
Chapter 352, the prince is the first guest

Chapter 352, the prince is the first guest

Su Sanyi stretched out his hand, turned out a folding fan, pondered for a while and said, "'Overlord' caresses three thousand threads of trouble, and he is full of energy! 'Farewell My Concubine' protects the farewell love and the beauty limit! Take the last third of each sentence. One word, as a couplet on the door couplet: Perfect! Okay, let’s call it Farewell My Concubine Perfect Flagship Store.【】”

Everyone applauds!Ask Su San to quickly write out the door couplet so that someone can carve it on the pillars on both sides of the door.

This is not an urgent matter, so Su San naturally wrote it back and sent it over.But he beckoned everyone together and said: "Today is a trial opening! It's already 28. Tomorrow is the official opening. This year ago, it took only three days. Renovating this store will cost a lot of money! So tomorrow's The opening ceremony is just a symbolic firecracker! No more money will be spent! Su San wants to ask you, just like this, you still have the confidence to sell Farewell My Concubine?"

All the voices responded: "We have confidence!"

Su San also said loudly: "Say, anyone can! The key is to do it. Tell me, sir, what is the foundation of confidence?"

"Build on what works!"

"Then what method are you going to use to sell the product well?"

Everyone started to chatter, and the methods were all kinds of strange.Some people say, send a message to those who presented 'Farewell My Concubine' last time, and invite them to come and join us!Someone said to go to the brothel to find a popular courtesan to try out and let the influence spread!There are also people who directly say that they want to go to the door to lure customers in, which they are better at.

Su San believed that they could do these things!But tell them, don't be impulsive! 'Farewell My Concubine' was not produced for ordinary people!As soon as it comes out, it represents preciousness and status.Using some inconspicuous methods will only make the quality of the product doubted.Taking the initiative to attack is naturally a good way, but you have to find the right target.The behavior of pulling customers in front of the door will only devalue the value of the product.

Li Yue'er had to be more flexible. After listening to Su San's words, she suggested that it is possible to hold a product introduction meeting!Then, in the name of a product introduction meeting, invite some people who already know and have used Farewell My Concubine products to expand the influence.

Su San affirmed Li Yueer's idea, but said with a smile: "Su San taught you that before doing anything, you must have a plan! How many bottles you plan to sell today, then make a plan for how many bottles to sell, and then complete this plan. Prepare tomorrow Sell ​​more, then prepare a plan to sell more! Remember the saying: the method is always better than that?"

All the voices said: "There are always more methods than problems! To solve any problem, you must use the method. There is always a method to solve the problem. The key is whether you have the idea of ​​​​this method and whether you have the ability to implement this method. .”

"Yes! Li Yue'er's method is very good! If you invite ten people, as long as they have used it before, they will probably bring twenty bottles of sales to the store! Because, they may prepare some for their families. If you If one hundred people are invited, then two hundred bottles will be sold. But is two hundred bottles your goal?"


"Then what is your goal?"

"At least two thousand bottles!"

"Is it [-] bottles in the past three days, or [-] bottles a day?"

"Two thousand bottles a day!"

"Then, at least how many guests do you want to invite?"

"A thousand!"

"Can you invite so many people? You only have so few people! Su San also taught you, brains?"

"You need to be clear-headed, and the method must be proper!"

"Obviously, it is very difficult for you to recruit 1000 people! So, at this time, you have to find a way! If you can't invite 1000 people, what should you do? Can someone else be hired? Who can tell Su San, How do you invite someone else?"

It was Yue'er who said: "We invite guests to bring their own guests. Each person who brings five people will get a bottle of Overlord as a gift!"

"Yes, this method is very good! This way, it will be much easier! But I am afraid that it will take you a day to invite them to come. After they come, you will not be able to deal with the scene of 1000 people. By then , I’m afraid you won’t be able to sell [-] bottles a day. I’m afraid you can only think of a better way!”

Everyone thought hard.

Su San smiled and said: "Think carefully, when Su San comes, there are at least two methods in front of you, you can try!"

Inspired by Su San, everyone was naturally unwilling to lag behind, but they couldn't think of any better way!

Su San smiled and said: "The first method! Make full use of the resources around you. Do you think Xu Yingming should give you some help?"

Everyone hurriedly shouted: "That's right! He is the shopkeeper of Ren Ji, and I heard that he knows many people! He alone can bring many customers to the store."

"Yes, taking advantage of someone who has already succeeded is like standing on the shoulders of a giant, and you are much taller. But you still haven't fully utilized Xu Yingming! Don't you know that Ren Ji has already entered the palace? If he Bring you in too?"

Everyone screamed strangely again, if they could make it into the palace, the two thousand bottles would be dealt with at once, and this is a stable source of customers!

