
Chapter 350, The training is over!

Chapter 350, The training is over!

"Hmm!" Naren Gerile raised her eyebrows, but she put down the wine bowl without haste, stuffed the mutton into her mouth, bit the mutton lightly, shook her head, and tore off a large piece. , As soon as his lips faded, he took the mutton into his mouth and chewed it comfortably. 【】

"The time is tomorrow!"

Narengerile smiled lightly, and waved to Bilita.

Bi Lita just bowed his head and retreated downstairs.

Bilituo hurried forward to catch Bilita and said, "What did Gege say?"

"Get ready! The action is tomorrow."

Bilituo slammed his fist hard into his palm and said, "I'm going to choose a venue!" After saying that, Bilituo hurried out the door.

The snow fell to the ground until it was dark, and it stopped!

The seven-day training finally came to an end.At the dinner party, the men and women were all very drunk!

After parting, when they thought that in the future, when they got together like this, the days of studying and discussing would come to an end, everyone couldn't help feeling it, and burst into tears in the main hall of Su Mansion.

Alcoholic, hurt, crying loudly!One cried out, and couldn't hold it back anymore, one after another, the whole Su Mansion was shaken!

When the people of Su's house heard the crying, they gathered around the hall and went to the main hall.

I saw that, between the banquets in the hall, the men and women hugged each other regardless of each other!Talk loudly, cry loudly!Then Su San also hugged this with tears and snot, and then hugged that, crying bitterly!He said coherently in his mouth: I can't bear it either, I can't bear it either!

Then everyone was saying meaningful words loudly, but they seemed to be extremely emotional, and then entered the next round of crying!

This scene frightened the whole group of the Su residence, and they all huddled in the hall without knowing what happened.When they came, even if they had a white wedding, or their parents died, they wouldn't cry like this!

Su Yi was at the side of the table, and his face was full of tears!

He looked left and right!His eyes jumped from this person to that person, and he was also infected by this atmosphere!

When Su Yi came, Zhang Gong, who was always dull, was so stiff, he cried like a child, hugged Su San's leg and said: "Sir, sir, don't end it, teach us again! Teach us."

Seeing this, Su Yi's mood couldn't help but also become agitated!

Su Yi never thought that in just seven days, Su San could make these people so easily emotional; he could build such a deep friendship between them.

What kind of power is this!

Su San was really drunk this time!He didn't want to have any identity with the group of students whom he taught by himself, so he didn't want to, and brushed their hearts away!As long as it is a toast, he will drink it to the bottom.

Su San felt that with these young people, the blood of youth flowed back into her body!He, who is usually the least prone to emotional fluctuations, is also moved by them at this time.

Driven by Su San, these adults who have never been in a group enjoy the happiness of being a team, and enjoy the enrichment of helping each other and learning from each other.Although the seven days were bitter and tiring, everyone's emotions were always excited.

In training, they share weal and woe!They share it together!They work hard!They work together!Although they were all games, they opened up another piece of sky that they had never seen before.

And those, unheard of knowledge!The angle of the problem event!What you heard in those training sessions!Almost every word of Su San was shaking in their hearts.

The theory of unity of opposites; dialectical questions; an empty heart; the story of chopsticks; etc., every proposition is worth their lifetime to practice.

They felt that in front of Su San, they were simply synonymous with knowledge!And to explain it from another angle, it is their absolute admiration for Su San!

People who have not participated in similar training cannot understand this kind of friendship!People who have not experienced their training under the background of Feng Dynasty can't understand this kind of fanaticism.What Su San gave them was not only a direction, a way out, a way of thinking, and a piece of sky, but like the sun, it illuminated everyone's heart.

There is nothing more exciting than this feeling, especially in a feudal society like Feng Dynasty, this feeling is especially frenzied!

In one night, this kind of frenzy and emotion passed away!When Su San sobered up from drunkenness, it was already the second day.

Su San who gets up before dawn every day, even if she is drunk, will open her eyes at this time!Shaking his head with a splitting headache, he swore secretly that he would never drink like this again.But he laughed at himself, as if he had said something similar before.

Yu'er heard Su San's sudden smile, and hurriedly sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Su San curiously.

Su San smelled a fragrance, very much like the smell of Farewell My Concubine!She couldn't help but move her eyes, and saw that Yu'er was staring at herself with wide eyes.

Yu'er would not spend the night in his room, and appearing here at this time shows that Yu'er has been guarding herself.Su Sanxin was a little moved, and asked with a soft smile, "Yu'er seems to have stayed up all night?"

But Yu'er answered the question inappropriately: "Yu'er was startled, thinking that the young master was dreaming and laughing? But it turned out that he was awake! Yu'er poured a cup of hot tea for the young master!" Yu'er got up and poured tea.The tea is served by the stove, and it is kept warm without being too hot, so you can drink it right after you pour it out!

Su San was very thirsty, Yu'er poured hot tea, tested the temperature of the water on her lips, and then served it to Su San.

After drinking it dry in one breath, Su San comfortably exhaled the residual alcohol, and said, "Why don't you go to sleep?"

"Yu'er is afraid that the young master will kick off the quilt. People who drink are most afraid of catching a cold! If you warm up your body and be shocked by the cold air, you will get sick."

"Oh! This young master sleeps most securely, and it is impossible to step on the quilt anymore!"

No wonder!Yu'er thought to herself: I don't know how many times I have pedaled, but I can't even press it down.

Su Sanyu'er had a strange expression, she guessed that she must have kicked off the quilt.Also, a drunk person is too hot to be covered by a quilt!When the wind blows again, the body becomes heavy, and you don't know when you are cold, but you are very easy to get sick.These days, it is very common for people to suffer from a lack of medical care and a cold that kills them.

But he laughed and said: "It was a dream. I dreamed that someone secretly kissed this young master, but he didn't open it. Maybe he kicked off the quilt. It's also possible."

Su San seems to be saying it in a joking tone, but this dream is real, and it is very practical!Su San was thinking, probably that night, women came to his room one after another, making his mind very active about this matter, that's why the dream of this woman forcefully kissing him came into being!

Subconsciously, I hope that all women will come to throw me in my arms, but for some reason, I can't accept it. It is in line with the theory mentioned in "The Interpretation of Dreams".No matter ancient or modern, human nature is still common.

I was thinking in my heart, what else might have caused this dream?But I heard Yu'er say: "Yu'er goes to the kitchen to make breakfast!".

Su San was about to persuade Yu'er to go to rest early!Yu'er is growing up, so it's not good to stay up all night, but Yu'er ran out quickly, leaving only her back, walking so fast.So I had to shout: "Slow down, there is snow and ice outside, be careful of falling!"

As soon as Yu'er came out of the young master's room, she leaned against the porch and stood still, her hands caressing her thumping chest, and she said in a low voice, "Didn't you sleep like a dead pig? I kissed it secretly, and it's too late." Can the young master feel it?"


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