
Chapter 354, Suolitu Assassinated

Chapter 354, Suolitu Assassinated

Unexpectedly, Su San would appear here, Narenge Ri Lexin was quite surprised, and quickly thought about the impact of this little accident on the matter, and found that it was not right, and then she felt relieved. 【】

Accompanied by Zhao Guang, Su San walked all the way to the second floor of Chayun Pavilion!At a glance, Naren Gerile was sitting beside her.It's still the same fur coat, still full of wildness, but still soft and lovely. It's no wonder that Zhao Guang is so fascinated by Narenge Rile.It is not an exaggeration to say that Narenge Rile is loved by everyone, and flowers bloom when Buddha sees them.

And this wonderful feeling will increase with every meeting!It's like a slow poison, which makes people want to stop.This woman is a poison.This point can be proved by Zhao Guang next to him, and Narenge Rile's body shaking and the slight distressed sound in his throat.

Seeing that Zhao Guang was a little distracted, Su San stepped forward to salute Narenge Rile and said, "Good morning, princess!"

"Master Su, good morning!" Narenge Ri Le respected the etiquette of conferring a seal, and returned a salute to Su San with considerable attention, but her eyes fell on the prince obediently, with some resentment and some help.

Zhao Guang seemed to be inspired by Narenge Rile's gaze, he stepped forward gently, but had to stop, and only after a long time said softly: "Are you unhappy?"

Su San didn't come out, Narenge Sunshine is not happy!Narenge Rile's original temperament should have been so peaceful. The cute and happy look in front of Zhao Guang before was just made by Narenge Rile on purpose.

"The prince loves you wrongly, Narenge Rile is fine!" A resentment naturally appeared on Narenge Rile's face!Appropriately expressed the slightest bit of unwillingness in her heart.

There is resentment, I'm afraid it's not reconciliation because of not being able to marry the prince, but reluctance to get married!

Seeing that Naren didn't call him Brother Guang anymore, Zhao Guang felt sad and said emotionally, "Is there any difficulty?"

Narenge Rile sighed, and asked the crown prince and Su San to sit down, but smiled wryly: "What's the use of talking about it now!"

Zhao Guang naturally came here because he wanted to hear what was going on here, so he started asking.Narenge Rile refused to show her tricks too much because Su San was in the way, and only stammered some ambiguous words about why she had to choose the emperor for marriage, and how she hoped that Zhao Guang would be the emperor.

Su San listened to Zhao Guang emotionally, tears streaming down his face, and he continued to sigh!I can't hear it myself.To him, none of what Narenge Rile said had real meaning.But she chose to use these words to seduce Zhao Guang's emotions. What was her intention?

Is it to provoke the confrontation between Zhao Guang and Zhao Pu father and son?I'm afraid it's too whimsical!

The door of a private room on the second floor opened, and several people walked out of it.These few people glanced at the group of guards lined up on the second floor, then lowered their heads and hurried downstairs.

Su San felt that these people were a little special!But she didn't think about it with her heart, but listened to Narenge Rile's words silently, and tried her best to find some real intentions from her words for inviting the prince here.Su San believed that it was impossible for Narenge Rile to keep going in circles forever, and she had to say what had to be said.

Bi Lita led people to guard the stairs, and stopped Xiaoer who came up to clean up the private room!

Naren Gerile is still repeating how Nai she is!His voice was choked and his tone was bleak!It took a long time before he stopped talking and said: "Prince, sit down for a while! Naren washes his face and then comes to drink tea with the prince. After today, I'm afraid!"

I'm afraid it's difficult to meet you!When we meet again, there will be a difference in generation, and mother and child should match each other.This is naturally Narenge Rile's unfinished intention!

Zhao Guang wiped away his tears, watched Na Ren go downstairs, then turned his head, looking at the snow scene outside!Calm down your mind silently.Zhao Guang felt that he was so useless that he couldn't even marry the woman he loved, so he could only helplessly watch Narenge Rile marry his father.The greatest pain in life is probably nothing more than this, right?

When Su San saw Zhao Guang's expression, he could only secretly sigh that Zhao Guang was a mediocre person.He knew that even if he revealed Narenge Rile's true temperament, Zhao Guang would not believe it.He could only comfort Zhao Guang and said, "Marriage is a major national event! Since Princess Naren can't disobey her father's order, then the prince should not be hurt too much. Where is the grass at the end of the world? On the grassland, there is not only one Narenge Rile ! In the future, the two countries will form an alliance, and there will be mutual exchange, and the girls on the grassland will also come to the imperial court! If the prince likes a girl from a foreign land, he can always find the one he loves."

"You don't understand!" Zhao Guang shook his head, as if he had matured a lot and started to look like a man!Sighing: "There is only one caring and pleasant Narenge Rile in the world. There will be no second one! We are in love with each other, but, hey!"

A standard lovelorn appearance!Unfortunately, it's just that Zhao Guang thought he was broken in love!This kind of maturity is just a fake maturity!

