
Chapter 334, Pricing

Chapter 334, Pricing

There are really sincere people!If you don't get drunk and don't return, you are really drunk!

Zhang Gong was the first to bear the brunt, followed by Deng Qiying, and finally Tieping, all of them were drunk!Zhang He and Su San also drank a lot, but they could still control it. 【】Zhang He has a lot of alcohol and can hold back on the scene, so he drank less and was not drunk; Su San didn't know if it was because his body was not used to alcohol, but even if he didn't drink much, he didn't dare to try it lightly after several times Drink a lot, so make room during the meal.If so, I also feel that I drank too much wine today, and it will be a little better after drinking a few cups of hangover tea!

After seeing off Zhang He and the others, I took a nap in the west courtyard in the afternoon. When I got up, the sky was still gloomy, and it seemed to be dark but there was still light.Hearing the sound of chirping in the yard, there are many people talking faintly.

He cleared his throat!Xiao An heard that Su San woke up, and ran in quickly.

"What's going on outside? Why is it so noisy?"

Xiao An blushed, scratched her head and said, "They're all girls from Qingfeng Building. When they came back in the afternoon, they insisted on waiting outside for the third master to wake up, saying they wanted to talk about 'Farewell My Concubine'."

Su San had a wry smile on her face!That's a little too positive.

After thinking about it, he said to Xiao'an: "I won't see them anymore. Go ahead and talk about it. If you really want to do it! Everyone goes back and prepares 5000 taels of silver, and they will hand it over to me tomorrow... Oh, 5000 taels seems like a lot to them. It’s a bit much; um, 1000 taels! Tell them that the third master can’t promise them a guaranteed profit, and it’s not up to them to decide how to use the money! Tell them to think clearly. If they lose money, they can Don't trouble the third master. If you have the guts, pay the money and come in tomorrow afternoon, let Yue'er take the lead, and start the training; if you don't have the guts, just open a restaurant with Yu Feng honestly, and find another way to make a living That's fine. Go ahead and tell them the meaning."

Xiao An responded and went out, and after a while, all the people in the yard dispersed!Xiao An came in and said, "Mistress Yue'er is in the yard, she wants to come in and talk."

"Oh... let her come in! By the way, is Yu'er back yet? Tell her to make her dinner lighter at night, and make her lunch too oily." Su San stretched her waist, put on her shoes and stood up!

Yue'er came in, probably because of 'Farewell My Concubine'!In fact, he is also very concerned about this matter, after all, the further it goes, the more money it will cost!

Ting Chaoxuan is in the initial stage of construction, and all the money will fall on the sales of the product 'Farewell My Concubine'; if 'Farewell My Concubine' cannot quickly accumulate money in a relatively short period of time, let alone Ting Chaoxuan's arrival in Beijing Sub-stations have been set up all over the country, but it is difficult to maintain them locally.

Intelligence gathering is actually a money-burning game!No money, don't even think about it.For now, it is not impossible to use Ren Ji's money to support Ting Chaoxuan!But Ren Ji still needs to open a branch, and he is still in the investment stage, and he spends a lot of money; therefore, now he also desperately needs another source of income; "Farewell My Concubine" he placed high expectations.

When Yue'er came in, Su San stepped forward and took Yue'er's hand and smiled, "Why did you run away last night?"

Su San asked the question knowingly!A naked man suddenly appeared in front of a big girl with yellow flowers. The woman of Feng Dynasty is not as good as the woman of the previous life. It is strange that she has seen the world so well and is not scared away!

If Li Yueer was replaced by Yu Feng, Zhou Yingying, or Tianxiang, I'm afraid they would be more resistant to such things. If Li Yueer and Tang Li didn't run away, there would be something wrong with them.

Knowing that this was the case, Su San wanted to ask because of Yue'er's blushing face. .

"I hate it." Yue'er blushed, and quickly pulled her hand out of Su San's.Seeing Su San's lewd smile, she hid behind Su San's back, hugged Su San's waist tightly, and leaned her face on Su San's back, not letting Su San her.She didn't leave Su San's back embarrassedly until her face returned to normal.

"Haha, sit down!" Seeing Yue'er's face turned red, Su San couldn't help laughing, took Yue'er's hand, and sat down at the desk.

After Yue'er settled down, she told Ren Ji in the morning that she had announced that she wanted to find a partner in Jinling.

Su San nodded and said: "I proposed this method, which is called agency, also called joining! It's a new idea, a new method, there will definitely be people who come to ask, but I'm afraid not many people can accept it completely. , it still needs a lot of ideas to communicate. Fortunately, our "Farewell My Concubine" is a chicken that can lay eggs. With this premise, we are not afraid that they will not be willing to board the ship! It needs to be high. Let me think about it. Regardless of everything, the franchise fee must be paid first; a place like Jinling needs to pay a franchise fee of 10 taels of cash! A place like Wuling needs at least 6 taels! The standard for other places is you Go and decide. The money paid is not only the franchise fee, but also the deposit. It violates our system, and it will be fined from here. If it is insufficient, they will need to make up for it. The payment is extra and cannot be deducted from it, and the payment must be made first, this is the most basic principle.”

