
Chapter 353, eat morning tea

Chapter 353, eat morning tea

Li Yue'er held her breath, and thought very quickly in her mind, the goods that she had brought some time ago, plus the goods that have been continuously shipped in these days, are estimated to be all packed, and there are still [-] bottles. 【】But among these goods, Bawang has more single bottles, and Farewell Concubine has less, so there are still [-] sets, so he said: "There are [-] sets!"

"Then share half of the crown prince! Xiao Suozi, you put five thousand sets of 'Farewell My Concubine' into the warehouse here, pay them the bill, and add these to the gift list later." After Zhao Guang finished his instructions, he didn't After talking to Li Yue'er again, she pulled Su San aside and said, "Ning Yuan! I have something to ask for your help!"

Seeing that Li Yueer and the others were in a daze, Su San smiled inwardly, anticipating that it would never be as intense as reality!Followed the prince to the side, and when he heard the prince's words, he quickly responded: "If the prince has something to do, just give orders! How dare Ning Yuan disobey?"

Zhao Guang said: "Early this morning, Princess Na Ren sent a letter to the Crown Prince, saying that she was waiting for me at the Tea Rhyme Pavilion and had something to say. You also know that it is not easy for the Crown Prince to meet her alone in this situation. Yes! But, I don’t see you, the prince again! Hey, please accompany Ning Yuan to be a witness, in case someone criticizes, if the father intervenes, please explain a thing or two to Ning Yuan!”

Su San was stunned!Zhao Guang hurriedly asked nervously, "What? Inconvenient?"

Not inconvenient!But Su San couldn't figure out what tricks Narenge Rile was up to.It stands to reason that she no longer has the need to see the prince again, so is there any trick she can do?

But since the crown prince said this, Su San couldn't refuse, because he said: "At first, I thought about asking the eunuch in charge of internal affairs to come here for 'Farewell My Concubine'! But the crown prince's matter is Ning Yuan's matter! It's convenient, and it needs to be done." Su San decided that it would be better to use the prince to the extreme.

The prince waved his hand and said: "This is a trivial matter! Come on, take the name of the prince to the eunuch Jun Jun and tell him to buy some Farewell My Concubine for the palace! Just say, the prince has already bought five Thousand bottles!"

Su San hurriedly thanked him and said, "Then thank you, the prince! This is a trivial matter, and the prince has to worry about it."

Zhao Guang didn't have time to pay attention to these things, so he pulled Su San out of the Perfect Store together, and walked towards the Tea Rhyme Building together.

Zhao Guang and Su San go away!In the yard of Perfect Store, all the girls shouted loudly.Wishing they could throw Li Yue'er up, they laughed one by one: "It's still the boss of the head shopkeeper, with a few words, he turned a hundred sets of business into five thousand sets!"

Li Yue'er laughed and said, "Yue'er doesn't dare to take the credit, it's just a coincidence that the crown prince was the first to enter the door! Besides, the teacher taught well, didn't the teacher say that we should constantly discover the uses of the products?" ?So, at that time, Yue'er was thinking that Farewell My Concubine can not only be used by herself, but also be given to others. This is a rare and practical gift for Chinese New Year. That's why she had such an idea It's just a move. To borrow Mr.'s words, with a slight modification, it will be called: Farewell My Concubine, sending off elders, sending off relatives and friends, good and affordable!"

All the girls burst out laughing, and sang one by one: "This year, if you don't accept gifts during the Chinese New Year, you will accept 'Farewell My Concubine'!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Suozi was very hesitant to interrupt their chattering singing, should he remind them to prepare what the prince wanted.He felt that these women were crazy!

Leaving aside the situation in Perfect Store, let's just talk about Gu Peishan from Chayun Pavilion!

Early in the morning, the snow stopped. Thinking of today's business, it will definitely be more expensive than yesterday!Gu Peishan's mood is also brightened up like this snowy day!

But before he was happy, a large group of people walked into the store from the street!Originally, he should be happy. A large group of people came to have morning tea. That is an excellent business!But as soon as Narenge Rile took the lead, he couldn't help being in a good mood, and suddenly fell to the bottom.

I was worried that Narenge Rile was here to make trouble, but she had to go outside the counter and said with a smile, "Princess Naren, Wanfu Jin'an!"

Na Ren glanced at Gu Peishan lightly, then turned his eyes away!

Bilita stepped forward, took out a large silver ingot and handed it to Gu Peishan, saying: "Clear out the second floor, my master wants to entertain guests!"

Gu Peishan only felt that his hand sank, and his heart was naturally overjoyed, there were 20 taels!This is enough for his daily flow.Just as I was about to come down, I suddenly remembered that there was a private room on the second floor already filled with guests!

These guests booked a private room yesterday, and they even received a deposit of ten taels of silver!He pointed out that he could not change the private room, otherwise he would have to pay ten times the compensation.When those people get up, it's hard to talk, if they don't even give Princess Yuan the face and make trouble, it will be troublesome again.

Can't help laughing: "Other places are easy to talk about, but there is a private room upstairs, and there are already people. They came to book the private room yesterday, and now they are in it!"

When Bilita was about to speak, Naren Gerile waved her hand and went straight to the second floor.

Bilita said to Gu Peishan viciously, "Let them stop making noise!"

Gu Peishan happily said: "This is natural, this is natural!" But he thought in his heart, today is really a good day, and both of these businesses have been won.

He hurriedly asked the buddy to bring the best tea upstairs.Fortunately, from the very beginning, the store has ordered Sanjin Renji fried fish nuggets every day!Not to mention, many customers ordered the fried fish nuggets with tea by name!With Ren Ji, the business in the store has improved a lot. Not to mention, the fried fish nuggets themselves have also added a lot of color to the store.

In today's Jinling City, if there is no fried fish nuggets in any restaurant, it is not a restaurant at all!

It's just a little inconvenient. Ren Ji sells a limited amount of [-] catties every day.If you want to ensure that there are fried fish nuggets in the store, you must make an order three days in advance!It would be inconvenient if the store received a large order temporarily and the customer asked for fried fish nuggets by name.You must know that Ren Ji will charge [-] per catty for the delivery within three days.However, the wool also comes from the sheep, and customers who want to order this must be prepared to pay for it.

Narenge Rile sat quietly at the table on the second floor of the Tea Rhyme Pavilion!This seat was exactly where Su San sat that day.

Bi Lita spread the refreshments on the table one by one from Xiao Er's tray!Only then did Princess look thoughtfully at the snow on the roof outside.Then he said softly: "Ge Ge, this subordinate dares to say something!"

Narenge is happy with Bilita!Bi Lita said: "There is nothing to do, please stop at any time."

Naren Gerile smiled and said, "Naren knows this better than you!"

Bi Lita said: "Everything is ready, there is a brazier in the house, and when you run out of things, just throw them into the fire and you're done!"

Na Ren didn't seem to hear what Bilita said, she was just wondering if Zhao Guang would come as promised!Will Sorritu stop suddenly?

Just thinking about these times, I saw many people outside the building entering the teahouse!Immediately afterwards, I saw Zhao Guang approaching from downstairs, and there was another person beside him, but it was Su San!


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