
Chapter 356, Simply make it big!

Chapter 356, Simply make it big!

"That's good, that's good!" Zhao Guang was a little happy when he heard the news!Solitu is not dead, and he doesn't have to think that the people in Beijing will be furious because of this and make excuses to go south. 【】

Dehera glanced at the three kneeling Jing people beside him, and said to the prince: "These three are the guards of the Jing Guoyuan. I don't know what crime they committed, so that the prince treats them like this?"

The prince did not speak, but glanced at Su San.

Su San smiled, cupped his hands at Dehera and said, "These three people were dealt with by the order of the official!"

"you are?"

"Shu Ling Shi Su San!"

"Su San?" Dehera whispered unexpectedly.I have often heard the name Su San being mentioned recently, but I never expected to meet a real person today!

"It's the official!"

Dehera knew that Su San had been favored by the emperor recently, and was getting more and more popular, so it was not easy to offend him.But seeing his compatriots suffer, his tone is still hard to get better.Moreover, the people of Beijing have always had a condescending complex in front of Feng Ren, so they said in a cold tone: "Master Su, is there a reason for disposing of them?"

Su San didn't seem to care about Dehera's tone!Pointing at the three people, he said, "Deputy Envoy De should ask them himself!"

Dehera was taken aback!Su San looked careless, as if she was holding onto some reason, thinking that the problem could not be intensified any longer, so she asked the three Beijing guards, "What's going on?"

The three of them were out of anger just now, so they said the words of accomplices!He really didn't go through his brain before speaking, and he didn't realize it until he was slapped on the mouth. Sitting opposite was the prince of Dafeng Dynasty, saying that the prince was an accomplice and an envoy!That's not bad.

So when Dehera asked, they all lowered their heads, knowing they were wrong!How dare you repeat it.

Dehera and the three of them meant this, so they knew it was their fault!Just about to bypass this section, first convince the other party to let him go!He still has to track down the murderer, but he has no time to grind his teeth here.

But Su San didn't give Dehera a chance to go around, but at the same time the three of them lowered their heads, they snorted coldly at the side and said: "As soon as you come up, you will say that the prince is the mastermind and the culprit! If you don't take it today Make it clear, no one wants to leave here!"

Dehera secretly scolded the three guards for being confused, but it was even more headache for Su San's sentence "no one wants to leave here"!Come on, this Su San is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but he has made up his mind to make things clear!

also good!Then simply make things bigger!

In fact, Dehera also had the idea of ​​making things bigger when his head was hot!In Dehera, the prince is a softie, and Su San is just young and vigorous!In order to avoid being involved in this matter, Yuanren would not open his mouth.In this way, with his ability to deal with it, would he be afraid of being blocked?

But Dehera didn't know that Su San was just trying to provoke him to take the bait!Su San wants to teach the Jing people a good lesson, and let the Yuan people widen their eyes so that they don't offend themselves.

"Then don't leave!" Dehera blurted out this sentence.Then he said to the three Jingren guards with a cold face: "You guys are talking about why you want to blame the prince! Did you get kicked in the head by a horse's hoof?"

Dehera looked stern!In fact, it was implying that the guards should put the matter on the prince.In Dehera's mind, there is always a reason for the guards to blame the prince. Now Dehera wants the guards to explain clearly.As long as the prince can't prove that he is not suspected, then it's hard to say anything!

A quick-minded guard understood Dehera's tone and said, "It's not that we want to say that, but it's just a coincidence! The assassins are also upstairs, and so many of them are also upstairs. Someone Assassination, they didn't even notice it! And we were interrogating the shopkeeper, and they arrested us, isn't this delaying the time for us to arrest the assassin, and deliberately fleeing the assassin?"

"Oh, so it is like this!" Dehera seemed to understand something, and picked Su San back with his eyes.Meaning, how do you explain this?

How could Su San not know about Dehera's carefulness!Wanting to play with his mind and tricks in front of him, Dehera was a little tender.

Yin smiled, facing Dehera's face full of inquiries, instead of following Dehera's intentions, he asked instead: "Why is this so?"

"Don't Master Su think it's really a coincidence?"

"There are so many coincidences in the world? What does this mean? Besides, there are envoys from the Yuan Kingdom upstairs! What the Deputy Envoy De means is that the prince of the Feng Dynasty and the princess of the Yuan Kingdom planned to assassinate the envoys of the Jing Kingdom ?”

"Dhera didn't mean that! Just thought."

Su San interrupted Dehera's words: "I didn't mean that, and said that it was so, is that a suspicion?"

Seeing that Su San had to clarify his attitude, Dehera hesitated in private before saying decisively: "It's true that I have some doubts!"

Su San laughed, and watched Dehera step by step into her circle, took another look at Naren Gerile, who seemed to be indifferent, and then suddenly withdrew her smile and said, "Come on, take Dehera down!"

Dehera's face turned pale, and he said anxiously: "You, Mr. Su, what do you mean by that!"

"Didn't you hear my lord's words?" Su San asked the prince's guard.

The prince's guards dare not hesitate any longer!The two people stepped forward, twisted Dehera's arm back, and caught it.

Dehera blushed in pain and shouted: "I am the envoy of the Jing Kingdom, how dare you treat me like this?"

Su San's face changed quickly, she put away her cold face, smiled and said to Dehera: "I'm sorry, Deputy Envoy De! Now I suspect that you are the real murderer who assassinated Solitu, and you sent someone Assassinated Suo Zhengshi. Therefore, you are captured for interrogation."

"It's just nonsense, how could I assassinate Master Solitu?"

"How is it impossible? I heard that Deputy Envoy De and Envoy Suo Zheng often have disagreements. Maybe the Deputy Envoy De refused to accept the envoy Suo Zheng. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill people and replace him! Maybe it was because of the unequal distribution of property and resentment! Maybe it was because of the unequal distribution of property. Fight for a beautiful woman, or."

Dehera interrupted Su San furiously: "Su San, you deceived me too much!"

Su Sanyi withdrew his smiling face, raised his voice sharply, and shouted: "You deceive us, even worse! If I suspect you for a little bit, that is to deceive you! Wait, if you openly doubt His Royal Highness, you will deceive us even more These three people, in the name of arresting murderers, abused the people of the Feng Dynasty at will, and then fought! Gu Peishan, come here, and tell the Deputy Envoy of Germany how these three people treated you. "

Gu Peishan had been waiting at the side for a long time. When he saw that, he quickly knelt down and cried bitterly: "These three people, when they came up, they held up the collars of the little ones. They have accents when they speak, and they speak fast and urgently. The little ones Without saying a word, they just punched the little man in the face, and then punched and kicked! If Lord Su hadn't opened his mouth to save the villain, they would have been beaten to death right now."

Su San looked at Dehera coldly and said: "In front of the future king of Feng Dynasty, oppressing the people of Feng Dynasty like this! This is the crime of deceiving the king. It is a heinous crime for me to punish you lightly, but to bite you for the same reason. You are a dignified deputy envoy of a country. You don’t want to clarify the matter, but you are so confused that you also say doubtful words! Su San deceives you, Su San can give you his life! These three people from Beijing will rectify the law on the spot!"


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