
Chapter 342, Great Discipline!

Chapter 342, Ten Disciplines!

Step into the yard!All the girls stood in a circle whispering and talking, while Zhang Gong and Xu Yingming stood alone on the other side, looking at the sky outside the yard!

The sky was naturally still gray and gray, with no sunshine and no sign of rain. 【】

When Su San came in, everyone stopped their voices and smiled at Su San.Su San ignored the girls, but walked into the main room with a straight face.

Someone laughed softly: "It's quite serious!", and followed Su San into the main room together.

Everyone has also entered this room just now, the room is empty, there is only one note, on which are the Four Treasures of the Household, a pile of rice paper, an incense burner, and a bundle of incense!Under the table, there is a stack of straw futons used by monks to meditate!Other than that, nothing else.

Su San stood still in front of the case, and said to the people standing in disorder in the room: "There is no grand opening, and there are no bold words! The seven-day training will start now!"

Su San paused!Everyone is left and right, and there is no difference!It seems really plain.

"A few points to emphasize! First, this training is a fully enclosed training; second, the training tasks are very heavy; third, no exit is allowed;" Su San said slowly: "Explain: the first point is completely closed. Closed means that you are not allowed to talk to anyone except you and me; the second point is a lot of tasks, which means that it consumes a lot of mental and physical energy, so pay attention to rest; the third point will not be explained. I have already mentioned the consequences of quitting on the way.”

"You can call me Mr. Su, or Teacher Su! You can call each other 'students', or 'nicknames'! Everyone must have a nickname, and you can think of your own nickname now The requirement is that this nickname should be easy to remember, so that people can remember your nickname immediately! After you introduce yourself later, if most people can’t remember you! You can’t call out your nickname Nickname, you will be punished!"

"Before introducing yourself, Teacher Su wants to tell you how you will spend these seven days! From the outside, you will eat here, live here, and study here; but from the spirit, you will accept three stages The deepening. The first stage is the cultivation of discipline; the second stage is the conflict of ideas; the third stage is the awareness of changes.”

Su San was already speaking, and gradually raised her volume and speed.Therefore, everyone unconsciously felt emotional tension.

"Maybe you don't understand these three stages very well, it doesn't matter! I have enough time to let everyone understand! Teacher Su can tell you very responsibly, as long as you meet the requirements of these three stages, you will be reborn, Welcome to a new life.”

"Everyone knows Su San, and knows something about Su San! But maybe you don't know enough. Maybe you only know Su San is good? You only know that Su San is very rich! You only know that Su San is still an official now! But who can tell?" Tell Su San! Why is Su San so young, but can have so much? Who can tell Su San, why is Su San standing in front of you today, not any of you? Is it because Su San is smarter and more capable than you, or Said, you are more stupid than others, more stupid? Not at all! It's because Su San received this kind of training earlier than you."

"It was the training that changed Su San's life! What? Do you think it's unbelievable? Do you think it's impossible? Do you think it's unbelievable?"

"Tell you this is the truth! Everyone is capable. It's just that some people can recognize their own abilities, and some people can't recognize their own abilities! This is the difference. And training is to help you discover your own abilities , let you understand your own ability and use your own ability. Only the more you discover, the more you understand, the deeper you understand, the more you can change yourself. And I, Su San, is the one who let you know yourself !"

"Seven days, only seven days! As long as you can give Su San your whole body and mind, Su San will definitely give you a wonderful life! There is no doubt that you are lucky..."

Su San's words were very motivating, everyone's breathing became heavier and their hearts beat faster, as if they would be reborn immediately!

"However, before the formal training, Su San will test you, how is your memory ability! Here is a list of ten disciplines that need to be followed during the training. I will give you time to burn a stick of incense. Everyone should remember this It is not required to be verbatim, but every item must be said clearly. Otherwise, you will be fined.”

Su San took out the top ten disciplines, slapped them on the case, and lit an incense stick with a fire pocket.

The incense was originally very long, and if it really wanted to be burned, it would take even an hour (half an hour) to burn it out.Everyone originally thought that the time was not very tight, but Su San deliberately lit the incense from the middle, and when it was lit, there was only a piece of incense left.

Only then did everyone realize that it was such a stick of incense!

Su San held the incense in his hand, looked at him stupidly, couldn't help but smiled and said: "Why are you looking at Su San, do you have ten disciplines on Su San's face? Can you memorize the ten disciplines just by looking at Su San?" ? Then Su San wants to see and see."

ah!Everyone was startled, and hurriedly grabbed the note on the case.

