
Chapter 355, Su 3's prestige

Chapter 355, Su San's prestige

Gu Peishan didn't know what was going on, seeing that the building was in such a mess by the Beijingers, he couldn't help being angry and anxious!But the people in Beijing didn't care about this, and slapped Gu Peishan on the face as soon as they reached out, eager to ask who used that private room. 【】

Su San frowned, knowing that even if Gu Peishan was killed, he wouldn't be able to find out who it was, and then the people in Beijing kicked and kicked Gu Peishan, which was really disgusting!Then he shouted: "Bold! This is Dafeng Dynasty, you Jing people dare to beat people at will? Come, take it down for me!"

Seeing someone supporting him, Gu Peishan cried out in pain.The guards around the prince, under Su San's order, swooped down and dragged some unarmed Beijingers up!Kneel down!

The Jing people held their heads high and knelt restlessly, but refused to admit their mistakes. Instead, they shouted: "You hinder us from finding the assassin, and you are the accomplices! We, Lord Suolitu, were assassinated by you."

People in Beijing have this guess, and they can't be blamed entirely!Such a large group of people are in the building, but there are assassins hidden upstairs to assassinate!No wonder they say so.

Su San raised her eyebrows, picked up a stool, and slammed it hard in front of the three Beijingers. The loud sound shocked everyone!Narengerile also glanced at Su San lightly before turning her face away.

When the three Beijingers were frightened by Su San, a weak scholar, their faces turned a little furious!They really don't want to seal people, especially those who seal the dynasty!It was the first time they met someone who was so spineless and dared to be so arrogant in front of them!

But they don't know, they encountered a big stubble today!Su San gave the three arrogant Beijingers a cold look, waved his hands at the prince's guards and said, "Come on, slap your mouth!"

When the prince's guards heard the prince's order to give Su San full control, they naturally would not disobey Su San's intention!Besides, beating people in Beijing is a good thing to have a long face, and they will never hesitate again.Therefore, he stretched out his hand and slapped it. Although a Beijinger only gave him a slap, this slap used all his strength!

Almost knocked off a person's cheek! There were three crisp sounds of 'Pa Pa Pa Pa', beating the three Beijing guards with stares in their eyes.

The three of them immediately lowered their heads!Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, and if they carry on, they will suffer, and they are not stupid.

Then Su San said unhurriedly: "Before you speak next time, you have to think carefully! Who is sitting here? It's the prince of the Dafeng Dynasty! The prince, you can also slander him? Kneel down honestly Admit your mistake, or you will die on your knees."

After finishing speaking, Su San no longer ignored the three Beijingers, but withdrew his mind and concentrated on thinking about the whole thing.He always thinks things are a bit of a coincidence!

It was a coincidence that the good prince and Princess Na Ren met here, and then there was an assassination incident suddenly!Su San has experienced many things in his previous life, and he knows that there are very few real coincidences, and generally 'coincidences' are artificially arranged!

Could it be that this is a game set up by Narenge Rile?

With this idea in mind, and then following this line of thinking, Su San soon noticed many strange things!

First of all, there was something strange about the tea guests who came downstairs just now!Those people must not be ordinary tea drinkers.Ordinary tea drinkers won't see so many people upstairs when they go out, and their expressions are still so indifferent!It was as if they already knew that there were so many people in this building!

Even if they are already in the private room, there are so many people on the second floor!Don't you just have a little bit of worry?

There is another strange place!

If there is an assassin hiding in the private room.Then when this group of tea customers check out, they will definitely tell the shopkeeper that there are still customers in the private room who have not left, and ask Xiaoer not to go up and disturb!

But the truth is, I clearly remember that Xiaoer was going to clean up the private room, but was blocked by Bilita.

This can explain some problems very much!

The only possibility is that the tea guest and Yuanren were in the same group, knowing that Bi Lita would stop all the idlers downstairs, that's why they left so reassuringly!

Since Bilita knew about it, Narenge Rile must also be the one who knew about it!Then this one thing makes sense!

But why did Narengerile leave the second floor again?Shouldn't she be sitting on the second floor, the least suspect?Or did she leave because she wanted to participate in it herself?If this is the case, she is covering herself by inviting the prince to meet here, and the masked person is very likely to be Narenge Rile himself!

Su San's heart moved, and his eyes turned to Naren Gerile calmly.

Although Narenge Rile was talking to the prince, most of her energy was on Su San!When Su San turned to her, she immediately became alert.

A smart person has the perception of a smart person, and Narenge Rile immediately reflected on whether she had left any flaws!Probably not, she is going down in the eyes of everyone!And the assassin was on the second floor. The gap between upstairs and downstairs, with the crown prince's proof, was enough to clear him of his suspicions!

