
Chapter 361, Princess Heyi's thoughts

Chapter 361, Princess Heyi's thoughts

"..." Zhao Qian blushed, not knowing how to answer!

In fact, in Zhao Qian's heart, she was indeed a little moved. 【】When I read Su San's poems earlier, I yearned for Su San very much!The girl's complex is always so emotional to the touch that breaks into the heart. Even a poem or a word is enough to stir up people's state of mind; not to mention the few poems written by Su San, which are extremely lethal to the girl. of.

Zhao Qian has always wanted to see Su San very much, and she kept wondering what Su San in her heart would look like several times!

Some people are very handsome, but their appearance is difficult; some people have good looks, but they are not very bright; God always tries to get rid of the other general benefits of people.It's not always good for people to take all the benefits.From ancient times to the present, there are very few talents that even the heavens would be jealous of.

Therefore, Zhao Qian was afraid of seeing Su San again.I'm afraid that Su San's growth is too difficult, her personality is too dull, and she is different from what she imagined. In that case, she will feel that the world will become boring!

What Zhao Qian didn't expect was that when she really met Su San, Su San was not only more perfect than she imagined, but also more touching!At that moment, her previous thoughts and emotions seemed to have suddenly found an object to vent, and she pinned all her brains on Su San, and she could no longer extricate herself.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Qian tried her best to deny the queen mother's words, but also did not dare to admit this sudden emotion.He forced a smile and said, "Heyi is just curious! He is about the same age as Heyi, but he has a different demeanor from ordinary people. Heyi is curious, so he just glanced a few more times. How could he keep staring at him?"

"If you like it, you like to blow it! When grandma was your age, she also liked those talented people who wrote poems very well. There is nothing to be ashamed of! But, you can't let other thoughts go. You should be The princess of the dynasty, Su San has already married a wife, and Princess Baozhu is waiting to be married! It is impossible for the princess to marry a man who already has a wife. Besides, Princess Baozhu is your aunt in name, that is to say , Su San is your uncle-to-be! The princess has no reason to marry her own uncle. So, you should give up such thoughts as soon as possible, the royal family is unusual, and you must not look for trouble!"

Zhao Qianji wanted to say, 'I will never have the idea of ​​marrying Su San again', but she was inexplicably annoyed in her heart, so she just kept silent.

Seeing that Zhao Qian was still moved, the Queen Mother couldn't help but sighed in her heart!However, with her, even if He Yi is a little tempted, it will dissipate with the passage of time.

After all, Su San has no chance to meet Zhao Qian!The two will not have the opportunity to develop this fledgling relationship.After a while, He Yi will also get married, and at that time, she will completely give up this idea.

It can't be blamed that Zhao Qian is fascinated by Su San!Even an old woman like herself appreciates a talent like Su San very much, let alone a little girl like her.Let time dilute this feeling transformed from appreciation.

Ji Lao and the others ate their lunch in the palace, and it was the first time for Su San to taste the food of the palace imperial meal.I feel that the taste is very positive, I can't say it's particularly delicious, and I can't say it's unpalatable!The palace has a large population, and sometimes it is difficult to adjust the taste. The imperial chefs try their best to make the taste acceptable to everyone.This is exactly the same as the way of cooking in the previous life hotel.

Unless the chefs know your taste and cook it specially for firing, it may be difficult to get a satisfactory taste.

This is understandable, but if it is popular with the public, the taste will not be particularly brilliant!If you eat too much, you will naturally get bored.In fact, the dishes of the Feng Dynasty have inherited and developed the tradition of the previous dynasty, and they have been very particular about the craftsmanship of the production!It's just that there are very few people who really know how to cook and who have systematically studied various cooking methods.They tend to be self-proclaimed, and the communication between cuisines is not extensive!

Yu'er's advantage is that she has systematically mastered several cooking styles, and is more unique in handling dishes than the current chefs.This is something no chef in the world can do.

Even in the palace, chefs from the north and the south gather, but their communication is not very much.And a very important phenomenon is that all the chefs who enter the palace will gradually be assimilated by the palace cuisine. The more they go, the closer their craftsmanship is to the standard imperial cuisine, thus abandoning their own personal style.

Although the emperor can enjoy the dishes made by the best chefs, it is doubtful that the taste of the emperor is only limited to these palace dishes!

Su San has eaten better palace dishes than this one!Therefore, the benefits of these dishes are not felt.He tasted everything symbolically, and after eating a bowl of rice, he followed Ji Lao and the others to stop the chopsticks.

Concubine Zhou is curious about everything!I asked about the family situation, the current situation of relatives and old friends, and various personnel changes.

Concubine Zhou likes Zhou Yingying very much!Although she also knew that Zhou Yingying's background was not good, but her children, at this age, had an extra daughter in name out of thin air, which was also a kind of sustenance for her feelings.She has a tolerant temperament, so she will never ask Ying'er's background again.

