
Chapter 358 There is really no money!

Chapter 358 There is really no money!

The two accompanied them all the way, talking while walking!He was still carrying a few sets of Farewell My Concubine in his hand, with a pained look on his face. 【】The two of them bought a few sets because they were persuaded by the women!He greeted them with a smile and said, "How did you find this place? Is there something urgent?"

Li Ji had obviously been to the Su Mansion, and learned that he was here from the Su Mansion!Otherwise, it would be impossible to appear here in the middle of the morning.

Hearing Su San's voice, Li Ji realized that Su San was in front of him, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I came to the mansion a few days ago and heard that the third master is doing some kind of training! Come now, the third master is training these people, right? It's really terrible, with a few words, it emptied the money on both of us, and almost didn't bet people in it."

Li Ji's words are a bit exaggerated!Those women will not want two big men, but the women inside still have the ability to keep all the money from the guests!Originally, he came out of the building, so he was sure about men, and after his own training, it should be as easy to pay for customers' money as it is for money in his own pocket.

Then he smiled and said: "Keep one set for home use! Keep the other sets, and when you find a chance to sell them in the first month, you will definitely earn back!"

As soon as Li Ji heard what Su San said, he hurriedly said: "Then I'll go buy a few more sets!" After speaking, he turned around and walked back!

Pi Qiu was surprised to see that Li Ji, who was still in pain like him just now, is so generous now, he couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded!

He abruptly bought two sets, and because the store was owned by Su San's wife, Li Yue'er, he felt embarrassed to come out empty-handed, so he bought it!

In fact, it is deserted and clear inside, and this thing is so expensive, who would spend money on this?Su San actually said that if there is a chance to make a move and make money back, only ghosts will believe it.

But Pi Qiu naturally won't let his thoughts show, the head of the bodyguard has already said that next year he will set up a branch office in Chengdu!Su Yi is Su San's eldest brother, and he will work in the Chengdu Mansion in the next year. From now on, Su Yi will be his backer in Chengdu Mansion. He dare not offend Su Yi's younger brother, Su San.

Otherwise, if he spends these few taels of silver as a favor, he will not lose money!Fortunately, this money can be counted in the entertainment money, otherwise he wouldn't dare to spend it like this!

It's not good to stand like this with Su San, so Pi Qiu pointed at Li Ji's back and smiled at Su San, "Master! This guy just said that he has no money, so it can be seen that he is lying."

Su San smiled lightly and said, "Let's go! Let's go in too. Li Ji came to the house a few days ago, and Ning Yuan was busy with something, so he didn't receive him! You and Li Ji came here today, do you want to talk to Ning Yuan's elder brother? ?”

Pi Qiu hurriedly followed Su San's footsteps and said with a smile: "Su Yi, Mr. Su, will take up a post in Chengdu after the next year. The Zhiyuan Escort also wants to set up a branch in Chengdu. The day is not in Jinling Mansion, and the villain will not be there when our Chief Escort pays a visit to Su Fucheng, so the Chief Escort specially asked Pi Qiu to come into the mansion to pay a visit as soon as he returns. That's why he brought Li Ji to come with him."

"Hmm! Has Li Ji joined the Zhiyuan Escort?"

"No? For this matter, Li Ji and Mr. Ding had a quarrel! Although our chief escort loves talent, it's not easy to go against his will!"

Su San smiled and said: "It stands to reason that he is still the guard in the Su Mansion, and he has not been dismissed so far! However, the eldest brother will go to Chengdu Mansion in the next year, and Li Jituo's family will take care of him. Go, so I didn't let him enter the mansion again! Well, it's not a bad thing to enter the Escort Bureau, I will talk to Li Ji about it!"

While talking, the two entered the perfect store!

It was really deserted inside, most of the shop assistants had left, only Li Yue'er and another girl were in the shop!

Seeing Su San coming in, Li Yue'er hurriedly stepped forward and said, "We're exhausted, it's time to hire some guys in the shop! Otherwise we'll be exhausted."

"Didn't you bring people here from Wuling? Use it for the first few days! After the new year, slowly find a reliable buddy! Have all the goods been delivered?"

"It's all being prepared in Su's mansion! I dare not touch the goods here, for fear that there will be urgent needs on the counter!"

"What about them?"

Li Yue'er smiled and said: "Everyone has gone to show their abilities, saying, if we don't sell [-] bottles today! I won't go back to the store. It's like they've been pumped!"

Su San ignored Pi Qiu's astonished face, only responded to Li Yue'er's words with a smile: "Is there no news from the palace?"

"Instead, I sent a little eunuch over to take a look! I told him that Princess Heyi in the palace is also using it. He said go back and report the situation, let's talk!"

Su San nodded and said: "Don't worry about them! If you come to the door, they will have to decide. With the influence of the prince's [-] bottles being added to the gift list, it will be a matter of time before the palace comes to buy! At that time, I'm afraid that yours will Goods, not enough to sell!"

"In front of the crown prince, Yue'er underreported the quantity. She said it was [-] sets, but in fact there were nearly [-] sets! If it weren't for the heavy snow, I'm afraid I could have sent thousands more bottles in the past few days!"

"Is [-] sets enough to sell?" Su San smiled, but on the other side, Li Ji held the bank notes in one hand while counting the bottles!Can't help shouting: "Lancao, open an order for one hundred bottles to Li Ji!"

