
Chapter 360, Princess Heyi

Chapter 360, Princess Heyi

The girls who failed to enter the perfect store, when Su San appeared, they would naturally come forward and complain, regretting that they did not pay the 1000 taels!With them, it will take less than a few months for them to earn back their capital. 【】

Su San thought, if they knew that the money would be earned back in less than two days, then they would regret it!It's not good to hit them again, and I also know that 1000 taels is life for them!How many people are really willing to risk their lives?

Yin comforted them and said: "In fact, you still have a chance! If you do a good job at the restaurant that Sister Feng is planning to open, I'm afraid you won't make less money! As long as you put your heart into it, it's the same!"

The girls said, if a restaurant makes more money, can it make a few hundred taels a day?

"It's not impossible! If you have the opportunity to participate in the training, you should understand that the most possible thing in this world is nothing impossible!"

A little later, when Li Yue'er led the girls back to the Su Mansion with a cash box, the accounts were cleared, and the first day's turnover of Perfect Store reached 4000 taels of silver!The gross profit reached 500 taels of silver!

When everyone heard this number, they felt a little unbelievable!I wonder if I heard it wrong!But the facts were clearly in front of them, two large boxes of silver and a thick stack of bank notes were in front of everyone!

All the people in the Perfect Store watched quietly as the accounts were finally sorted out, and they all quietly heard Li Yueer tremblingly tell the money he had earned!

500 taels of silver, although a large part has to be raised, it will cover the cost of the previous renovation!But after all, this is the money everyone earned together!And the amount of money is too huge!I don't know why, but suddenly someone fell on the silver ticket and cried bitterly!Then the other girls began to cry together, louder and louder.

Li Yue'er was puzzled at the beginning, why did everyone cry when she was so happy, but later she realized that they were unwilling to accept their life experience.Comparing with the current situation of forced to laugh every day and sell your body, no one feels worthless for the past days.

In the Su Mansion tonight, many people are destined to suffer from insomnia!Although the weather is cold, everyone's hearts are warm!

The next day, the blowout market reappeared!The retail sales once exceeded [-] sets!In the middle of the afternoon, someone came from the palace and took away [-] sets in one fell swoop!Wu Wangfu also sent people to buy [-] sets!The final result was that the Perfect Store was forced to call ahead again, except for the hundreds of sets left in the library, this time, it was really sold out!

On the second day of opening the store, Li Yue'er has started to receive wealthy businessmen who come from various places in Jinling City and want to represent Farewell My Concubine!

Su San has completely withdrawn from the Perfect Store and Farewell My Concubine!Even Li Yue'er asked Su San to take care of her during the process of choosing an agent, but Su San flatly refused.

There are some things that Su San can't replace, when it's time to let go, you have to let go.What's more, Su San still has her own things to do.

Ji Lao finally decided to enter the palace on New Year's Eve.

The time to enter the palace is naturally set long ago, the final date after reporting to the palace and getting approval!From the past two days, Zhou Yingying has prepared many gifts!These gifts are prepared in double, the first one is for the Empress Dowager; the other is for Zhou Taifei.

Entering the palace this time means a family reunion.Therefore, Su San, as the default husband-in-law of Princess Baozhu, naturally had to accompany him there.

Su San was not used to seeing her mother-in-law like this!When he was in Wuling City, it was the same when he entered Li's house; now that he has changed to a concubine Zhou, he is even more unaccustomed to it.Deep down in Su San's heart, she always felt that she was an old man, and sometimes, she couldn't afford to speak in front of her 'elders' who were younger than her.

This is also impossible!In this life, he is this life.

On the [-]th day, Ji Lao got up very early, and sent a letter to the palace two days ago, saying that he would enter the palace today!The Queen Mother was also concerned about this matter, so she sent the eunuchs around her to the Su Mansion early in the morning to welcome her!

The Queen Mother personally sent someone to pick her up, which is considered to be enough face!The key is this concern, which moved Mr. Ji deeply.

By the time we entered the palace, it was actually already mid-morning!

Concubine Zhou and Elder Ji haven't seen each other for many years. Although they have made sufficient mental preparations, it is inevitable that they will be hurt again when they meet in the hatchback!

Since his wife left, Mr. Ji has never had a continuation, and he is lonely in his later years. Concubine Zhou is always in her heart.Seeing her father now at the end of his life, and still rushing to Jinling to come to her like this, once her heart was moved, she couldn't hold back her tears, and cried like a little girl in Elder Ji's arms.

Zhou Yingying was so grateful for her own life experience, she also burst into tears at the same time.The Empress Dowager and the Concubine Zhou have the same background, and the Concubine Zhou can still see her father, but she is already in a situation of "desire to be filial but not close." Even when her father passed away, she couldn't see her father.