Su San continued: "Through Xu Yingming, grab some key customers! For example, which high-ranking official's family, which big family. The customers who can order fried fish nuggets at Ren Ji must also be prospective customers of Perfect Store? , is Xu Yingming the only one by your side? Can Zhou Yingying not be used? There is also Ji Lao, Su San, Su San’s eldest brother Su Yi, etc.! Business is about not advancing or retreating, and you don’t even know the resources around you. Use it, that’s not enough! This is just another method. If you use this method, word of mouth will spread within a few days. The key is that this method is effective and can help you reach [-] bottles in one day. Target."

"The second method is also very simple! That is to find a babysitter. People from Su's residence, people from Ren Ji, people brought by Yue'er, people brought by Zhou Yingying, anyone you know can be called Come here, let them dress up better, pretend to be guests, and line up in front of the door to buy products. The front door sells the products, and the back door receives the goods. Although the method is very popular, as long as the popularity is fired, anyone can buy it. If you want to squeeze in the excitement, the more excitement comes, the greater the impact. Even if they don't buy the product, they will spread it as an anecdote! If you invite some famous people to come at the right time Supporting the audience and making the atmosphere more enthusiastic will definitely yield a lot of results! And the effect will not be slow."

"Ah! Is this okay? Isn't this a lie?"

"The things we sell are genuine and good things! How can this be called cheating? It should be called hype! Just like the opening of Ren Ji, it is hype. The hype is popularity, and the hype is people's herd mentality. There are always people who are curious about the things you buy, and there are always people who think it is a good thing. And we have given away hundreds of bottles! Those who have used it, as long as they hear about Farewell My Concubine opening a store, as long as they return If you want to use it, you have to come to support it. Don’t underestimate the hype, it’s well-operated and has great energy. If it’s done well, two thousand bottles is just a joke.”

Everyone chattered and started discussing.Just about to put what Su San said into practice!But he heard a loud shout outside the door: "The prince is here!"

Su San was startled!

Prince?Why did the prince come here so early in the morning?How did the prince know he was here?He must have been to the Su Mansion before he found this place!

Then what is it that makes the prince come to look for him so early in the morning?Could it be that something has changed?No, even if there is a big change, the prince will not come to him, he should go to Wu Taiming?Besides, if there is any major change, it is impossible for me not to show any signs of it.

Could it be something related to the emperor?Or something related to Narenge Rile?It's possible!

Su San anxiously said to the crowd: "On the first day of the trial operation, the crown prince is here! You must seize the opportunity." After saying that, he led everyone out together.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, the prince had already walked to the courtyard under the protection of the guards.As soon as Zhao Guang arrived at Su San, he hurriedly stepped forward to hold Su San and said, "Quick, follow me!"

Su San was confused by Zhao Guang, he didn't know what happened, and while saluting, he said: "Prince, don't worry, what is it?"

Zhao Guang was about to speak, but he heard Yingying and Yanyan shouting from behind Su San: "Greetings to the crown prince!"

Zhao Guang was taken aback, and now there were so many beauties standing behind Su San, he was dazzled and couldn't catch his eyes!Then he quickly took away Lasu San's hand, straightened his expression, coughed and said, "Well, excuse me! Where are you?"

Seeing Zhao Guang's ambiguous expression, Su San quickly explained: "This is Farewell My Concubine's only shop in Jinling! Today is the first day of business, and I didn't expect the prince to be the first customer to come in."

"Farewell My Concubine? The one who washes the hair? They have opened a shop? It's a good thing." Zhao Guang asked in surprise.

Li Yue'er followed the crown prince's words and said: "Since the crown prince says it's a good thing, then we must applaud it!"

Zhao Guang glanced at Li Yue'er and knew it was Su San's wife!Zhao Guang didn't expect Su San to let Li Yue'er show his face like this, so he smiled and said: "Naturally! The Prince of Farewell My Concubine also used it. It's really good, anyway, it's necessary to use it, and the women in the palace heard it too. I like it very much! Then send one hundred sets to Taili first.”

Li Yue'er smiled calmly and said, "A set is three taels of silver, and Bawang's single bottle is one tael or two taels of silver! In Jinling City, there are not many people who can afford it and are willing to buy it! If the prince I also want to add Farewell My Concubine to the gift list, or give it to the servants, officials! One hundred sets, I’m afraid it’s not enough.”

Zhao Guang has no idea about money!But after hearing Li Yue'er's words, he felt that he was a little stingy in his actions.Besides, since this thing can reward people, it's really not enough!If it's a reward, ten taels and twenty taels of silver is not very good in face, but if it is exchanged for ten bottles and twenty bottles of Farewell My Concubine, that would be rare.

With a heartbeat, he asked, "How many do you have here?"


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