
Chapter 351, Perfect Store

Chapter 351, Perfect Store

Xiao An also sleeps less these days!Every day I am busy in the new store until very late before I come back to sleep. [] Fortunately, yesterday, the new store has been completed!Fortunately, we were in such a hurry, otherwise it would be impossible to pave the ground when it snowed.

Xiao An put on her clothes, opened the door, and when Yu'er came out of the third master's room, she stood on the porch for a while, then went to the kitchen.After a while, the third master also came out of the room wearing a bunt training suit, and then began to practice slowly on a large piece of smooth ice that he had sorted out by himself.

In terms of martial arts, Xiaoan doesn't know anything!But he knew that the third master's kung fu was very powerful.This point, from the moment I went up the big ice surface, I fell all over the place, and the third master moved like flowing water on the ice surface, so I could do one thing or two.

Let alone a fall, the third master didn't even shake it by accident.

Little An didn't know that Su San seemed to move smoothly and relaxed on the ice.In fact, it took a lot of effort and sweat to finally grasp some rules of action on the ice!

If it weren't for Taijiquan itself that emphasizes flexibility and change, I'm afraid Su San would have fallen down many times.

This has nothing to do with how stable the horse's stance is, it's only about controlling the center of gravity at any time!

Although today is only the first time to practice Tai Chi on the ice!But Su San keenly realized that practicing Taijiquan on the ice would surely lead to a higher level of refinement.

Practice until daylight!Su San came down from the ice reluctantly.Xiao An hurriedly went to the kitchen to get the wash water, and Yu'er also brought breakfast to the main room.Since Su San was going to practice in the morning, the cooks who were learning from Yu'er didn't dare to come in.They learn art in the afternoon and evening.

Su San wiped her face, threw the washcloth away, and said to Xiao An and Yu'er, "Let's eat together!"

Yu'er and Xiao An sat at the small round table, Yu'er filled Su San with porridge, and Xiao An was also busy arranging the side dishes.Su San picked up a dumpling with chopsticks, took a sip of porridge before taking a big bite of the dumpling, and said vaguely to Xiao An: "The snow seems to have stopped! Later, you can go and inform Li Yue'er and tell her to gather all the people who are going to the new store." Get up! Don't tell them where to go, give them a surprise."

Xiao An said with a smile: "In seven days, the transformation alone cost more than 1 taels. If they knew that they had spent so much money, they would probably jump up!"

"Haha, it's worth the money! They will understand." Su San laughed.

Yu'er also said: "Yu'er also used Farewell My Concubine, and it feels very useful! Someone will definitely like it, so the money will definitely be earned back."

"Well! Guess what? How long will it take to earn back?" Su San asked with a smile.

"How long? More than 1 taels, how could it take a year or two?" Yu'er tilted her head, thought about it seriously, and then said.

Su San smiled lightly, but didn't speak.

Yu'er asked back: "How long does the young master think it will take to earn back?"

"Master, don't dare to guess like Yu'er!"

Yu'er blushed, and said angrily, "I don't even dare to guess, but let Yu'er guess! The young master is bad!"

"Haha!" Su San smiled happily.Once upon a time, he liked to play such little jokes with Yu'er.

In fact, he really dare not guess like Yu'er!If he guessed, at least he knew the cost and the general trend of the sales volume, but even so he was not sure about the exact sales volume, so it was just a joke for Yu'er to guess.

According to the price of one or two taels he set, the gross profit of each bottle is roughly calculated as one or two taels of Bawang.To earn 1 taels, you have to buy [-] bottles of a single product!

Although Jinling City is a closed capital!high population.But this large population is just a concept of a few hundred thousand people!Of these 10 people, the number of people who can really afford this product is probably no more than nearly 10!

How long will it take for a consumer group of tens of thousands of people to absorb the renovation cost of opening a store?Su San is not sure!After all, he is not very experienced in doing business in Feng Dynasty, or he is not very confident.He can be sure that he will not lose money, and even make a lot of money; but how much he will make and how fast he will make it is really impossible for him to guess.

Su San changed the subject and asked, "Yu'er, how are your apprentices doing?"

"Well, although they are not as smart as Yu'er, they can learn it as soon as they learn it, but it's okay! It's just that the taste is not as good as Yu'er's, and there will always be a difference! I don't know what's going on?" Yu'er Son laughed.

"The practice can be taught, but the spirituality cannot be learned! However, if you can learn 100% of Yu'er's [-]%, then there is no problem in opening a restaurant. But, this restaurant, we can't open it as an ordinary restaurant. Open to the good. The meaning of opening to the good is: ordinary dishes should be priced at [-] taels per seat!"

"Therefore, this requires constant improvement. Yu'er needs to work harder, let them do more work, learn well, before they want to open a restaurant, they have to pass the test of the young master! If they can't learn it, the young master will not let them open it Restaurant, Yu’er has to explain this clearly to them. In the next two days, Yu Feng will also come to learn from you, and Yu’er should pay more attention to teaching! The apprentice is well-trained, and the master’s face is also honored. Think about others’ compliments on Yu’er When my apprentice's cooking skills are so good, Yu'er, you can say: She is my apprentice! How much face should I have!"

While eating, Su San smiled and said: "Learning and then knowing the difficulties, teaching and then knowing the insufficiency; just learning it by yourself is not considered a skill; learning it can teach the disciples, and the disciples you teach are better than yourself, just like If the young master is like this, that's what you can do!"

Yu'er nodded again and again, patted her chest with her small hand and said: "Don't worry, young master! Yu'er will definitely teach an apprentice who is worse than Yu'er, let the young master."

"Well, the young master believes that Yu'er will do it."

Yu'er smiled and said, "The young master finally spoke the truth!"

scare!Su Zai shook his head with a wry smile, the little girl actually made a joke of herself.Don't let the cook not teach it, teach a group of landlord women who can fight the landlord.

These are all jokes!When Li Yue'er led a group of girls, led by Su San, to the big archway of Farewell My Concubine, all the girls jumped up for joy, hugged Su San's neck, and kissed a few times ruthlessly!

It caused Li Yue'er to eat a lot of vinegar!

Su San pointed to the new store at the entrance of the alley and said, "This store is the only flagship store of Farewell My Concubine! Please give this store a better name."

Everyone was discussing in a hurry while walking into the store!

I saw that the main house was a big flower bed!Although it is such a climate, the house is full of green shousong bonsai. From the white snow, to the green eyes, the spirit is lifted!

There is a counter on the left side of the main room, and bottles of 'Farewell My Concubine' have filled the cabinet behind the counter.On the right side of the main room, there are many tables and chairs for guests to chat.Although the furnishings are still a little thin, there is a breath of life inside and outside the house.In Mr.'s words, it is full of human care.

Doing business in such an environment must be a very comfortable thing.

"It's so perfect! How about calling it 'Farewell My Concubine Perfect Store'?" someone said.

Everyone felt the same way, and they all nodded to Su San.


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