In the whole hall, only two people are the most leisurely!One is naturally Su San.

He has experienced life and death, and he understands these world situations most thoroughly!Although the scene in front of him was touching, it was difficult for him to feel sad.The world is like this, some things, it is better to think about it.

Another person with a laid-back look is Princess Heyi!

Zhao Qian had known for a long time that Zhou Yingying and Ji Lao were coming in, so she came here early in the morning to join in the fun.Zhao Qian is the queen mother's favorite princess, and she often visits Longfu Palace, which is normal.

In fact, Zhao Qian came for another purpose, and that was to meet Su San, whom she had admired for a long time.

This talented young man who was favored by his father, was said to be very young. A few days ago, I heard that he had a wife named Li Yue'er. Why did he come here today as the fiancé of Princess Baozhu?This is what Zhao Qian is very curious about!

The gazes of the two leisurely people met each other naturally.

Su San actually knew Princess Heyi!The empty-handed transformation trick in Ren Ji's shop got the hairpin on Zhao Qian's head!At that time, it was not very real when it was far away, but now it looks very soft and beautiful when it is up close.It is the kind of sinuous beauty that most big men like.

The snow-white skin can be broken by blowing; the curved eyebrows are like two strokes; the bright eyes are shining with curiosity about oneself; the tip of the nose is just right, standing high; No matter who sees her lips, they can't help but want to kiss them.

However, Su San didn't think this kind of beauty was very attractive to him; Su San was more interested in Yu Feng's perseverance, Zhou Yingying's self-improvement, and Li Yueer's stubbornness.Tianxiang is a bit ghostly; Tang Li is a bit of a young gentleman; they also have bright spots in character, which is what he likes. Su San doesn't like very docile women, machismo men. I like such a woman.

Su San is not machismo at all, in his nature, Su San respects women!Most of the time, he wants women to be more independent.And this Princess Heyi looks like such a docile woman.

In fact, even if Su San likes this type, don't even think about it!He will not have any deeper relationship with the Zhao royal family.There are too many obstacles between him and Zhao Qian!

Therefore, after Su San exchanged a glance with Zhao Qian, he slowly turned his head to the other side.After walking around, he lowered his head slightly, and was in pain for a while with a room full of sad and happy people.

After reuniting after a long absence, the pain is always short-lived. After a moment of grief, everyone slowly returned to normal.The Queen Mother was very interested in Zhou Yingying, and asked many questions about fried fish nuggets. Finally, she stood aside Su San and looked at this young official who had been very popular recently with great interest.

On the contrary, he looks talented, looks humble and polite, and is polite!The brows and eyes are full of heroism, which makes people feel energetic, and is not an ordinary character.

Feeling very happy, she was about to ask a question, but she saw that Zhao Qian was also staring at Su San directly, she couldn't help turning a glance at the two of them, and then asked Su San with a smile: "I heard that you have married a wife, what about our wife?" Princess Baozhu, how are you going to arrange it?"

This question has been asked to the depths of the core!Su San didn't expect that the first sentence the Queen Mother said to him was this question.After a quick thought in my heart, I smiled and replied: "There is a full moon that hates the vastness, and there is a full moon that hates to grow long. Such a full moon, don't take the full moon as ordinary! In Ning Yuan's eyes, no matter if it is an ordinary woman, or Princess Baozhu, no matter who enters the door first or who enters the door, they are all equal. There is a distinction between high and low, so how can we judge who is superior?"

Empress Dowager Su San agreed so, it really is outstanding, unconventional!Thinking about the meaning of Su San's words again, I couldn't help but think so.

She was born as a side concubine, and she also deeply understands how profound the impact will be on the family if a man favors a certain woman.Although she doesn't believe that Su San can do this, but Su San has this idea, it means that Su San has thought about this problem.

Since Su San wanted to arrange the wives who entered the door one after another, and said this in front of him, then the queen mother had nothing else to say to win for Zhou Yingying.Since Su San said it openly, there is absolutely no reason to openly rebel!Otherwise, I, Concubine Zhou, would definitely not be able to let Su San go.

Seeing that she was present, the queen mother was still a little polite, so she led Zhao Qian away first!

Zhao Qian actually didn't want to leave.But she can't disobey her grandmother's will!Therefore, reluctantly followed the queen mother out of Concubine Zhou's bedroom, but heard the queen mother ask softly: "Did He Yi fall in love with this Su San?"

He Yi panicked for a while, and quickly denied it: "No, no!"

"Then why do you keep staring at Su San?"


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