
Chapter 345 It's snowing!

Chapter 345 It's snowing!

During the training, another big event happened!

However, this big event is not a big deal to Su San!It was also in Su San's expectation. 【】

There has been the latest progress in the matter of reconciliation between the two countries!

To Su San's surprise, Narenge Rile chose neither Zhao Guang nor Zhao Yun, but their father, the current emperor.

Narenge Rile actually chose the emperor as the object of marriage.

And it is said that non-emperors will not marry!If you don't marry the emperor himself, then Yuan Guo will refuse to marry!

Now, things got a little bigger!

The emperor opened his mouth to make a kiss, so naturally he couldn't shrink back!Jun joked that if you talk about getting married, you will get married, and you can't go back on your word!

However, this marriage involved the emperor himself, but made the emperor feel helpless.

Narenge Rile's attitude is firm, if the emperor himself does not want to marry, he has given the initiative to destroy the marriage to the emperor's hands!The emperor either married Narenge Rile, or he backtracked and broke the marriage.

For Zhao Pu, this is a dilemma!

One more concubine, Zhao Pu is naturally a matter of course, but Zhao Pu does not want to rob his son for a woman;He has a good face and respects filial piety, so it is naturally difficult for him.

As soon as Su San heard the news, he thought of Zhao Pu's current situation, and guessed what the emperor was thinking at the moment!From this unexpected change, one can see Narenge Rile's intentions.

For Narenge Rile!Choose the emperor, not the prince.It just shows that Narenge Rile's heart of not wanting to marry into the feudal kingdom is clear.

Speaking of which, Su San also admired Narenge Rile's hard work!Although he had already calculated that Narenge Rile would agree to the marriage on the surface, and then set up many obstacles in private to prevent the marriage from becoming a reality; but he did not expect that she would use the emperor as a shield instead of choosing, yes She obeyed Zhao Guang.

What he admired was that using the emperor as a shield was indeed the best choice!

Becoming the emperor's "concubine" in name, in order to avoid suspicion, she can go out of the palace in a legitimate way; this is one of them; in the name of the emperor's unmarried woman, the crown prince and Wu Wang, and even the ministers, don't think about her Nosy!She will definitely gain more space for activities in Jinling.

And her plan must be to leave the palace first and then return to the country!

As long as the emperor agrees to the marriage, no one can stop Narenge Rile from returning!Naturally, the original people would not agree to the noble princess marrying into the Feng Dynasty directly in the Yuansuo, and the face-conscious emperor would probably not agree to marrying a foreign woman so hastily.

The purpose of Feng Dynasty and marriage is to demonstrate to the people of Beijing!Therefore, there must be a lot of fanfare.How to stimulate Jingren's nerves, how to do it!To put it bluntly, the imperial court only wanted the name of the marriage, not the reality of the marriage.

Otherwise, no one in the Manchu Dynasty is a fool. Couldn't it be that no one came out that Narenge Rile would never be able to return to the Feng Dynasty after returning to the grassland?

Everyone just wants a name, that's the nature of the event.Therefore, the result of the matter also came out.No matter how willful Zhao Pu is, for such a big event, he might as well be someone else's son-in-law!And Qi Bi En no matter how much he loves his daughter, he can only bear it for the time being and let his daughter carry the marriage contract with his relatives.

In this whole incident, the only person who was hurt, who could be called a loss, was Naren Gerile.As long as Feng Chao is not subjugated, as long as Zhao Pu is still alive, although she can always postpone the wedding, she cannot get rid of the shackles of the marriage contract!This is a great sacrifice for a woman!

Su San was thinking, perhaps what Narenge Rile was thinking at this time was: Maybe after a few years, the emperor of Feng Dynasty will become a prisoner, so what's the use of such a marriage contract that exists in name only?

Another thing that makes Su San admire Na Ren is Naren Gerile's spirit!

A woman, a woman who can be said to be very young, can not care about personal gains and losses for the sake of the original country, which is commendable!Alone in a foreign country, even if she is planning a plan, she can also be called a "wonderful woman", and naturally deserves his respect from the bottom of her heart.

But such a woman!But he had to get rid of it.

Quyi gained Zhao Guang's favor and sought a space for activities in Jinling; after the marriage incident, she quickly changed her mind and wanted to marry Zhao Pu. Narenge Rile's series of actions can be described as strategic.

He is decisive in dealing with things, his methods are changeable, he knows himself and can know the enemy, this kind of pattern of being independent, even for him, he does not give in too much.

It's a pity that she is Qi Bien's daughter, the princess of the original country, she loves her country, and is willing to sacrifice her name for her country, even her own life!

Such a person, whether it is a man or a woman.If they are friends, then everything is easy to talk about. If they are enemies, the sooner they can get rid of them, the better!

Is it possible for her to be his friend?

Su San felt that the answer was obvious!

Whether it was from the standpoint of the Feng Dynasty or his own standpoint, he didn't think that Narenge Rile should return to the grassland safely!The original country will definitely be his great enemy in this life.