Naturally, the woman snatched the paper first, and then the girls squeezed together one by one, killing the words on the paper!But you squeeze me, and you can't hold it steadily, where can you get it!

What was more urgent was Xu Yingming and Zhang Gong. They were men, and they didn't dare to join the crowd of women at all, so they jumped their feet in anxiety!

Su San was on the side, holding the incense with a smile, and blowing on the incense head from time to time!

Seeing that this was not possible, Yu Feng shouted almost at the same time as Xu Yingming: "Hurry up, copy it, how many copies! There are not many words."

When Zhou Yingying heard this, she immediately grabbed the paper in her hand, stood in front of the desk, picked up a pen and started copying!Seeing that there was still a brush beside the inkstone, Yu Feng copied it beside Zhou Yingying.

"Hurry up, the incense is almost gone!"

On a very cold day, everyone in the room was so anxious that their heads were sweating!They don't want to be compared by others at the beginning; they don't want to let others think that they are not capable at the beginning!

Yu Feng's handwriting is fast!The last step to get started, but Zhou Yingying finished writing one step earlier. "Quickly take it and memorize it, I'll make another copy! Don't squeeze, make it in groups of three, so you can get over it." As he spoke, his hands kept copying.

At this time, Zhou Yingying also finished copying a copy, took away the pen and said: "Is there any quick one, come and copy it!"

Xu Yingming went over immediately, grabbed Zhou Yingying's pen, and hurriedly copied it.

When Xu Yingming and Yu Feng finished copying, there were five copies in total.It's enough for everyone to squeeze!But everyone has no eyes!Su San shouted loudly: "Stop!"

Remember where everyone is!Naturally, the eyes are still on the paper.

Su San could only shout in a louder voice: "Stop! Do you hear me? Stop!"

Only then did everyone reluctantly turn their eyes away from the paper, and turned to Su San together!

"Zhang Gong, tell me, what is the first of the ten disciplines?"

"All actions are subject to command..." Zhang Gong can naturally remember the first point.

"Then why are you told to stop, but you don't stop?" Bie Susan was young, and when he became angry, everyone shivered!

"Go over there and do ten push-ups!" Su San pointed to one side.

"Push-ups?" Zhang Gong couldn't understand.

Su San did not speak, and demonstrated it himself, and then said: "During the training period, this is the standard action for punishment! Everyone must know it. And remind everyone that every time you make a mistake or fail to complete a task, you will be punished in the previous one." On the basis of mistakes, double the punishment! This time it will be ten, next time it will be twenty! Once again, it will be forty!"

Zhang Gong honestly made ten, but these ten couldn't be easier for him.

Su San's eyes swept over everyone and said, "It's not only Zhang Gong who doesn't obey orders, there are many others! This time, I'll remind you, but next time, it won't be so easy. One person makes a mistake, but the whole The team will be punished."

Yu Feng and the other women breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that Su San would name them, and if they were asked to do push-ups too, it would be embarrassing to them.

But in the end, they couldn't escape.

Su San watched everyone's reactions quietly, and then said softly: "Okay, let's get down to business! The incense has been lit, and after such a long time, you must have memorized the ten disciplines. As I said in advance, remember If you don’t stay, you will be punished. So who will come first?”

No one came out!In fact, no one really remembers.

"No way, after such a long time, no one remembers it?"

"We agreed on the time for one stick of incense, but half of it was lost at the beginning, and you are still blowing it." Someone said dissatisfied.

Su Sanyi waved his hand and said, "I don't want to listen to excuses. Successful people always find ways, and only failed people make excuses! Su San thinks that time is enough."

Yu Feng said: "But."

Su San didn't listen to Yu Feng's words at all, but directly interrupted Yu Feng's words: "No but! Su San will never let others complete tasks that cannot be completed. Let go of your dissatisfaction and complain. Su San will use facts Let me prove it to you. Yingming, when you come to the desk, write according to the style of the ten disciplines. The number of words can be more than Su San’s. Let me tell you what is wrong!"

After hearing Su San's words, Xu Yingming went to the desk to meditate for a while, and wrote ten things that were not related to the ten disciplines.

Su San asked Xu Yingming to burn the incense according to what he did just now, and then picked up what Xu Yingming wrote unhurriedly, read it again, raised his head and said: "The time limit for burning incense, when the incense is lit, the time will start counting, you guys Failure to act in time is mistake number one."


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