Yue'er was stunned for a long time, and asked cautiously: "Is it too overbearing! I didn't give anyone anything, and I took such a large sum of money first! It's not a few hundred taels, a few thousand taels, would Anyone willing?"

"As long as 'Farewell My Concubine' can make money, they are willing! Yue'er, you have to change your old ideas. Do you know why you want to open a flagship store? Could it be that Ning Yuan just agreed to make those girls happy? ? No! The purpose of opening a flagship store is to let everyone see that 'Farewell My Concubine' is a hen that can only lay golden eggs. Have you ever considered? The cost of a jar of 'Farewell My Concubine' It may not be even two or three taels of silver, but the price can be astonishing!"

"But, what price is Ning Yuan going to set?" Yue'er was a little apprehensive.Before she came, she had calculated the cost of this shampoo, and found that when it was actually produced, the shampoo in this jar would only cost two taels of silver!The quantity is still not large at present, and if the quantity increases, the cost will have to be reduced.

It can be expected that 'Overlord' is the main feature, and 'Farewell My Concubine' is the package!The overlord with two taels of silver and one jar is all filled in porcelain bottles, which can hold a hundred bottles!According to the calculation of one tael of silver and one thousand yuan, the cost price of each bottle, diluted, is twenty.She didn't know what price Su San would set for this cost, but taking fried fish nuggets as an example, she believed that this price would definitely not be low.

"Price is very important! Because this 'Farewell My Concubine' is something that is used daily. Once a consumption habit is formed, this item is indispensable! Therefore, Ning Yuan believes that the price should not be set too high."

Yue'er is still uncertain about the exact meaning of what Su San said, so don't set it too high, how much is it?What kind of price is not too high? 41 bottles, or four hundred and one bottles?

"One tael, one bottle! One tael is the final price in the hands of customers, and it refers to 'Bawang' alone! The price of 'Farewell My Concubine' should be set higher, after all, this is a matching product. For retail As far as customers are concerned, the price of 'Bawang' must be fixed and cannot be changed! Let every customer know that it is one or two yuan per bottle, and this price can even be printed on the porcelain bottle. One or two is our ex-factory The price, that is, the price given to the agent. The profit margin of a bottle of two renminbi is reserved for them. This profit is quite considerable."

Yue'er was stunned, the price wasn't set high?

"Is this price a bit higher, and will the sales increase?" Yue'er was a little worried, just like Ren Yingying was.

Su San smiled and said: "How should I say this? This product is destined not to be affordable by ordinary people. Ordinary people may only buy one bottle in a year, or in a lifetime! ( Here’s a reminder to Yue’er that repacking must be carried out in the factory, and it must not be shipped like this, one jar after another! Keep the original factory, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.) These people are not our main customers. For these customers According to the needs, the factory can sub-pack small bottles. But the customers who can afford it and use it frequently are our real customers. Never think about how much the sales volume will be, we can only use practice to constantly prove it! I I can only tell you that this amount is astonishing! It’s so big that you can’t even believe it yourself. Otherwise, why should we charge someone 10 taels? And why should we let people take the money to pick up the goods?”

"Take money to pick up the goods?"

"Naturally pick up the goods. Everyone who wants to pick up the goods has to go to the warehouse in Wuling to pick up the goods! As for the agents who travel far or near, we will provide appropriate subsidies for the freight! But we don't care about the transportation, how to transport it back, That's their business."

"Isn't it too easy!"

"It's not easy, so I won't release the agent! Otherwise, what are they called agents, otherwise, why would they earn such a two-point profit?"

"What if, what if no one comes to pick up the agent?" Yue'er said without confidence.

"Haha.. Don't worry about it, let's focus on finishing the flagship store first. After finishing it, people will naturally come to us. Before that, even if someone came to look for them, they would be scared away by our conditions." Su San smiled. road.

Yue'er, who is the leader, is so unconfident, so the person who came to act as an agent, how could he have the guts!No one's money came from Dashui, who dared to make such a big bet? Press 10 taels in first, and then spend money to buy products. The profit of a bottle is two renminbi. If you can’t sell two or three bottles in a day, wouldn’t you be hanged? Who can let go of 10 taels of pressure on others?

Su San also didn't ask Yue'er to digest what he said immediately. Yue'er had been in business for a while, and unlike Ying'er, she already had her own way of thinking. Compared with Ying'er, the difficulty is much greater.Therefore, she can only use hard facts to conquer her mind!Therefore, the flagship store must be opened.

As long as the flagship store is successful, not only the agent will have confidence, but Yue'er will also have confidence.


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