Did Zhao Guanglianna Renge Rile really like him? I didn't even figure it out. What kind of maturity are you talking about?Love has never been in love, where did the lovelorn come from?Isn't it a little whimsical for a person who is about to own a country to expect to have true love?Su San didn't know if this was a tragedy. Perhaps it was the real tragedy that someone like Zhao Guang appeared as the heir of the country.For a person like Zhao Guang, give him another environment, maybe he will live a happier life!

In fact, looking back and thinking about it, I am also very ashamed!People like myself still hope that Zhao Guang will stay in the position in front of him, and hope that Zhao Guang can become the master of the country!Isn't it cruel to do this by yourself?

"There are assassins!" An exclamation came from the street outside!

Su San was taken aback.

The guards in the building tensed up, surrounded the prince, and looked around cautiously.

Su San was about to stretch her head out, but heard a loud noise coming from her ear!A masked man rushed out from the private room where the guests had just come out, and jumped down from the door on the other side of the second floor!

People in the building, dare not move!I was afraid that someone would take advantage of the opportunity to assassinate me, so I just watched the masked man disappear!

Su San was shocked again, and sensitively sensed that the exclamation on the street must be related to this masked man!

Then I went to the street and saw a group of people in chaos!Many people surrounded one person and retreated into the nearby shop in a chaotic manner!Another group of people hurried towards the teahouse.

Su San's mind tightened, but he was unusually calm!

After a few thoughts quickly turned in my mind, I withdrew from my mouth and immediately walked to the fence on the other side, down!

I saw a group of people who rushed into the teahouse just now passed through the hall and ran to the second floor in a hurry!

The guard of the original countryman was about to go downstairs to find Na Ren Ge Ri Le!As soon as the two phases met on the stairs, they immediately drew their swords and faced each other.

Su San shouted abruptly: "Stop!"

The group of people who rushed into the restaurant saw the shouts and were shocked. When they raised their heads, they saw that there were people densely packed on it!And they are all dressed up as samurai, all holding swords, looking like they are facing an enemy!Everyone couldn't help being taken aback, they didn't expect that there was such a formation above.

Su San saw that the two parties were drinking, stretched out his hand, and shouted to the voices who wanted to rush up: "His Royal Highness is here to drink tea, and the idlers wait to retreat quickly!"

That group was even more taken aback!One of the bold ones bowed down on his knees, held the knife in both hands, and said anxiously: "We are the guards of Jing Guoyuan. Our special envoy of Jing Guo Suo Litu was assassinated just now, and the murderer shot an arrow from this building! I Waiting for the evil to come, please be merciful, my lord!"

Solitu Assassinated?

Su San was stunned for a moment, never thinking that Solitu would be assassinated!Then he shouted: "Everyone stand still! Wait until I ask the prince." After speaking, he turned and walked to the prince's side.

The prince had long been shocked by a series of changes in the matter, and was a little overwhelmed. Seeing Su San came to ask his opinion, he asked Su San instead: "How should Ningyuan deal with this matter?"

Su San said without hesitation: "This matter has nothing to do with us! It must be the masked man who jumped out of the private room just now, and did the trick. In order to avoid suspicion, they should come up and check it out themselves."

"Okay, Ningyuan has full authority to arrange this matter!" The prince responded quickly.

Su San walked back to the fence, and said to the crowd: "All of you put down your weapons, and then come up to investigate!"

The Jingren guards thought that there would be no danger if there were so many people above them, so they hurriedly put down their knives, and five or six people rushed towards the shooting place together.

Su San ordered the guards around the prince to protect him, so he took a few people and walked over together.

The Beijingers found the right place, but the private room was already empty!Su San glanced into the private room, and saw that on the table in the private room, there were leftover refreshments, and there was a large charcoal basin in the room, which kept the private room warm.

Naturally, a guard upstairs said: "A masked man rushed out from here just now, and jumped down from over there!"

The Jingren guards ran over there in a hurry, only to see an open door, and the outside was the backyard of the teahouse!Where is half a figure left at this time?

Even so, there are still two guards, jumping down from the mouth, looking for clues on the footprints in the snow!

Su San stepped into the private room and smelled the smell of burnt leather first!

Turning his head and looking into the brazier, he saw a burnt rubber band!A long black stain is printed on the fiery red charcoal, it should be the string of a bow and arrow!Going to the half-covered outside, I saw a group of Beijingers had helped Solitu into the opposite shop, and there were many people pointing in my direction!

This is naturally a premeditated assassination!In the brazier, there were only traces of burning of the bow, but no traces of burning of the arrows. This is enough to prove that the assassin is very confident that he will kill with one arrow!Therefore, from the beginning to the end, only one arrow was prepared, and the fact is that one arrow killed it.

When Su San walked out of the private room, Naren Gerile had already returned upstairs!Are very curious to ask what happened in this building?

Su San leaned against the fence and quickly stroked his train of thought, but saw a few guards from Jing Guoyuan holding Gu Peishan and interrogating him on the first floor!


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