
Chapter 338, Marriage!

Chapter 338, Marriage!

Seeing that Zhao Pu was in trouble, Zhao Yun said, "Whoever Hu Shichen doesn't want to bite, he wants to make it difficult for Su Yi, which is enough to show that Su Yi also has some extremes! My son thinks that it's okay to restore Su Yi's innocence, but he has to be a little bit more serious." Punishment, take it as a warning! Now that the transfer envoy of Chengdu Mansion Road has died of illness, can you ask Su Yi to take over as a show of empathy!"

Wu Taiming was about to object, but he went to the emperor to listen and nodded, and the prince looked absent-minded, knowing that it was objection, and it was useless, so he distanced himself from Su Yi for no reason!Since Su Yi is already on the prince's side, even if he becomes the transfer envoy of the Chengdu Mansion, it will be on his side. 【】Thinking of this, I put back what I wanted to say.

After hearing Zhao Yun's words, Zhao Pu inspected the people present, and when he saw people objecting, he said: "Then let's do this! Now let's talk about the marriage with Yuanren, it's a big deal!"

When Zhao Yun heard his father's words, he almost stood up?Marriage?What marriage?Why didn't I hear the wind at all!Is it the sudden idea of ​​the father?Or did the prince premeditate?

Zhu Tiangong also frowned, and his expression became tense!In the side hall, except for Wu Taiming who was still calm, everyone was in commotion.

The prince naturally knew about this matter, but he was too concerned about the result of this matter, so when the emperor said it, he felt a little restless!

Zhao Pu did not pay too much attention to the expressions of the people below, but went on to say: "The benefits of alliance with the original people have been discussed before! A marriage can quickly promote a stable alliance. This idea proposed by the crown prince is very good. Everyone Ai Qing discusses it! How should this matter be handled!"

Wu Taiming immediately followed Zhao Pu's words and said: "This matter is a major event and an urgent matter! Gongsun Sheng is currently in the original country. You can send a secret envoy to Gongsun Sheng to propose a marriage proposal for the prince on behalf of the imperial court! All the etiquettes can be simplified. .”

Zhu Tiangong was already in a bit of a mess, knowing that Wu Taiming must have come prepared, and the second prince was not informed about this, so he must not know about the situation.Seeing the emperor nodding again and again, he hurried forward and said: "Your Majesty, this matter has a great impact and involves a lot of things. I think it is necessary to make a long-term plan. First of all, Yuanren's meaning is not clear. Who knows whether Yuanren is using the name of the alliance. What benefits can be extracted from the Jingren? Secondly, although the Jingguo guessed that the Yuanren and the imperial court are in an alliance, they are not sure. If they propose a marriage, it is forcing the Jingren to go south. Moreover, even if it is a marriage, it does not necessarily have to be the prince. , the second prince is in his youth, and he is also a prince, so he can also be a candidate for marriage!"

Wu Taiming immediately argued: "The alliance has reached a critical point! Marriage is the sincerity of the imperial court. Only by agreeing can the original people prove their sincerity! The two countries are feuds, and the original people will never use the name of an alliance with the imperial court. To win the trust of the people in Beijing. If this matter is delayed, it will do a lot of harm to the court. As for the marriage, it is forcing the people in Beijing to go south, which is even more ridiculous! Could it be that the people in Beijing will not go south without the marriage? Afraid that the Beijing people will fail? The candidate for marriage is naturally the prince. The prince is the prince of the country and the country's most important tool. Only by marrying the princess of the original country in the name of the prince can the court express enough sincerity. Otherwise, it can only be a good thing. It became a bad thing. It made the original people mistakenly think that the court was just dealing with them."

With such a blatant confrontation between the two factions, the side hall immediately became lively, and several servants immediately started a heated debate!The Second Prince's side is a bit weak, although he can't overwhelm the Prince's faction in terms of momentum, he still fights with reason, and he doesn't agree with it even if he tries his best.

Zhao Pu had a headache from the quarrel, and he naturally agreed in his heart to let the prince go to have a kiss!But it was not easy to say such words clearly, so he asked Shi Taiwei: "Shi Aiqing, what do you think?"

Shi Hongming is an old Taiwei who was born as an official and never stayed in the barracks.But this old official is in charge of the military affairs of the entire Feng Dynasty.

"My minister thinks that using marriage to stabilize the alliance with the original people is indeed very effective! As for who will marry this person, this matter still needs to be decided by the emperor." Shi Hongming said slowly, and made up his mind. not guilty.

Zhao Pu didn't want to take this idea!It was not his wish to let Su Yi's matter go down just now, and it was not his wish to cause discord between the two sons because of this matter.He also can't openly appoint which son to marry on such an occasion, which will definitely hurt the other son's heart. After thinking about it, he still can't make up his mind. Su San at the end.With a heartbeat, he suppressed the discussion and said to Su San: "Su Aiqing, tell me what you think?"

"I think this is the easiest thing..." Su San stood up, stood up, and said calmly.

"Oh..." Zhao Pu listened to Su San's words, although he hadn't heard Su San's thoughts, but this sentence made him feel relieved.

All the officials also looked at Su San and wanted to listen to his ideas.

