
Chapter 357, Solitu is dead!

Chapter 357, Solitu is dead!

Seeing Su San jumping into a rage, as if all three corpses were burned, Dehera was really afraid that Su San would be punished in anger!Kneeling quickly, he begged the prince, "Prince, we made a mistake, we knew we were wrong, we, we made the mistake because we were impatient, please give the ministers a chance to correct themselves!"

Seeing Su San with his hands behind his back, the crown prince signaled to him, knowing that the people in Beijing are not good, he would really kill him!Although Zai was very relieved, it felt very face-saving for the people in Beijing to kneel in front of him, but he had to say something to make things right. 【】He coughed, but said with a serious face: "Although the prince is very angry, you were really impatient when he was assassinated in Suolitu, so I will let you go this time!"

Su San hurriedly turned around and said: "Prince! These people are too hateful, and they accuse the prince blatantly. If they let this go, no one will dare to behave wildly in front of the prince in the future! According to the official, the death penalty can be avoided, but the life penalty still has to be paid!"

Zhao Guang didn't know what kind of trick Su San was going to play, so he pretended to be pondering, so he nodded!

Su San then said to the prince's guards: "These three Beijingers beat people first, and after they rammed the prince, they tried to mislead Deputy Envoy De! Let me drag you downstairs and beat them hard. Remember, as long as you don't kill them , no matter how hard you fight!"

Dehera's face turned pale, but he couldn't say anything against it at all!Originally, I came to save people, but I didn't expect to kill the people I want to save now, even myself!He wanted to ask Su San for favors, but it was obvious that Su San's face was full of lingering anger, for fear of arousing the anger of this young adult again!I can only keep silent.

Su San turned her head to Dehera! "As for Deputy Envoy De?"

Dehera felt his scalp tense and his heart numb. He didn't know how Su San could fix himself, so he couldn't help lowering his head slightly, but felt that bowing his head was too embarrassing, so he tilted his head to the side.

Seeing Dehera's expression, Su San laughed, and handed a bench, stuffed it under Dehera's body, and said to the two guards: "Quickly let go! Come, come, Deputy Envoy De, sit! Su San knows Well, it was those three maggot-spitting guys who misled Deputy Envoy De into it with their nonsense! Even today, the Crown Prince, Deputy Envoy De De, taught them a lesson, lest they talk nonsense in the future. It would be bad if all the nine clans of Deputy Envoy De were involved. Wouldn't Deputy Envoy De be unhappy?"

"Where, where! They usually keep their mouths shut."

"That's right! What you say in the prison is the so-called. When you go out, you can't talk nonsense. Fortunately, I was ordered by the prince to stop them today. Otherwise, I would really beat the shopkeeper out of here." At any rate, the crown prince tried to save them, but he failed! To stop them is to protect them, and Deputy Envoy De must be able to discern right from wrong!"

Dehera hurriedly stood up and saluted the prince, "Thank you prince for stopping in time!"

The way the prince came to Dehera's face to help him made him want to laugh!But he waved his hands sullenly, not daring to say anything, for fear of not being able to bear it.

Su San said again: "However, after Deputy Envoy De goes back, he still has to enlighten the three guards! Don't think about finding a way to hug him, if there is something wrong with Shopkeeper Gu, even if it is really an accident, this account will still be paid. It's on those three guards! At that time, we won't be in this teahouse, so we can talk good things!"

Dehera felt so regretful that she had quarreled with Su San, and wished she could leave sooner!So he just followed Su San's tone and said, "No, no, absolutely not!"

The screams of the three Jingren guards could be faintly heard from the backyard. Dehera's face twitched unnaturally, but Su San pushed Dehera to sit down.Then he said: "Although Deputy Envoy De doesn't doubt us anymore, we still have to clear ourselves up. So, Deputy Envoy De, please don't leave in a hurry! Deputy Envoy Su Third asked about this matter."

Dehera is concerned about this matter, so he can only forget the screams in the backyard!He listened intently to what Su San had to say.

Su San first explained the prince's reason for coming here slowly, and then explained the scene and the situation carefully!Let's talk about the reasons before and after, and let the relevant personnel confirm it one by one.As a result, the real culprits of the assassination fell on that group of mysterious tea drinkers and that masked man!

Dehera knew this, and also understood that it was really a coincidence!That's right, if the prince wants to kill Solitu, no matter what method is used, there is no need to personally witness the scene!Besides, the prince has no reason to kill Solitu.

Speaking of which, Yuanren was somewhat suspicious!However, for the same reason, if the original person wants to assassinate, there is no need to create this scene.

Therefore, Dehera repeatedly confessed to the prince and Naren Gerile!

Seeing that the questions were clarified, everyone invited Dehera to sit down and drink tea together!

Where did Dehera have such thoughts, he is resigning!A Beijing guard rushed upstairs and shouted: "Master De is not good!"

Dehera was taken aback!

The guard from Jing said: "There is poison on the arrow! Mr. Suo's poisonous gas exploded, and his seven orifices bleed to death!"

What an overbearing poison!Su San thought in his heart: the poison has been hidden for half a moment before it suddenly flares up, it is a very domineering poison.

Narenge Rile is really ruthless!What gave her a reason not to get rid of Solitu?

Su San didn't expect that the reason why Narenge Rile wanted Suolitu to die was that Suolitu hinted that the prince proposed a marriage proposal to the emperor!She can't bear to let herself leave a stain on her name.

When Dehera heard the news, he felt bursts of cold sweat on his body!Hastily accused the prince of a crime, and hurried downstairs.

"Come here, escort Deputy Envoy De back to the Yuansuo! Envoy Suo has an accident, and envoy De De can't have any more accidents!" Su San shouted.

Dehera's body tightened, and everyone walked to the stairs, and they were shocked to hear this!He hurriedly turned around and bowed to Su San and said, "Thank you, Prince and Master Su for your kindness!" Then, under the escort of the prince's guards, he went to the residence of the people in Beijing.

Let this matter get into trouble, and the atmosphere of Zhao Guang and Na Renge Rile's conversation will fade away!Narenge Rile finished her work and didn't want to stay for a long time, so the meeting broke up.

The prince still went back to the palace, Su San parted ways with the prince outside the Chayun Pavilion, and then walked to the perfect shop.

Halfway, I felt someone following me behind me!Then he swayed in the crowd for a few times and hid himself to one side, but Bilituo, who was beside Naren Gerile, hid behind the crowd, glanced into the crowd, turned around and disappeared on the other side!

Su San sighed softly, thinking in her heart: Naren Ge Ri Le may be staring at her, and there are some things that I don't want to do, but I have to do them.

Su San turned around a few streets, and as soon as he reached the alley of Perfect Store, he saw Li Ji coming out of the alley, with Pi Qiu beside him!


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