
Chapter 335, Upcoming

Chapter 335, Upcoming

Su Sandao: "I will draft a contract template for the agent. Some of its contents will also be reflected on the packaging of the products. For example, the products of Jinling should be burnt with the words Jinling on the porcelain bottle. 【】. This is a bitter experience. It’s up to the merchants who provide us with porcelain vases. You have to tell them not to make them exquisite, but to make them practical! The texture of the porcelain vases must be lowered, and it must be guaranteed to be not fragile! If you are too busy, just Let the agent make the bottle according to the style we provide, and then hand it over to us for filling, and we can get rid of the corresponding bottle money!"

"Will anyone agree to this?"

"No? Let's see! If it's because of the bottle, which company's goods can't be supplied, can you conjure up a bottle..." Su San smiled, feeling that Yue'er's thinking was a little bit different from her own. Far.Then he changed the subject and said: "I have already told the girls in Qingfenglou that each person will pay 1000 taels first, and those who pay the money will be allowed to participate in the training. In principle, as long as they pay the money, they can be given priority. Become a shareholder of the flagship store. Originally, I wanted you to give them training, but now you have not fully digested what Ning Yuan said. In this case, you come with them and come to participate in the training. Ning Yuan will host this time Training! Also, let Yu Feng also participate, she wants to open a restaurant, and she has to change a lot of ideas."

Su San misses the training scene when she was young in the previous life!That kind of passion, that kind of impulsiveness, that kind of passionate feeling, it seems that the whole world is within his grasp.Although it had been many years, every time he thought about it, it still made him excited.

Li Yue'er was far from realizing how important the upcoming training would be!Until many years later, when she became a queen, when she talked about the past with her sisters, she still lamented that it was that training that completely changed her and made her fully understand that the king is not a woman like her. driving.

With Yu'er and Xiaoan living in the courtyard, the women will only run to the west courtyard openly, and will never come here secretly again.But if you come in an open manner, you will naturally leave in an open manner.

After Su San tasted the sweetness last night, what was in her mind was not that they came and left openly, but hoped that they would be more courageous.Unfortunately, last night's 'prosperity' is gone forever.

Therefore, Su San could only calm down and prepare some case work!

I heard that many things in Chaoxuan need to be planned, and the planning of "Farewell My Concubine" products must also be paid attention to, including tomorrow's training. Although I am familiar with it, there must be an overall arrangement!

Some need to be cleared up, and some need to be written down.

Written words can change a person's thinking more permanently than spoken words. If he wants to express his ideas, speaking alone is not enough.Even if he is time-traveled, even if he is reborn, even if he is a human being in two lives, it is impossible to get something for nothing!

Any success is not just talk!We must do our best.

Fortunately, he is used to these things. .

In the dead of night, when everyone is asleep, is when he really puts his heart into it. .If you want to be a great man, you must sleep less than others on the premise of being smarter and more diligent than others.

People are still sleeping, but he is thinking deeply; people are still sleeping, but he has already got up.With the passage of time, success is constantly accumulating, until one day, there will be a qualitative leap, and all expenses will be rewarded!

So, after a busy night and two hours of sleep, Su San got up to practice boxing!

While practicing vigorously, Su Yi came over in a hurry and said: "Today is the grand court meeting, and all military officials will go to the hall to discuss matters. Although you have a false job, the last time the emperor selected you as an examiner for the military election, you haven't done it yet." Thank you! And this court meeting, the rumors are bad for you, little brother, so the emperor will most likely let you go to the palace! You should wait outside the palace, and if you have the opportunity, you can also say a few good words for yourself."

In fact, Su Yi had already told Su San about this matter yesterday, but Su Yi was afraid that Su San would not take it seriously, so he came over early and reminded him again.

Su San smiled and said: "Understood, brother! If you are so anxious, even if the emperor is annoyed by what they say, and Ning Yuan is really dismissed, it's just such a small matter."

"Hey, let's put it this way! But in the officialdom, people's eyes are very cheap! No matter what your ambition is, brother, even if you really want it in the future. This is also a qualification, isn't it? Just recognize this, the front of your elder brother’s door was not like this before! But what about now? What should be kept, must be kept. Otherwise, others will only think that you are incapable and incompetent.”

Su San had to admit that what Su Yi said was correct.

The reason why he doesn't care about this is because he doesn't want to benefit from the emperor!From the bottom of his heart, he still talks about love.Even a hard-hearted person should have a grateful heart for the kindness that the emperor bestowed on him!For him, this grateful heart cannot be had, it is a demon.So he would rather Zhao Pu go back on his word and remove himself from his post.

However, this is also wishful thinking.

