
Chapter 344, Renovation of the Flagship Store!

Chapter 344, Renovation of the Flagship Store!

Xiao An has already found a shop, and completed the relevant procedures in one afternoon!The corresponding craftsmen have also been found, and they are all waiting in the shop, and they have been waiting for two hours. 【】

When Su San got the news about Xiao An, she went into the shop without touching the ground.

This shop, in fact, can't be regarded as a shop along the street, but a yard in a side alley of Yu Street, next to the shop facing the street!

Standing at the entrance of the alley, Su San looked at the cold and spacious Imperial Street at night, and at the door of the courtyard in the alley, nodding with satisfaction.

From the entrance of the courtyard to the intersection of the main street, it is only three or four feet away. For such a small distance, for the crowded Yujie Street, you only need to make a stamp on the entrance of this alley, and you don't have to worry about no one walking into the alley.All he needs to do is to make a good change to this alley.

"Bring all the artisans here."

Xiao An quickly ran into the yard and called out a group of a dozen or so craftsmen.These craftsmen are very energetic, this is entirely because the owner promised a huge profit, otherwise, they would not be able to stay here at this time.

Su San and a group of craftsmen said: "Follow me, you all write down what I say! Whether it can be made and how much it will cost, you have to know in your own minds, and we will set the price later."

Seeing all the craftsmen nodding, Su San pointed to the alleyway and said, "Here, we need to build a stone archway! The four words 'Farewell My Concubine' should be written on the archway! The archway should be three feet high, and it should stand tall!"

Pointing to the road in the alley, he said: "The road from the entrance of the alley to the gate of the courtyard needs to be paved again, all using the same specifications as the stones on the Imperial Street! There must be stone carvings on both sides of the road to guide the way, along the alley to the courtyard. door."

Su San walked in while talking, and walked to the gate of the courtyard and said: "The gate will be widened to three feet, and a purple-red gate with copper nails will be made! Two big stone lions will be erected in front of the gate!"

Walking into the courtyard, lanterns are lit up in the courtyard. Although it is not careful, it can still give a general idea of ​​the original building!The building is relatively new, but the layout of the house is for living people, so it is not suitable for opening a shop.

Yin pointed to the courtyard and said, "From the courtyard gate to the courtyard of the main hall, pave a green brick road with a width of three feet! Clear out all the sundries on both sides of the road, and lay a uniform turf."

After entering the main hall, Su San pointed to the partition walls leading to the side halls on both sides: "All the partition walls on both sides are knocked down! The floor is also paved in a uniform pattern. On the left, counters and cabinets are placed according to the design of common shops!" The right side is divided into a reception area by a screen! Where I stand in the main hall, I want to make a big flower stand, and the flower stand should be filled with bonsai!"

After Su San finished speaking, he asked everyone to sit down in the main hall, and then said: "What you just said must be completed within seven days, and there are only seven days! The project is huge and there are many tasks, and not any craftsman can handle it. Neither are you These dozen or so people can be eaten. The outside of the door counts as one piece! The courtyard gate and the yard count as one piece! The works in the main hall, including the ground, including smashing the wall, and all the corresponding decorations, also count as one piece! These three pieces, You set a price separately."

"My boss, seven days is too tight!"

"I feel tight, so I don't need to take this job!" Su San narrowed her eyes and said.

"The establishment of the memorial archway at the entrance of the alley requires permission from the Yamen. This matter is very troublesome!"

Su San replied: "The yamen is not allowed to be established, it is mine."

"Time is too tight, so many people are needed, and the wages will be high if there are too many people!"

"So, you set the price first. It is recommended that those of you who are familiar with each other come together to pick up the job, one by one, and don't be greedy! Let's talk about the one outside the door first. Those of you, prepare to pick it up!"

The craftsmen below got together, discussed it over, and immediately divided into three groups.But it seems that there is a tacit understanding, and they don't swarm up to grab it.Only one faction stepped forward and said, "We'll take the piece outside!"

"Contract labor, materials, seven days, how much?"

Several people discussed in low voices for a while, and finally quoted a high price: 3000 taels!

Su San didn't promise or object, so he said again: "In the courtyard, whoever takes the section at the gate!"

Another faction stepped forward and also quoted a high price of 3000 taels.

The last faction, of course, was going to take over the main house, because many of them were uncertain, so the quoted price was even higher, reaching 6000 taels!

After Su San listened to everyone's words, he didn't answer, but said to Su Xing and Xiao An: "You have heard what they said, so let's make it so. Brother Xing takes Xiao An, and we will make a contract with everyone tonight! In the contract It must be agreed that one day later, [-]% of the total payment will be deducted! Let them find a guarantor early tomorrow morning to guarantee the bond. After the bond is obtained, the material money can be lent to them first!"

Then he said to the craftsmen: "Do you have any comments?"

When everyone heard that they didn't need to pay for materials in advance, they were all very happy, and they didn't agree.

