 【】Although on the surface, he appeared to be very affectionate with Su San, but in his heart, he didn't think he could talk to Su San on an equal footing.When he thought about it, Su San was younger than him, but he could do things that were much higher than him. Even though he still wanted to compare himself, he always felt a little bit powerless!Since you are strong, then simply save your worries and learn from Su San.

Therefore, when Su San asked, he withdrew his joking intentions and replied seriously: "Yes! My father Deng Shixiong is an officer of the Imperial Guard. According to the usual practice, he is qualified to enlist a family member into the Imperial Guard! This My father talked about it for a year last year. At that time, Qiying was still in the mood of having fun, so she did not join the army. This time when she came back, her mentality changed, so she wanted to do a good job in the army."

Su San smiled and glanced at Zhang He!Zhang He slapped his thigh and said: "What kind of imperial guards do you enter? It's a place where a bunch of young masters and buddies fight and play around. If you go in with your skills, you won't be able to beat them out of shit." Come on. Tell me, you might as well come to the Wuling Army and do it.”

To Zhang He, Deng Qiying was not so polite, and replied: "When you go to the Imperial Guard, with our family's background, you must be at least a lieutenant from the fifth rank once you enter! After another year of mixing, you can easily reach the fourth rank. You It’s a general from the fourth rank, who wants to mess with you? How?”

Zhang He got angry for a while, and cursed: "Unless you go to the guard camp, you can almost get a fourth rank! But even if that's the case, your fourth rank will be in the army, and you won't be able to do it honestly." Live! Leading Lu An's horse, I still think it's hard for you."

'Powchi', Su San laughed, waved his hands and said to Deng Qiying: "If you want to become an official, it is a good thing to have the conditions to join the Imperial Guard! But you don't know, maybe next year, there will be wars in the court. By then The Praetorian Guard, but there is no battle."

"Ah, really?" Deng Qiying asked in surprise.

"Of course it's a guess! Believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway, Ning Yuan believes it. If you want to go to the battlefield with real swords and guns, you might as well join the Imperial Guard slowly. Anyway, that vacancy will be yours sooner or later. Wait for it later." What's the matter? Besides, there will be a military election next year, don't you want to meet the heroes of the world? If you become a martial arts scholar, and then enter the imperial guards, you don't need to spend a year. I'm afraid you will get a fourth-rank military position. must!"

Su San's words made Deng Qiying's eyes brighter and she kept nodding her head and said, "Well, let's do this. In the afternoon, I will ask the old man to bring back the registration. In fact, Qiying also felt that in the imperial guards, It's not interesting at all. There are scattered ones, some doze off, some are late, and some are simply vacant. It's like an army."

While talking, Tieping walked in.Everyone accepted the conversation.

After Tie Ping met with everyone, he said to Su San: "Why didn't Engong live in the Iron Mansion when he arrived in Jinling? Did he not look down on someone like Tie? Even if there was something like Mr. Su's, Engong wanted to avoid suspicion. You should tell Tieping."

These words are a bit of a questioning meaning, but they also appear to be affectionate!Su San smiled, no matter what Tieping said was true or false!At least he wanted to take Tie Ping's good face, so he thanked: "Brother had an accident at the time, Ning Yuan was not in the mood to meet Brother Tie! He thought in his heart that the fewer people he saw, the better, and there was no other meaning. Besides, Ning Yuan Brother Tie was still in Wuling when we came here!"

Tieping really didn't know when Su San came to Jinling!And after returning to Jinling, he was busy paying the order and returning to his order.He is under the jurisdiction of the Foreign Guard Battalion of the Imperial Guard!

Although this guard battalion is the establishment of the battalion head, the number of people is far more than 500. (For the imperial army, ten people form a group, five groups form a team, and ten teams form a battalion, with a total of 500 people!) The level is also much higher than that of ordinary battalions.

Earlier, Deng Qiying said that the way to quickly rise to the fourth rank meant that she was entering this externally transferred guard camp, not the palace guard camp led by Charlie!Whenever there are imperial envoys on official business, or other places where official business is required, they must be transferred from the external guard battalion.

Although the imperial court gave this battalion a very high treatment, but because the quality of the imperial guards itself is not high, and the treatment in the guard battalion is good, there are opportunities to go abroad to earn money, so many people sharpened their heads and wanted to enter this camp. camp.This will further cause the overall strength of the externally transferred guard battalion to decline, no need.

However, what is commendable is that the loyalty of the guard battalion to the imperial court has not changed!Since each bodyguard more or less has the shadow of the family in the Imperial Guard, and their appointment will also affect the appointment of future generations, so there are very few incidents of running away.However, there were very few cases where Li Daoming encountered such a thing when he was on a business trip. In fact, the requirements for the combat power of the guard battalion were not so strict.

But this time, it reminded the guard camp!Combat strength still needs to be improved!

Dozens of people were lost at once. As the Marquis Yu who led the team this time, even if he did not commit any crimes, he still had a lot of things to deal with.Even if Su San waited for Tieping to live in Jinling once he returned to Jinling, Tieping might not be in the mood to receive him.

Behind every guard is a home!Moreover, the homes of these guards are different from the homes of ordinary civilians. These homes are more or less powerful!Therefore, it is inevitable that some things need to be explained repeatedly and work patiently.In peacetime, so many people died at once, and he, the leader of the team, would have to be scolded by others.

Naturally, Su San could understand these plots!

"Oh, that's right! At that time, it seemed that Tieping was indeed in Wuling. Haha, let's not talk about that..." Tieping smiled and sat down!He nodded with Deng Qiying, got to know Zhang Gong again, and then said to Su San: "I heard that Engong accepted the deputy chief examiner of the military election, and I haven't had time to congratulate him yet! In the past few days, many people in the Imperial Guard Telling about you! There are many people who are not convinced. I heard it, and I can't wait to slap their ears. They are really talking nonsense with their eyes closed. Talking about Engong this and that, really makes people hate it! But the people in the guard camp absolutely support Engong, we know whether you are qualified or not."

"Those who don't know are not guilty. People have dissatisfaction in their hearts, so let them say a few words, what's the matter?" Su San laughed and said, "Rumors only stop with wise people, there is no need to be so idle! Come on, today Lao Zhang is the host, I Borrow Lao Zhang's wine, let's raise a glass first to celebrate our reunion in Jinling. Today, if you don't get drunk, you won't return."

"If you don't get drunk, you won't return." Everyone laughed together.


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