Then he said to Li Ji: "Don't count! For this hundred bottles, you can write an IOU and hand it over to the cabinet, and just take the IOU and go away! You can pay the money at any time. The goods are stored here, and the IOU will be changed hands later." Yes, just let people pick up the goods with the invoice! Yue'er, you have to remember that you have to keep a thousand sets in the warehouse for emergencies, don't empty them all, the family also needs to use them."

Li Yue'er smiled and said, "Understood!"

Su San shouted: "Li Ji, hurry up and write the IOU, let's go!"

Li Ji quickly wrote an IOU on the cabinet!

Pi Qiu had already been beating drums in his heart, first he heard Su San and Li Yue'er say that they would sell [-] sets a day!My mother, [-] sets, this is not tens of thousands of taels of silver!Tens of thousands of taels of silver a day, and blood licking on the tip of the chief escort's head, isn't there such a big flow of water?

I wondered if the two of them were acting, tricking me into buying a few more bottles?But it's impossible to think about it, Su San is an official after all, and won't go through such troubles for a few taels of silver!Goodbye, Li Ji seemed to be possessed. Su San asked him to buy a hundred bottles, and he bought a hundred bottles, and he could still pay the bills. Maybe he could really make a profit, so he couldn't help but feel a little excited!

But then again, the shop looks deserted; then again, I have never heard of such a thing as Farewell My Concubine!If I really want to learn Li skills and buy a hundred sets, it will cost 320 taels of silver!Although Su San would also owe him the money, Su Yi was behind the money, and if he dragged his family with him, could he still run away?After all, it has to be paid back!If these bottles were smashed in the hands and sold themselves, it wouldn't be worth so much money!

Thinking of this, Pi Qiu suppressed the impulses in his heart!

Li Ji wrote the IOU, but acted like nothing happened. More than 300 taels is not a small amount to him, but if he really wants to take it out, he will not go bankrupt!What's more, he was sure that it was impossible for the third master to harm him. If the third master said he could earn it back, then he would definitely earn it back.

When Su San came over to Li Ji, he smiled and said, "I heard that you had a falling out with Mr. Ding over the matter of entering the Escort?"

Li Ji took a look at Pi Qiu, blamed him for talking too much, but said indifferently: "It's just that we have different ideas, it's a little disagreement!"

"If I said that you should join the Zhiyuan Escort, what would you think?" Su San looked at Li Ji seriously.

Li Ji was taken aback for a moment, raised his brows again, thought silently for a while, nodded and said, "Then I'll go to the bodyguard bureau!"

Su San laughed, signaled Pi Qiu to wait at the same spot, walked to the reception area on the right with Li Ji, and said softly: "You go to Zhiyuan Escort Office! But, you can't be an ordinary escort, the third master misses you Stay in Jinling all the time, don't go out for escorts. Because the third master wants to use the Zhiyuan Escort to accomplish a big event! With you in the Zhiyuan Escort, it will be more convenient for the third master to do things! After this major event is completed, You still have to go to Chengdu Mansion. Let me tell you, Jinling is not a place to settle down for a long time!"

Li Ji seemed to understand what Su San said!But he didn't make a judgment himself, so he would rather listen to Su San's judgment, so he responded to Su San's words: "The third master understands Li Ji's thoughts best! If there is anything, the third master can just explain it to you? So, the third master asked If Li Ji goes to Zhiyuan Escort, then Zhiyuan will go!"

"Haha, if you are told to kill someone, you will go too?"

"Go! Li Ji knows that what the third master is doing is a big deal. And he is the most kind-hearted to his own people! With these two points, Li Ji will come in the water and go in the fire. He will never frown at the orders of the third master! "

Su San nodded, patted Li Ji on the shoulder and said, "Your heart is too solid, you can't do murder and arson! The third master will not let you do those things either. Well, you stay in the Zhiyuan Escort Bureau Well, when it's time to do something, someone will notify you!"

After saying this, the three of them returned to the Su residence together!

Su Yi has been meeting guests every day for the past few days, so he seems a little numb!In the past two days, I have finally loosened up a little bit!Pi Qiu came to see Su Yi, but it was just to get acquainted, let Su Yi know that there is someone like him, and the goal will be achieved!

It was Su San who pulled Pi Qiu and asked a lot of questions about the security guards, and then sent the two of them out of the mansion!

In the past two days, Su Yi has accumulated a lot of questions to discuss with Su San in detail!The two chatted while having lunch, and they chatted until the evening before discussing some issues thoroughly!

The whole chatting process was not entirely Su San's unilateral indoctrination of new ideas to Su Yi.

Su Yi also corrected Su San's methods in many places!From an official to a minister, Su Yi became the deputy prime minister of the Feng Dynasty, so he naturally has many unique political opinions!In addition, Su Yi is a true native of the court, and has been an official for so long, so he is naturally much clearer about the system of the court than Su San in some aspects!

Through communicating with Su Yi, Su San also gradually became clear about many things that were vague before!Naturally, Su San has no choice but to subvert the monarchy into another more democratic system, so he can only tinker with the original system!

In Su Sanlai, when Su Yi came to Chengdu Mansion, it was to repair the house and reform the bad government!


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