"Crush work but don't cut short materials! The craftsmen of you three groups of craftsmen, listen carefully! If anyone cuts corners and materials, then his wages will be withheld and given to the person who complained. This is not a joke, don't cry again at that time beg."

"There will never be such a thing again, the boss can rest assured!"

"Nothing is the best! Prepare yourself. Brother Xing, Xiao An, you should pay more attention these few days." After Su San finished speaking, she turned and went back to Su Manor.

If it was just to open a flagship store, there was no need to be in such a hurry!But it is said that Chaoxuan Shangdu sub-station will start construction soon, and there is still a big gap in funds, and he urgently needs a large sum of money to come in.This money, he is going to spend on the agency fee of 'Farewell My Concubine'!Although the agency fee is only temporarily bet on him, but at present, it can save him in a hurry.

Open the flagship store one day earlier, and you can collect money one day earlier!

First, the agency right of Jinling Mansion can be sold for money; then there will be many businessmen from various prefectures who smell money, and they will come to give him money!With this money, not only can he quickly grow Tingchaoxuan, but he also has to choose the right time to start planning related to the production of ordnance.

He needs a lot of money, at least a million taels of silver, and within a few months, he will have to convert the money and spend it all over again.

That sounds like a lot, but he's not worried because he's working on another big event!As long as this major event is accomplished, in a short time, he won't worry about money anymore!And this major event has an inextricable connection with Ren Ji and Farewell My Concubine.

After arranging the renovation of the new store, all the things to be done in the next period of time are all planned!

It is routine to check the mansion newspaper and read and listen to Chaoxuan's confession every day.In addition to that, we should spare as much time as possible to discuss with Su Yi the many matters of the Chengdu Mansion!

The progress of the training is naturally very smooth!Su San felt that she talked so much these days that her voice became hoarse.

The students have been so attentive to Su San, they have already been moved!And the shock that Su San brought to their cognition also made them realize what shallowness is!

The more you know, the more arrogant you will be, the more you know, the more fearful you will be!Although the training was only for a few days, but looking back a few days ago, they realized how wise their choice was.

Now, they are holding back their energy one by one, wanting to learn more and listen more!At one point their emotions reached extreme feverishness.I even feel: everything Su San said is correct, everything is justified, and to oppose Su San is to make life difficult for my own future!

Even Su San himself had to admit that the attitude of the students was a little crazy!But he doesn't mind making them even crazier!Only when the madness reaches the extreme, will there be a qualitative change; only the farther away from the original self, the clearer the self will be.

Seven days, although not long!But it happens to be the shortest time for a habit of thinking to develop.As long as all the students work hard enough, they can form a new foundation of worldview in these seven days!With this foundation, in the days to come, all students can start from this new world view, and have new methods and new ideas for things and people!

By that time, absolutely everyone will have a new sky.This is also the ultimate goal of this training!

Of course, it is more difficult to achieve this level!But even if they can't reach this level, they will change to a great extent!

As long as there is a change, as long as one's own thoughts touch them a little bit, it will also profoundly change the trajectory of their lives.

It is impossible for him to expect that everyone will have a huge change, but he firmly believes that everyone will have a change.

When it was the first time, everyone was forced to run in the street by themselves, and under the guidance of others, they bit the bullet and ran back with red faces.Now, depending on other people's guidance, you can still shout slogans loudly, hold your head high, and stride forward.

He knew that all changes were only subtle.

On the second day of the training, the order to appoint Su Yi to Chengdu Mansion was made clear.The entire Su Mansion immediately returned to bustling.

Although Su Yi didn't turn away the guests who came to congratulate him, he was a little more indifferent when he spoke and acted!Every time he talks with Su San, his thoughts will change a lot.A lot of things that I wanted to get before, but now, it's a bit ridiculous!Many things that seemed vague to the eyes before have become clear and clear now.

'Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are at the highest level!Keep the highest level of state of mind, and you will know everything about everything around you. ' These are Su San's original words.

Su San seems to have a clear understanding of the world!Often at a glance, you can directly hit the heart of the matter.Save yourself from prison, quell the treason case, and seek the post of Chengdu Mansion wisely!All these piles, one by one, which one escaped Su San's control?

Fortunately for Su Yi, he is Su Yi, and Su San is his younger brother!

So far, Su Yi has completely convinced Su San in his heart!Therefore, every word Su San said to him, he would think over and over again, chewing over and over again!

Sometimes, he really doesn't understand why there are so many new and wonderful ideas in Su San's little head.

For example: allotment to the mu, one whip, various reforms,...

Could it be that ordinary people can imagine these things by relying on their brains?Su Yi didn't understand, and couldn't figure it out, how could Su San have these thoughts!He only knew that the deeper the conversation, the more surprised he was, the more convinced he was, and the more he benefited!

In the end, he finally understood one thing, that is, what he knew, Su San basically knew everything, and what he didn't know, Su San also knew most of it!He could no longer understand what kind of existence Su San was, so there was only one left to worship Su San!


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