
Chapter 336, The dragon body is ill!

Chapter 336, The dragon body is ill!

All the officials saw that the young man who just came in was Su San, Su Ningyuan. 【】Let's go to Su San together!Some people wanted to come forward to tease Su San, but seeing Wu Taiming being so affectionate to Su San, they felt a little apprehensive, stopped their steps, and wanted to stop and stop again and again!

Now, if Su San and Wu Taiming are very affectionate!That means that Su San is going to lean over there. Since he is the right person, Wu Taiming will have to act according to Su San's matter at the court meeting today!You can't blindly oppose it. .

How could Su San not be aware that Wu Taiming's greeting meant that the wind was turning!Between the government and the opposition, he is either an enemy or a friend, and he will eventually have to make a choice.

In fact, before the future, I have already made good mental preparations in this regard.

Since he doesn't want to rely on the prince, he doesn't want to rely on the second prince either!He wants to make full use of his young and 'ignorant' advantage, and just be an official who pretends to be stupid!Don't open your mouth about everything, walk around everything, don't offend both sides, and hold hands in secret.Only in this way can I be an official for a long time.

With a smile, he approached Taiming Wu, cupped his hands and said, "President Wu!"

No one dared to sit next to Wu Taiming, so the chair was empty.Wu Taiming pointed to the chair and said, "Sit!"

Su San chuckled and sat down naturally!

This move immediately attracted the squinting eyes of all the officials!Xindao: It turns out that he is an innocent brat!

Wu Taiming smiled inadvertently and said, "Are you nervous for the first court meeting?"

"Don't be nervous! Hehe, besides, there may not be a chance to go to the palace!"

"There is a chance! If you have something to do, please see me. Today is the court meeting. After the important matters are discussed, the emperor will receive the officials who will attend the meeting as usual. You have a good will, and there is still a chance to attend the court meeting." Wu Taiming stroked Brushing his beard, he explained gently.

"Su San, what's the matter? I came in today because I was afraid that the emperor would summon me." Su San was telling the truth, but it was a bit jarring to other people's ears.

First of all, there is nothing to do, what are you doing here?Secondly, you are not an important minister of the imperial court, and the martial arts examination is far from starting. What can the emperor tell you?If every official is afraid of being summoned by the emperor and crowds here, how can Jieguan Wan be crushed?

Wu Taiming saw that Su San could not speak well, so he just regarded him as young and talkative!Then I lost my mind to ask again, let out a soft oh, and sat in the chair with my eyes closed to rest my mind.

Seeing that Wu Taiming stopped talking to her, Su San looked so so-called!Still stupidly sitting in the chair next to Wu Taiming, staring at the room full of officials.

This move naturally aroused criticism from the officials.Some officials who came in later, who didn't know why, saw Su San sitting beside Wu Taiming so carelessly, and when they asked clearly that this person was Su San, they all shook their heads one by one.

What kind of character did you think it was?It turned out to be a fool, so I couldn't help but calm down a little.

Jieguanwan's duty officer today is Xu Shilang!

Officials who enter the court meeting must first come to him to make an appointment; officials who are unable to attend the meeting due to illness or business must also have an official from the same yamen to plead their affection!Other officials who are waiting to meet must also fill out a letter of affection and hand it over to Guo De, the chief eunuch, who will report to the emperor and decide who can go to the palace for discussion.

In fact, Xu Shilang, the official on duty, is just a leader. The specific tasks on duty are also done by his subordinates, and he does not need to do it himself.

By the time everything has been sorted out, the sky has already brightened up!This is the time to really go up.

As soon as the door curtain was opened, Guo De walked in leading two small yellow doors.Seeing Guo De coming in, everyone knew that the court meeting was about to begin, so all the officials got up together, and the court officials who were sitting on the chairs also stood up slowly, preparing to stand in line outside and enter the palace. .

Unexpectedly, Guo De opened his voice and shouted: "Your Majesty is not feeling well, today's court meeting is temporarily cancelled! There will be discussions in the side halls of the chief officials of the si yamen, and Su Lingshi will accompany you to see him. Here you go!"

As soon as the words fell, all the officials in the room suddenly chattered loudly.

"Hmm." Guo De snorted heavily, swept his eyes across the officials, suppressed the scene, and then said to them: "Officials who have something to do, please ask the heads of departments to report! Officials who have nothing to do, go back to the yamen to handle business Right. This is Jieguanwan, not a teahouse or wine shop, how can there be noise?"

Seeing all the officials, Guo De was silent, winked at Su San triumphantly, and said earnestly: "The officials of all ministries, come with the miscellaneous family."

After that, he turned around and walked out.

Wu Taiming and Zhu Tiangong walked together, followed by the two chief officials of the Privy Council, followed by several servants in the Political Affairs Hall, and then followed by the Nine Gates Inspection, Yushi Cheng, Dali Temple Zhengqing, Jinling Fu Yin, the doctor of the third department.

Su Sanyang was in the last place, and under the glaring gaze of all the officials, he walked out to meet the officials.Guo De led the way and led the officials all the way to Zhengde Hall.

Although the Grand Court Meeting was cancelled, there were quite a few people from these two teams going out!The two courts and three divisions, as well as a few yamen in Gyeonggi, are all here. This is the core of the entire Dafeng Dynasty.If someone arrests all the people here, then Dafeng Dynasty will be in chaos immediately.

Su San didn't know most of these people!

Wu Taiming and Zhu Tiangong, who are at the top, know each other.Although the two ministers of the Privy Council have never met before, they can guess that the two must be Mr. Shi Hongming, who knows the Privy Council, and Mr. Zhang Shutong, who is also a member of the Privy Council.

Among the servants, only Xu Shilang was recognized.He is Xu Wei's father, and he is the one who is on duty today, so I recognize him.

Mo Shaohua, the chief inspector of the Nine Gates, met yesterday at the opening ceremony of Renji, but he was wearing a doll mask at that time, so Mo Shaohua probably hadn't seen himself.The rest of the people only knew Li Daoming and Xu Jiangjin.

Su San walked at the end of the line, thinking in her heart that the emperor had a good time yesterday, but today he will definitely not be sick so quickly.Presumably, he was worried that someone in the court would surround and suppress him to appoint his own resolution, so he would rather cancel the court meeting.

If it is really ill, there is no need to summon all these ministers in the side hall.

It's not that the emperor has no way to deal with these ministers.You want to impeach an official personally selected by the emperor in person, but the emperor will not give you this chance at all, so what else can you do.

However, the cancellation of the court meeting is only to delay the matter for a while, and it does not finally solve the problem!In Su Sanlai, the emperor must have other measures to extinguish this fire.


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