
Chapter 343, Training chapter!

Chapter 343, Training Rhythm!

After finishing speaking, he picked up the paper written by Xu Yingming and shook it: "If you didn't understand what Su San said, that would be mistake two! Did Su San ask you to memorize every word? No! Su San just wanted you to understand what Su San said. The meaning in the words, so copying word by word is the most stupid way. 【】You can sum up each article into a few words, so copying will be faster!"

After talking about Xu Yingming's ten articles, each with a summary of one or two characters, wrote them on paper, wrote a few sheets in an instant, and distributed them to everyone: "I wrote four copies by myself, and each of you copied another copy. Basically everyone has a copy. How much time is left? More than half! This time is enough for a child to memorize these ten things clearly. I don’t believe it. How could any of you be so stupid as that?”

"Do you still think that time is not enough? Now you still have so many reasons, so many but? Tell you, don't make excuses! There are always more ways than excuses. What Su San wants to tell you is: copying is not the easiest way , there is an easier method than copying. Who can tell me, you all have mouths, what is that for? Why didn’t anyone think of using mouths to read? "

Su San saw that everyone suddenly realized, but said coldly: "Don't act like you should have thought of it long ago. The fact is that you didn't think of it. If that's the case, then please listen to me! Let's try, can two pieces of paper Remember the above content. Let the facts verify whether your so-called lack of time is true or false."

After all, I read my ten disciplines slowly!Then he said: "Listen to my explanation again!"

So I briefly explained the ten items!Then he said: "Now try to say one thing..."

As a result, one for you, one for me, and ten very simple disciplines, everyone finished talking in a while.

"Now, who can tell me, who among you can't understand these ten things?"

Everyone was silent.

"Fragrant again!" Su San silently looked at the crowd.

There is a piece of Xianglai left!

"Don't be stupid! You don't need to be so stupid about Su San! You guys have brains, but when you encounter something, you get into a mess! It's your most fundamental fault for not finding a way! Twenty push-ups, no one is unconvinced, right? ,let's start."

The room became silent, but Su San turned her back.

Twenty push-ups are a breeze for Xu Yingming and Zhang Gong!But for women who have never done push-ups, this one is really a bit difficult.

One is physically difficult, and the other is naturally mentally difficult!To put it bluntly, in fact, no one can let go of this face.

Su San turned her back to the crowd and did not go to them.He knows that this is a hurdle, but there will only be more similar hurdles, this is just the beginning!If it is such a small hurdle that everyone can't get over and refuses to let go of his face, then who else can he rely on to break through his inherent thinking?Whether to move forward or backward, these can only be decided by themselves!

Thinking about this in my heart, I didn't know who was leading the way behind me, so I bent down first.When he heard the delicate (panting) sound of a woman exerting strength from inside the room, he knew that the first step of the Long March was a step forward.

After the women finished the push-ups with great difficulty, Su San turned around and said, "I suggest you change into simple clothes tomorrow, because every morning, as long as the weather is good, we have to go out for a run. You are dressed like this. Definitely not!"

When everyone heard that they were going to go for a run, they couldn't help but panic.Like frightened little rabbits, they shrink back again and again!They belong to a girl's house, so it's fine to lose face in the house, but it's possible to go outside to lose face, this, isn't this embarrassing to death?

"Follow the command in all actions; raise your hands before asking questions; you will be punished for talking and laughing;..." Su San slowly recited the top ten disciplines, and then said to the crowd: "Want to quit? It's too late! Tell you, here at Su San As long as you can't think of it, there is nothing Su San can't do. Training is to break the inherent thinking and traditional cognition! Training without violent conflicts is not training in the true sense. The more intense the conflict, the more painful the thinking, The more thorough the change. If you want to be reborn, cheer up Su San and show your courage and perseverance to complete the training. In Su San's eyes, you must not shrink back and retreat when you encounter a little difficulty. Whoever Such a person, then stand up for Su San as soon as possible... If not, then proceed to the next session of introduction, lottery, and grouping!"

I have done all twenty push-ups. Although I am frightened by tomorrow's run, it is impossible to quit now.Therefore, everyone had to let go of their worries about tomorrow and concentrate on the things in front of them.

Next, it is some preparatory work to be done in some routine routines!Su San first divided everyone into two groups, and asked everyone to introduce themselves before going to the case, and took nicknames by the way!

It was the easiest thing for Su San to arouse the emotions of competition between the two teams.All of a sudden, the two teams were facing each other, and the slogans were louder than the other!

Taking advantage of the heat of the confrontation between the two teams!Su San was in the yard again, teaching all the students to stand in a simple queue.Teach them how to count and salute!After all these teachings, it was dark.

The only result is: their awareness of the training has been greatly enhanced!

Su San was very happy to get this result.Only when all trainees understand what they will learn in the training can they fully mobilize their subjective initiative.Cramming preaching has never been something that should appear in training.

After dinner, Su San gave the trainees the first lesson of the training!This lesson is about: breaking old habits.

In fact, it is constantly negating all the inherent thinking of all the students, and then replacing them with the thinking that I want to implant in them!This is a very arduous ideological work, relying on eloquence and a large amount of factual basis, and naturally requires careful observation and unique insights.

Rao is Su San who has the ability to be a human being in two lifetimes. After one class, I also feel that this level of communication is a very energy-consuming thing.

After the class, Su San asked the two groups to have a group discussion!And give the rest of the night to the two team leaders to preside over it!The results of the discussion will be summarized in the morning training tomorrow.

The leaders of the two groups were elected by the public. In the public election, the women voted for the two men without exception, so the two men were pushed out like ducks!

Xu Yingming had a lot of contacts during this period, and his organizational skills had been greatly improved, so he was able to support him; but Zhang Gong, an honest man, was so trusted by the girls in the group, and he was under unprecedented pressure.

However, this is forging!The more you take on, the greater your chances of success.No success is ever easy.

After ordering the daily work and rest time, the scene was handed over to the team leaders of the two groups, and Su San left the yard.


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