As the eldest brother said, there are some things that cannot be allowed to go up now.And he also understands in his heart that starting from scratch is not impossible, it just takes time; and what he lacks is time, the Beijing people will not give him time, and the original people will not give him time.

In two years, or in three years, or in four years, will the dynasty face a catastrophe?Who knows?Anyway, it won't be ten years, or even ten years!There is not much time left for myself.

Even if he was given so much time, wouldn't Feng Chao give him ten years to develop easily?Fengren is a softie to outsiders, but he has a lot of means inside.

These are not realistic!

The most realistic thing is to constantly strive for high points, and use the resources of the imperial court to develop first under the cloak of the imperial court.After all, it is still a qualification!Only if your skills are high, can you have the possibility of shaking the Lord!

"Well, Ning Yuan understands what big brother means. The third brother will be careful."

"Get ready to go to court!" Su Yi's words were a bit lonely!Usually at this time of year, he would have to be well-dressed, and he would be among the top three, discussing state affairs at court, but now it was a different sky.That's how life goes, ups and downs!

Being crossed by Su Yi, this punch is not easy to practice again!Su San returned to the room, washed up, had breakfast, then put on the fourth-rank official uniform that had been prepared earlier, and led Xiao An out of the Su residence!

The Great Court Meeting has requirements on the time of going to the court. If the ministers want to attend the court meeting, they have to go to the hall to wait for the order before dawn!And when you don't usually go to court, the time is much more relaxed.

All the way through the Li main gate, all the family members and bearers who accompanied the officials stopped in front of the Lingxing gate!Only the officials themselves are allowed to enter the forbidden area!

The guards of the forbidden palace, the small yellow gate of the forbidden palace, and the officials in the political affairs hall are all on duty in this Lingxing gate today!Officials who often enter and leave the palace are allowed to pass through after a little identification.Officials from other provinces who are waiting for the order to meet the Holy Spirit must have a detailed survey and a letter from the official!

After entering the Lingxing Gate, it doesn't mean that you will go straight to Miyagi and meet at Zhengde Hall!Instead, it was Wannei, the official who was waiting outside the gate of the palace city.

All officials, big or small, are here to rest and wait!Only when the emperor's preparations are complete and the decree is issued, everyone will stand in front of the gate according to their schedule, and enter the palace for the court meeting!Those who are not qualified to enter the palace to discuss matters, please see the reason for logging in, and sit here waiting for an audience.

Su San has the status of walking in front of the imperial court, holding the guard card, he can go straight to the outside of Zhengde Hall!

But during the court meeting, using this privilege is a very eye-catching thing.Unless there is an extremely important matter that cannot wait for a moment, no one will do such a showy thing.

Jieguanwan is actually a single vacant room beside the palace road between Lingxingmen and Chongtianmen!There is nothing else in the room except a lot of chairs.There are two large iron signs in front of the door.One piece reads: Silence!Another one reads: Don't speak!

But as soon as Su San walked into Jieguan Wan, there was a buzz of discussion inside!It seems that the two iron plates in front of the door have long been decorations.

Although Jieguanwan's house is big, it is quite crowded with so many officials crammed in at once!Chairs that stand up a lot, at this time, become scarce!

Officials with a smaller official title would not dare to take the chair; even officials with a slightly higher official position should give up their chairs to senior and high-ranking officials to sit on them!Those who can sit are basically important ministers of the court, Wang Chen.When officials from other provinces come here, they only serve tea and water.

Su San didn't need to curry favor with anyone, so she just came in to avoid Chenfeng!

But as soon as he came in, what he heard in his ears were all discussions about himself.

"This Su Ningyuan doesn't know what his background is? What kind of mystery is he making! An examiner who has become an examiner who has won both martial arts and martial arts, this kind of honor has never been seen before!"

"What background can you have? It's just a cloth merchant's background, not even a scholar."

"What kind of talent does he have to be honored? I have worked hard for the affairs of the country, but I have never received such honors! If I see him, I will ask him carefully..."

"I heard that the censors of the Yushitai have been handing in the papers for the past two days, and many censors have come in today, and this matter will make a big fuss."

"It's good to make a big deal! You can become an official if you speculate like this, so why do you go to the imperial examination? Martial arts? Just wait for the emperor's humble service, and it's over after a few words."

"You are so brave, dare to criticize the emperor? In the whole world, could it be the king's minister! Whoever the emperor wants to be an official, then let him be an official. How dare you say those words to the emperor?"

"Why don't you dare? The country has its own system for selecting officials, even the emperor can't do it arbitrarily, there must be a law! We are for the sake of the country, and we are dedicated to the public. How can we care about personal gains and losses?"

Similar remarks are the focus of discussion in different circles of officials!

It was Wu Taiming who came in to Su San, waved and smiled at Su San and said, "Ning Yuan is here, this way!"


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