
Chapter 337: Discussion in Mingde Hall!

Chapter 337: Discussion in Mingde Hall!

When a group of people followed Guo De into the side hall of Zhengde Hall, the emperor was already in the side hall. 【】That spirit, of course, doesn't look sick.

Under the leadership of Wu Taiming, all the officials bowed down and shouted long live three times, then Zhao Pucai waved: "Let's get down!"

The desk that was originally in the side hall has been moved aside!The emperor sat in the large dragon chair, and after watching everyone get up, he said to Guo De: "Give me a seat, there are several things to discuss today."

Guo De hurriedly led a group of small yellow gates to set up chairs. When he was in a hurry, the crown prince and the king of Wu joined forces and entered, knelt down in front of Zhao Pu and said: "I send my respects to my father!"

"Get up! Sit down." Zhao Pu waved his hand and asked Guo De to add two more chairs to his left and right hands.

All the ministers were sitting upright, not knowing what kind of things the emperor was going to discuss today.

Zhao Pu glanced at all the officials, then at the seat at the back, and looked at Su San with lowered eyebrows, before he said slowly: "Let's talk about the first one first! In the past two days, I have received many memorials, all about my appointment and use of martial arts. The matter of the imperial examination examiners! The memorial is well written, but in my opinion, all the memorials are the same. Everyone just uses various reasons to say that my decision is wrong. Wu Aiqing, according to you, Am I wrong?"

Wu Taiming hurriedly got up, but was pushed back to his seat by Zhao Pu.After sitting down again, he said slowly: "In the previous dynasty, there was a precedent for the prime minister at the age of 12, and there was an exception to promote talents. As long as there are talents and abilities, the emperor is not wrong, but the opinions of the ministers are also reasonable! I don’t know whether the officials are talented or not. The emperor suddenly entrusted civilians with heavy responsibilities, and it is understandable for them to have concerns for the sake of the court.”

Saying this is tantamount to not saying it.Wu Taiming also did not clarify his true intentions!It seems to agree with the emperor's decision, and it seems to support the letter.

"If you don't understand, then you should find a way to understand it! There are thousands of officials in the Manchu Dynasty. Do they know each of them? Why don't they criticize other officials so unanimously? Zhu Aiqing, I am sorry for this Appointment, what can you do?" Zhao Pu refuted Wu Taiming's words, and turned to ask Zhu Tiangong.

Zhu Tiangong immediately replied: "I know that Su San is very talented, so it is appropriate to be appointed as the chief examiner of the imperial examination. Although Su San's qualifications are still relatively low, this appointment reflects the emperor's serious heart! As for military use, everyone sitting here , there is such a precedent. Lord Shi, Lord Zhang, and Lord Mo are all in this case, and I think there is nothing wrong with it. Isn’t it also a lot of criticism when Shaohua was promoted to the Nine Cities Inspection? Now there is still a lot of harm! But Master Mo, haven’t you still done a good job? Therefore, I think that since the emperor has made a decision, he should let Master Su give it a try.”

These words fit Zhao Pu's heart, Yin nodded, but he was not in a hurry to draw conclusions, but said to the ministers: "What methods do you all have, let's talk about them."

All the people sitting here are court officials. Although Su San's matter seems to be a big deal, it is actually not a big deal when it comes to their level.Knowing that the emperor deliberately canceled the court meeting for this reason, he naturally insisted on his own opinion.And Su San was at the scene again, and he never said anything to criticize the person concerned in front of Su San.It can't change the development of the matter, but instead establishes an opponent, so there is no need for it!Therefore, they all followed the emperor's tone and returned the meaning of approval.

Seeing that everyone followed his will, Zhao Pu became happy.He said to Li Daoming: "Take back all the memorials in Yushitai when you turn back, let the Yushis do some practical things, don't take what you don't know, what you don't understand, or even news from Xiaodao, just move a book here. , There is a copy of it. Dead remonstrance, it’s not for them to waste energy on this kind of thing.”

Li Daoming hurriedly stood up and said: "Observe the order!"

Zhao Pu asked Li Daoming to sit down, and said to everyone: "Since I personally selected the officials, I naturally made a decision after knowing their talents and wisdom! If this is the case, we must discuss it. But I think, what is the psychology of the people who talk about it!"

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't dare to speak anymore!As far as the emperor is concerned, being able to say these words in such a tone is an extremely serious warning.The emperor has never been so arbitrary.

Seeing that everyone was silent and there was no doubt on their faces, Zhao Pu felt that what he said just now had an effect.Yin said to Wu Taiming: "So don't be jealous of others at every turn!"

Wu Taiming didn't expect that the emperor would be so firm in defending Su San, that if he opened his mouth, he would misunderstand the emperor's wishes and make the emperor unhappy.Now he was talking to himself like this again, and he quickly stood up and responded, "I must teach the officials to correct their minds and be diligent in their own affairs."

Zhao Pu nodded, and said to Wu Taiming: "I have passed the deliberations handed over by the East Court. Regarding Su Yi's matter, the opinions in the court are also mixed!" Then he said to Zhou Zhiqing: "The recognizance of Dali Temple , and nothing famous was found in the trial! This matter should not be delayed any longer, you discuss it, how should we deal with it?"

Zhu Tiangong glanced around and saw that everyone was silent, unwilling to be the first bird.Glancing at the Second Prince, he saw that the Second Prince was standing up to answer him, but unexpectedly, Xu Shilang stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, I think that although this case has not made any progress, it is not appropriate to close it early! Let us first report the cause of Hu Shichen's death." , It is still being investigated, if there is no clear and clear result, everyone will have to worry about whether they are the next Hu Shichen when encountering similar incidents in the future."

Zhu Tiangong glanced at Xu Shilang, then at Wu Taiming, then lowered his eyes and touched his toes!The second prince's intentions have already come down, it's not like Xu Chen doesn't know about it!He was the first to rush out and say such words, what does that mean?Can't you openly betray the water?

Zhao Pu didn't speak, but quietly waited for the others to reply.

Li Daoming stood up, went to the room and replied: "The interrogation of the three divisions has been confirmed! The cause of Hu Shichen's death is not 'still being investigated' as Xu Shilang said, but has already been investigated! First prosecution, all evidence, this It's a big lawsuit, maybe Xu Shilang can try it."

Xu Shilang closed his eyes violently, but he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart!

Zhao Pu asked Zhou Zhiqing, "Has the cause of Hu Shichen's death been found out?"

"Go back to the emperor, we've found out! He died by hanging himself!" Standing beside Li Daoming, Zhou Zhiqing said firmly.

Zhao Pu let out an 'oh', but didn't continue!

Wu Taiming knew that it was time for him to express his opinion, so he stood up and said: "If it involves the royal family, it should be cut quickly! Since there is no way for the three divisions to try it, then the case should be closed as soon as possible."

Zhu Tiangong also stood up and said: "This case shocked the government and the public, and Annan was wronged. We must also return Annan's innocence, so as not to chill the hearts of all the officials."

Zhao Pu wanted to close the case as soon as possible, but if according to what Zhu Tiangong said, if he wanted to return Su Yi's innocence, wouldn't that mean that the official should be reinstated and extra persuasion would be required?In this way, how can I get along in terms of my own face?Can't help but ponder a little!


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