The process of going from the first floor to the second floor was well planned in advance!Bilita carried her on his back, walked to the side of the second floor, and climbed up by himself.

The side is the blind spot of sight on the second floor, you can go to her position, and all the people standing are your own people!The private room is the innermost one on the side. When the guest who reserved this private room left, he intentionally held the door open!It can definitely block everyone's sight and make it easy for you to enter the private room!

The actions in the private room, naturally no one can come.If he hadn't knocked on the door deliberately when he was going out, I'm afraid no one would have noticed his jump.

There is snow on the shoes, no one can catch the fault; the clothes are not messed up, and this is not abnormal.The corner of Narenge Rile's eyes swept across her body and stayed on her fingers.

She needs a wrench on her thumb for archery!In order not to hurt my hand, although the wrench finger has been removed, there is an obvious ring-shaped erythema left on the finger!

Narenge Rile immediately covered her right hand with her left hand calmly, before turning her face to Su San.But Su San was shifting his gaze from her hand to her face.

The eyes of the two, in the air, were inadvertent, but if there was a real touch, they both felt the shock in each other's eyes, and then moved away calmly!

Narenge said cheerfully: Damn it, this guy must have discovered something, otherwise his eyes wouldn't be so shocked!This guy is too scary!On this occasion, in this situation, he actually has such a state of mind that he can think calmly and calmly?No, this person cannot stay!I thought I had a deep mind, but I didn't expect that there are really talents in the world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me!

Su San's heart also skipped a beat. From the fingerprints on Narenge Rile's hand and the look in her eyes, he had already determined that the assassination of Solitu must have something to do with Narenge Rile, and he could judge it arbitrarily. It is conjectured that the real culprit who assassinated Solitu was Naren Geri Lexin!

Scary, this woman is really good at it!It's not easy to do this kind of work with such peace of mind, isn't it?I still underestimated her!

Even more damn it!Narenge Rile actually used the prince and herself as shields!And without knowing it, he was used by Naren Gerile once!What's even more exasperating is that I have been used, and I can't tell the truth!

However, she probably didn't expect that she would come with the prince!No wonder there was a slight surprise on his face when he and the prince appeared together?

All thinking, in fact, just happens in an instant!It happened in the blink of an eye after the three Jing people were slapped!

When Su San sat down next to the prince and Narenge Rile again, Su San had already made up her mind to play dumb about this matter to the end.

Therefore, as soon as Su San sat down, he said to the prince: "The people of Jing are too arrogant! How can the people of the Feng Dynasty allow them to beat and scold wantonly? It is understandable that they are eager to ask questions, but is it right to ask questions?" Did you ask with a slap? Prince, Ning Yuan will use the name of Prince today to teach them a lesson!"

Zhao Guang whispered: "After all, you are from the Jing country, so it's not very good to do this?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Narenge Rile's eyes, but he said, "I've already been beaten, and if it's not good, I can only hold on to the end. Otherwise, Jingguo really blamed the assassination of Solitu on you, the prince. That's more troublesome."

Zhao Guang saw that Narenge Rile was so considerate of himself, he couldn't help being happy, but at the same time sad!When Su San came to Zhao Guang, he showed such an expression again, it was really slang.

Su San can't be so gentle with a man!Men should be more decisive, when they are done, they should be more decisive, even if they are in love, there are some things that cannot be redeemed, and they still worry about gains and losses, is it necessary?

There was a rush of footsteps on the stairs, and several Beijingers were blocked by Bilita on the stairs.One of the people from Beijing could only shout loudly: "His Royal Highness! Foreign Minister Jing Guo Deputy Envoy Dehra, please see me!"

The prince beckoned and asked Dehera to come alone.

Dehera saluted at the prince's table, and the prince asked: "I heard that the envoy of Solitu was assassinated? How is the injury now?"

"Please ask, Prince! It's already in the way. Although he shot in the chest, Suo Zhengshi was wearing a lot of clothes, and the assassin's arrows were not strong enough, so the piercing was not deep, and he only suffered some minor injuries!"

Su San's first reaction after hearing Dehera's words was that this arrow was indeed shot by Naren Gerile!Only women are short of arrows.The second reaction was that it was unlikely that Suolitu had only suffered minor injuries.Narenge Rile has spent so much time and used so many methods, she never just wants to change this result!This is impossible!

So, the arrow must be poisonous!Thinking of this, Su San raised her eyebrows, but concealed the thought and kept silent!Solitu died as soon as he died, and it had nothing to do with him. He didn't need to point it out.


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