
Chapter 362, Regal Prestige Unpredictable

Chapter 362, Regal Prestige Unpredictable

Su Yi stayed in Wuling for two days, then went west to Chengdu Mansion!Su Er heard that the Li family had released a new product and was looking for an agent in Wuling Mansion, so he asked Su San to find an agent. 【】

Su San doesn't care about these things anymore, in principle, this is not allowed!But he didn't ask any questions, and told Su Er to go to Li Yue'er.

After seeing off Su Yi, Su San also returned to Jinling before the Shangyuan Festival.

The emperor gave a banquet in the palace on the night of the Lantern Festival!In Beijing, all the officials came to the palace to receive the reward. Su San originally didn't want to return to Jinling so soon, but the emperor didn't seem to let him go, and actually sent someone to find Wuling and asked him to be there!

The imperial decree was hard to disobey, so Su San had no choice but to return to Jinling ahead of schedule.

Who ever thought that in the short few days when Su San left Jinling, many things happened in the city!

First, a few guards from the Yuansuo died tragically on the street, and then the Jingguo's Yuansuo was poisoned!

The envoys of the two countries have all brought the matter to the Jinling Mansion!Xu Jiangjin of Jinling Mansion originally wanted to suppress the matter for a few days and wait for the matter to have a result, or give the emperor some advice before reporting the matter to the higher authorities!

But before that, the emperor had personally promised Mo Shaohua the right to handle foreign affairs!Xu Jiangjin saw that this matter had no effect on him, so he brought the complaints of the envoys of the two countries to Yu Jia.

It was the first lunar month, and the emperor was in an excellent mood!However, he was annoyed by this incident and became furious for a while.Wu Taiming said another sentence in front of the emperor: This Mo Shaohua took over the matter, but he did it like this.The emperor remembered that Suolitu's assassination had not yet been found out, and now that so many things had happened, he ordered Mo Shaohua to be imprisoned first!Xu Jiangjin was then ordered to find out the cause and effect of this matter as soon as possible.

Su San thought in his heart, Suoritu must have been stabbed to death, and finally made the people in Beijing suspect that he had fallen in love with Yuanren; that's why he was secretly attacking Yuanren.And the original people had Narenge Rile in charge, so naturally they would not give in to the Beijingers.It was definitely Naren Gerile's idea to poison the people's prison in Beijing and make things worse.

This woman is cruel!If someone kills three of her, she will take away the whole nest of the Jing people's house.

If it wasn't for the purchaser surnamed Li in the Beijing Renyuan Institute, he would always eat with silver chopsticks, and the food was poisonous after the first test!Otherwise, it would not be seven or eight people who died in the Jingren Yuansuo, it was as simple as that.

The most wronged person is naturally Mo Shaohua.Being involved in this matter all the time, those who are older than the Chinese New Year have become prisoners of the class.It really is unpredictable, misfortunes and fortunes are ever-changing!

Naturally, the banquet on the Lantern Festival would not change because of Mo Shaohua's imprisonment.Although the emperor has a decree, let Xu Jiangjin find out the cause and effect of the matter!But this kind of matter, how can we find out clearly, not to mention that Xu Jiangjin has already received the imperial edict, and after the Shangyuan Festival, he was transferred to Dongfu to take over the matter of the original Su Shilang. The appeal of the envoys of the two countries was naturally transferred to the newly appointed Jinling It was dealt with by the prefect.

The affairs of the two countries in Beijing and Yuan were originally a mess!The newly appointed Governor of Jinling, I'm afraid it's even more unclear!Even if you figure it out, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain it clearly.This was originally a matter between Yuanren and Jingren, but it happened in Feng Dynasty!

So Su San thinks that this matter will probably be left alone!

As for Mo Shaohua, Su San applauded him very much while admiring him!

In the entire Dafeng Dynasty, there were very few people like Mo Shaohua who could manage all matters in the Nine Gates and manage all the relationships in Jinling City with the help of martial arts.What's even more rare is that Mo Shaohua neither did nor became the second prince's party, and still maintained his status as a pure minister. This alone is enough to be commended.

It's a pity that Zhao Pu not only didn't know how to protect such a capable minister, but also easily put Mo Shaohua in prison, which made Su San sigh.Before, Zhao Pu knew how to be cautious with Lin Hailu, but now he is so hasty with Mo Shaohua!In Zhao Pu's heart, he was still terrified of foreigners, so he tried to appease the anger of the envoys of the two countries by sending them to prison.This is simply putting the cart before the horse and chilling the hearts of the courtiers.

No matter how unreasonable the child is, the parents still turn their elbows in!As the king of a country, Zhao Pu made such a decision to please the foreign envoys of the two countries, which made Su San feel sorry for Mo Shaohua.Su San has long understood that it is unreliable to have a monarch like Zhao Pu in the feudal dynasty, so Su San has to be very indifferent to this matter.

As soon as he digested the news, Xiao An came to report, Xu Yingming and Du Xing, the head of the Nanmen camp, were waiting outside for an interview.

Su Yi's house in Jinling has already been paid to Su San as an agency fee!Su San doesn't even need to change the signboard on the door, this Su Mansion has a new owner!

Su San sat in the mansion and heard Xiao An's report, thinking that Du Xing and Xu Yingming coming together must have something to do with Mo Shaohua.Then he said to Xiao'an: "Let Xu Yingming go back, just ask Du Xing to come in!"

Xu Yingming is Ren Ji's sub-treasurer, so he is naturally Zhou Yingying's subordinate; and Zhou Yingying is Su San's fiancée!This point, as long as the ears of Jinling a little longer, know.

Du Xing must have known that Xu Yingming could speak in front of him, and he could speak in front of the emperor, so Du Xing came here to go his own way!He wanted to rescue Mo Shaohua.

This Du Xing has affection and friendship for Mo Shaohua!

When Du Xing walked in with Xiao An, Su San was thinking about this!Xiao An said: "Third Master, Du Yingtou is here!"

Su San met Du Xing, this man got up to stab tigers and tigers, carelessly, in fact he is a very scheming person!Such a person can be subdued by Mo Shaohua, which indirectly shows how good Mo Shaohua is.

Smiling slightly, he stood up slowly, cupped his hands and said, "Du Yingtou is such a rare visitor! Please sit down."

Du Xing didn't sit down, but clenched his fists, knelt down on one knee and said, "Master Su, please save Mr. Mo!"

I never thought that Du Xing would kneel when he entered the door!Su San was slightly taken aback, but did not go forward to help him, but gave Du Xing a light look, and then sat down slowly!

Seeing that Su San was silent and did not come to help him, Du Xing couldn't help but sneak a glance at Su San!Before he came, he expected that when he knelt down, Su San would be young and vigorous, relying on the emperor's favor, he might accept it without a hitch, and then he would present the generous gift, which would surely make Su San a good word for Lord Mo in front of the emperor A few words.

But I don't want to, Su San has such a reaction!I couldn't help being nervous for a while, and couldn't figure out Su San's way.I always felt that Su San was unhurried, unassuming, calm as water, and there was a wave of coercion on his body, which made him flustered intermittently.This feeling is stronger than what I felt in Mr. Mo, and it is even more breathless.

Could it be that all scholars have such an aura?

Su San was silent for a while, then waved his hands and said, "Get up!"

Originally, Du Xing had made up his mind, but if Su San didn't agree, he wouldn't get up!But Su San's very indifferent words made Du Xing stand up involuntarily, feeling that he was in disobedience!

Another silence!Su Sancai said softly: "Su San knows all about the matter! You go back first. Xiaoan, see off the guests!"


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