In Concubine Zhou's mind, since her father recognized Zhou Yingying as a granddaughter, then this granddaughter must be recognized!So very heavy.

A family, talking about the past, chatting about the current situation, unknowingly, it's getting late!

Elder Ji resigned from Concubine Zhou and led Zhou Yingying and Su San out of the palace.

I wanted to see him before I saw him, but I was hurt after seeing him, and when I left the palace after seeing him, Elder Ji was more concerned about it!Family love is always so hard to let go, the older you get, the more you value family love, this is also a natural law.Therefore, after leaving the palace, Ji Lao felt mentally exhausted, and his energy was a little weak, so he ate some hastily and went back to his room to rest.

In fact, it is also good!Lest Mr. Ji come to the bustle of Su's mansion, and feel nostalgic again.

Today is New Year's Eve!Every household will set off firecrackers!Southerners do not have the habit of eating flat food, but Jinling people like to make some pastries for the New Year!A large family of people sat around together, talking about some allusions during the Chinese New Year!

Although the girls in the Qingfenglou lived here as guests, they also ate, drank and laughed lively together in the hall, making the whole Su Mansion happy and happy.

During the banquet, it was inevitable to talk about the story of Farewell My Concubine being snapped up!Hearing that Xuan Shi and the others' eyes were shining brightly, they never thought that women could do business like this and earn so much money, they couldn't help being envious and curious at the same time!He kept pulling Li Yue'er and the others to inquire.

The question is, can you take some to Chengdu, or set up a shop in Chengdu?

This is of course an excellent thing, Su Yi heard it, and his heart moved!Since Farewell My Concubine is a good thing, there is absolutely no reason for the fat water to flow into the fields of outsiders.Therefore, he also asked Su San about the possibility of this matter.

This is of course a good thing!However, even if it is your own family, you have to follow the rules.Agency fees still have to be paid, and all the rules must be handled according to the system.

Of course, Su Yi agreed without hesitation. In fact, the agency fee is just a matter of going out of his left pocket and going in his right pocket!Left and right are not good. Other homes.On the contrary, Xuan Shi and the others have never done business, and they have a lot to learn from Li Yue'er, and it is time to hurry up and learn.

We are all a family, and this matter is not troublesome at all!During the dinner, these things were decided, and many other miscellaneous things were talked about, and you kept eating the New Year's Eve dinner until very late.

Su San's first year in Fengchao ended in this atmosphere!After the New Year's Eve dinner, Su San didn't let anyone accompany him, and went back to the west courtyard alone, standing quietly in the snow, looking at the dark sky, watching the end of the year silently. , Remembering the relatives of the previous life.

In the eyes of his relatives, he is already a dead person; but in his eyes, his relatives from the previous life have already died?

Ashes to ashes, ashes to ashes, everything will return!

Chinese New Year is not just visiting relatives and friends!The New Year's Eve of the official family is nothing more than the official family walking around and getting close to each other!

After the eighth day of the lunar new year, Su Yiyi entered the palace to thank him, resigned from Jinling, and went to Chengdu to take up his post.On the way to his post, Su Yi planned to take a detour to Wuling and stay in Wuling for two days!The grandchildren haven't met their grandpa yet, so if they don't take advantage of the family relocation this time, make an arrangement.I don't know when we can have a reunion like this!

Su San left for Wuling one day later than Su, but entered Wuling City together with Su!

Returning to Wuling again, Su San also had a lot of emotions!It's only been a month since I left, but it feels like a long time away.

When He Ying heard that Su Yi and his family had returned to their hometown, they also greeted them at the city gate.In He Ying's eyes, both of them belong to the party of the Second Prince, so naturally they need to take care of them more in the future!Even Su San, the most influential figure in Jinling City recently, is also the one He Ying wants to get close to.

Many students from Wuling Mansion also took advantage of this opportunity to come to meet the chief examiner of this year's Chunwei, vying to show their face in front of the chief examiner.However, Liu Jian and others did not dare to show up on such occasions, and they even thought of giving up this spring.

Su Yiyuan returned to Wuling for another purpose, and that was to recruit talents!For this matter, Su San made a lot of efforts to lure Song Ping and others to Su Yi one by one, and assisted Su Yi in persuading them to go to Chengdu Mansion to start a business!

For students from poor backgrounds like Song Ping, the scientific examination is the only way out!Now there is an extra way out, and they immediately feel that this is an opportunity, an opportunity to get ahead.

What's more, with Su San's approval, Su Yi described a world-opening scene for them!This made their blood boil, they went home to pack their luggage, and the next day, they reported to Wuling Su Mansion.

This made Su Yi so happy, he wasn't afraid of spending money on his own, and he was worried that he didn't have any available talents to support these people first.This is the solution to his urgent need.With these people on hand, at least he won't be short of people!When he arrives in Chengdu Mansion and stabilizes, he can find talents calmly, and things will go much smoother!


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