Perhaps an assassination of Narenge Rile by a "Beijing man" can solve all this; perhaps a slow poison can destroy her nerves and make her unconscious forever.Although it is a pity, the fact is always so cruel.

He has come to this step now, and it is impossible to go back to the past.Sometimes, some methods should be used, and they still have to be used!Death is survival, and the death of the enemy is the greatest possible survival!Now that the original country has been conceived as an imaginary enemy, nothing can be tolerated.

These are all thoughts in Su San's heart after hearing the news!In fact, during the training period, many small things happened.

Ji Lao originally wanted to meet Concubine Zhou earlier, but after much deliberation, he decided to postpone the meeting for a while.Although Su San told him that the emperor had said that he was not restricted from visiting the palace, but he understood that it was a great grace to be able to enter the palace once!Even if the emperor allowed it, he couldn't go in more.

Therefore, he wanted to wait for Zhou Yingying's training to end, near the end of the year, and then enter the palace together!

The renovation of the new store is also progressing rapidly!

At the peak, there were more than a hundred craftsmen on site!I heard that the three factions of craftsmen, a total of one person is the general dispatcher, and the progress of each project has been strictly controlled!From morning to night, twelve hours a day, the whole yard is full of heat, and craftsmen come in in turn to ensure the progress of the project every moment.According to Xiaoan's report, it is estimated that in less than seven days, all the renovations of the new store can be completed!

Yu'er has not been idle these days.The girls who did not participate in Su San's training all received Yu'er's training in the kitchen!Yu'er is enjoying the addiction of being a teacher!

However, Yu'er is very spiritual in learning crafts, so there is no system when teaching!Her teaching method is the simplest, the most direct, and the most stupid.

That's what I'm doing, you're doing it!If you don’t understand, ask, and if you don’t understand, just tell.So, in the kitchen, the girls took Yu'er as their heart, and circled around Yu'er. After Yu'er washed the dishes, a large group of people followed behind, which was really a scene in Su Mansion.

Listening to Chaoxuan has also set off a climax of learning in the past few days.

Su San did not directly participate in the learning activities inside Tingchaoxuan!Although it sounds like the matter of Chao Xuan is far more important than the matter of Farewell My Concubine.But things are prioritized, listening to Chao Xuan's matter is important, but it's not urgent at this moment!What's more, he doesn't want to have any close contact with Ting Chaoxuan right now!

The current Tingchaoxuan is still unstable!His identity is not yet suitable to be revealed.

Tang Chao has already divided Jinling into an area according to his instructions, and set up several intelligence stations.And according to the requirements, a competition will be held between several stations, which intelligence station has the highest work efficiency, stronger ability to collect intelligence, and safer way to obtain intelligence.

Not to mention, I got a piece of news by accident!That is, those students in Jinling who were dissatisfied with being the chief examiner of the imperial examination, had secretly held several small meetings under the organization of Xu Wei and others!

Su San didn't believe that these Jinling students could make such a big name!But from ancient times to the present, students are the most impulsive and the easiest to be used by others. If these students are used by those who want to use the court, this can be regarded as a factor of uneasiness.Therefore, Su San told Tang Chao that this clue must be followed, some members must be developed, and sneaked into these people to obtain first-hand information!

After ordering this matter, Su San didn't pay too much attention to it.I heard that it will take time for Chaoxuan to break into the inner circle of Jinling students.And even if the students make some moves, they won't be launched before the year. If they come right now, nothing major will happen.

The weather is getting colder and colder!The first snow in winter finally started to fall on the sixth night of training!At the end of the training at night, the yard was covered with a thin layer of snow like salt particles.By the next day, when I woke up early in the morning, it was already white!

Between the heaven and the earth, everything is paved in vain!Moreover, the snow is still falling.

Waking up in the morning, all the trainees in the yard shouted excitedly when they saw this scene.Stepping on snow all over the yard, kneading it into snowballs, and throwing it everywhere!Laughter resounded throughout the yard.

Su San has practiced boxing for a while in his west courtyard.As he looked at the snow, a very special thought came to his mind.That is Tai Chi, how about practicing on ice?Will practicing Tai Chi on smooth ice make Tai Chi lighter?

He couldn't wait to try it, but he didn't have a ready-made ice platform, so he could only make one today and try it tomorrow morning.

Seeing that it was almost time for the morning training, Su San walked into the training yard.The oncoming snowball almost caused Su San's face to bloom. Fortunately, Su San's skills were good. Seeing a white shadow, he subconsciously raised his hand to grab the snowball, and the snowball was caught in his hand.

Yu Feng, who was so frightened that she threw the snow ball, stuck out her tongue, and kept hiding behind Zhou Yingying.Su San felt that Yu Feng was getting younger and younger, and seeing her so happy made him feel warm in his heart.He naturally hopes that the women who follow him can be so relaxed and happy!


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