
Chapter 346, Song of Training!

Chapter 346, Song of Training!

"Assemble. 【】" Zhang Gong yelled and stood in front of the yard!Today is the Meihua group where Zhang Gong is, organizing the assembly.Zhang Gong, the leader of the Plum Blossom Team, naturally shouldered the important task of gathering.

As soon as everyone saw Su San entering the yard, they stopped laughing and started to form before Mr. Zhang called to assemble.

The movements of the trainees are very fast, which is attributed to the discipline training three times a day in the morning and evening!Although Su San thought that the movements of the students were far from his ideal standards, he actually felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart that a large group of girls could be trained to behave like this.

"All of them! Report the number!" Gong Zhang shouted at the top of his voice!

"One, two, three, four... eleven, the counting is over!"

"Stand at attention, all!" Mr. Zhang shouted again, then half turned around and gave a military salute to Su San: "Report to Mr. Su San, there are 12 people in total, there are actually 12 people, and all the trainees have arrived. Please give instructions!"

Su San returned a salute with a serious expression, "Return to the team!"

Mr. Zhang took his time and returned to the head of the line in two rows. Like all the students, he put on a good posture!

"Relax! Say a few words!"

"stand at attention!"

"Many students shed tears yesterday, but yesterday was the happiest day for everyone! There are always many ups and downs in life, and every experience is a precious treasure. Never complain about the past, always cherish the present, and always Have hope in your heart! Only in this way can life be wonderful. Today is the last day of training!" Su San glanced at the students, feeling a lot in her heart!It's just that at this moment, he doesn't want to get too entangled in this topic! "It's time to end, and it will end eventually. As long as everyone doesn't waste these few days, then even if the training is over, the spirit of the training will continue forever. During this time, everyone worked hard and put their heart into it. Su San felt that I am very pleased and hope that you can work harder to complete today's training program and maintain this positive, optimistic, confident and self-improving attitude in your future life!"

All the students listened to Su San's words quietly, even if snowflakes floated into their necks, no one moved!Their respect for Su San came from the bottom of their hearts, and if they didn't listen carefully to any of Su San's words, they would feel uneasy.

"Today, Su San personally led the team to start our morning training. Everyone is there, singing our training song! One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, like a song; get ready to sing."

"One two three four, one two three four, like a song. The song of training, the song of training, teach me! Don't be afraid of fatigue, not afraid of difficulties, there are always more methods than problems..."

After singing a brisk training song, Su San called out loudly: "What's your slogan?"

"Forward forward forward!"

"What is your goal?"

"Brilliant brilliant brilliant!"

With a wave of his hand, Su San shouted: "Everyone is there, turn left and start running!"

All the students started running, stomping their feet in unison, and humming in unison: "We are: a new generation of mountain monsters, we are not afraid of anything; we have forgotten all our past misfortunes, and the not-too-distant future will be even better ;Nothing can stop me, I will break through everything! If you don't believe it, let us compare together, no one is worse than the other, you can do me better! Huha."

Two lines of men and men passed through the courtyard of the Su Mansion. Under the eyes of the servants, they ran out of the gate, into the street, and into the snowstorm!

"Speak up!" Su San ran to the side of the team, shouting loudly.

"We are: a new generation of mountain monsters. There is nothing we dare not do. It is the most shameful to hide our true nature. We are too coy. Do what you want. If you don't do it, you don't know right or wrong. All gains depend on hard work, three points Relying on the sky and relying on people. Regardless of the past or the future, self-improvement is the foundation. We will succeed, and the invincible heart will last forever. Believe it or not, I believe that everything tomorrow belongs to me! Huha."

The two teams walked through the streets one by one, step by step, stepping on the thick snow.The loud and clear singing voice penetrated Feixue and expressed the indomitable will of all the trainees!

Snow is the best tool to test their determination and will!

Naren Gerile stood quietly on the second floor along the street. She led two neat teams of Su San from the house, passed under the house, and then gradually went further and further away.Finally, even the sound gradually dissipated in the empty streets in the morning.

After gently closing the door, Narengerile turned around and sat down beside the stove.

The fragrant milk (child) has already made a 'gulp, gurgling' sound on the stove!The maid slowly poured her a glass of milk, and then stepped back respectfully.On the other side, Bilita and Bilituo are standing together with hands down, waiting for Gege's order!

Narenge Rile picked up the milk (child), but didn't drink it!Instead, hold it in your hand and warm it up.The left hand was switched to the right hand, and the right hand was switched to the left hand. Finally, he still put it down and asked the two guards, "How about you?"

Bilituo said: "Dear Gege! Although these people are just women and not real soldiers, judging from the uniformity of their behavior and movements, the person who taught them must not be a simple person. "

Bilita nodded in sympathy and said: "Some people are laughing, some are jumping, and some are door-to-door! If it is really taught by that Su San, then this person is indeed a character. Bilita only relies on the mental state of these people, There are many ways to go.”

Naren Gerile picked up the cup again and covered it up!

"Then kill him!" Naren Gerile was silent for a long time before she said something softly, and at the same time took a sip of her milk.

Bilita and Bilituo glanced at each other, their eyes flashed a trace of doubt at the same time, they didn't understand why such a small person as Su San was moved by Gege?But they didn't express their doubts, but beat their chests at the same time: "Yes!"

Narenge was enjoying the fire.

Some people, like this fire, should be carefully cared for when it is not burning, lest it go out!And when the fire is really burning, even the people who protect him have to stay away!

A person who has won the emperor's trust, although he is not completely burned yet, has the potential to burn more and more.Such a pot of fire, she would not let it keep warm for the entire Dafeng Dynasty.

When a fire is young, it can be easily extinguished; once a fire is ignited, it cannot be extinguished even if one wants to.

Unforeseen variables, she has no way to solve them in advance!But she must do everything possible to break the predictable trend.

Su San will definitely become her rival, this is the trend!If Su San's pot of fire burns up, it will definitely not be a good thing for Yuan Guo!

She firmly believes that everything is done by people!

Some people can do things well, and some people can do things poorly.If she had to choose, those who can do things should be left to herself; those who can't do things should be left to others.

People who are good at doing things but don’t follow themselves should be eliminated!

And right now, this person who is very good at doing things is Su San!And Su San was afraid that it would be impossible for Yuanren to use him, so Su San must die!Although she already knew that the person who made her feel so embarrassed in Renji was Su San!But apart from his intentions, it has nothing to do with personal grievances, if you want to blame, you can only blame him for being born in the Feng Dynasty!


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