The most nervous thing is the prince and Wu Wang!Both of them knew that Su San was very favored by his father recently, maybe a word from Su San could decide who would marry him!Both of them deeply regretted that they didn't have a deep friendship with Su San before, otherwise they would have more or less confidence in today's occasion.

Su San glanced at everyone's expressions, but pretended to know it and said: "Since you all believe that marriage is inevitable, there is naturally no ambiguity on this point. As for the choice of marriage, there is no need to dispute it at all! Princess Naren of the Kingdom is in the palace! Ask who Princess Naren wants, then choose whoever you want! You can choose someone yourself, so you won’t blame the court for being insincere.”

The prince's face was happy, but Wu Wang's face was dark.This proposal is naturally beneficial to the prince.

Zhu Tiangong heard Su San's proposal, although he knew it was beneficial to the prince, he had no way to object!For the sake of this argument, I am afraid that this is the only way to solve this matter!Fortunately, the final decision did not come from the mouth of the emperor, otherwise all the officials would know that the emperor was clearly on the side of the prince, and that would be the most serious blow to the side of the second prince.

Zhao Puxi said: "Well, what a wonderful idea! Let's make it so, after a while the court will be over, and I will send someone to ask Princess Yuan what she wants! Alright, is there anything else Zhu Aiqing wants to say? If it's okay, I'm a little tired!"

"I have my own play!" Mo Shaohua got up and said.

"Oh, tell me!" Zhao Pu gave Mo Shaohua a look.

Mo Shaohua corrected his spirit and said: "Recently there have been riots in Jinling City! Civilians and foreigners have conflicts from time to time, some of which are deliberately provoked by civilians, and some are obstructed by foreign spies with ulterior motives. the corresponding matters."

Mo Shaohua's move is suspected of seizing the authority of the governor of Jinling Prefecture, but the two departments do have conflicts of authority, which actually caused unnecessary overlap.Here is the relationship between confusion and chaos. Mo Shaohua took this opportunity to point out that even if he didn't have the intention of seizing power, it still caused the reality of seizing power.

The emperor also felt that Jinling was more chaotic at these times.After listening to Mo Shaohua's memorabilia, without consulting the ministers' opinions, he said directly: "Quite the melody!"

Zhang Shutong of the Privy Council also stood up and said: "Jiang Jingyuan, the commander of the former guards on the northern front, asked for a decree to move the defense and withdraw the troops into the city for the winter! He also asked the imperial court to increase the distribution of front-line military rations from January to March. as many as needed."

Zhao Pu didn't know much about military matters, so he said to Zhang Shutong and Shi Hongming, "We should first discuss this matter in the west courtyard, and then we can coordinate with the east courtyard to handle it. In a few days, I'm afraid it will snow and the weather will be freezing cold." Yes, it would be better to evacuate the soldiers into the city for the winter."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Su San remembered the matter of Mr. Ji coming to Jinling, so he stood up and said: "Concubine Zhou's father has already arrived in Jinling, and I request an order on behalf of Mr. Ji, please see Mrs. Zhou!"

"Well, it's inconvenient for Concubine Zhou to go out of the palace. Su Aiqing should bring the old man to the palace. It doesn't matter whether it's a new year or a new year, and it doesn't matter if you come in a few times! Let Princess Baozhu also come in, and the Queen Mother also wants to see her, a strange woman."

Su San hurriedly said: "I obey the order!"

Zhao Pu glanced at the ministers again, and saw that there was nothing to present, so he said to Wu Taiming: "Today's court meeting has been cancelled, and Wu Aiqing should go through all the corresponding memorials first, and don't send in any unnecessary ones. Bar."

Everyone shouted long live three times, and then filed out of Zhengde Hall!

Everyone had something on their minds, and all the way out of the Chongtian Gate, they didn't say a word, and dispersed separately!The yamen of Yushitai was on the side of the Privy Council, but Li Daoming was not in a hurry to go to the yamen, but wanted to go back to the mansion and change his clothes before entering the yamen.So we walked all the way with Su San, and said with a smile: "The emperor today canceled the grand court meeting just for Ning Yuan!"

Su San smiled but said: "Maybe it is, maybe it's not! The matter of marriage was brought up suddenly today, obviously I don't want the court to discuss it! Maybe they did something wrong."

Li Daoming was stunned, but he didn't think of this level.She nodded and said, "What about the marriage?"

"Good thing!" Su San laughed.

"But Narenge Rile is the apple of Chik'en's eye! What's more, Yuanren's heart is not limited to the Jing Kingdom. Temporary alliances are fine, but Yuanren may not be willing!" Li Daoming said softly.

Seeing that Li Daoming could think of this level, Su San couldn't help but wince!

In fact, when he came, it was impossible for Yuanren to make peace with Feng Chao.Because, Narenge Rile is not just the apple of Chikorn's eye.According to the information he has so far, Narenge Rile has acted as Chikon's right-hand man in Yuanguo, and it is also Chikorn's magic weapon to control the general Situ Ge, and Narenge Rile himself has a lot of ambitions. In the original country, the status of women is much higher than that of women in the feudal country. In time, it is not impossible for Narenge Rile to rule the grassland.

Such a woman was no longer something Qi Keen could sacrifice for the sake of politics.It is impossible for Chikorn to lose Narenge Rile for a covenant that can be torn at any time!He would rather agree to a more demanding request than actually agree to a marriage.


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