
Chapter 363, ulterior motives

Chapter 363, ulterior motives

Du Xing followed Xiao An out of the main hall in a daze, and went straight to the door, only to realize that Su San didn't promise him anything, and couldn't help shouting: "It's broken! I still have a gift list that I haven't presented to your master!"

Xiao An was surprised by Du Xing, and smiled softly: "You can take the gift back!"

"How about that?"

"If you don't want to take it back, then put it in the mansion for now! If the third master doesn't accept it, Xiaoan will send someone to send it back. 【】"

Du Xing patted himself on the head, hating himself for being so thoughtless, sighed, took out a piece of silver, stuffed it in Xiaoan's hand and said: "Little brother, please do me a favor, give it to your adult Tell me, you must save our Lord Mo! Lord Mo is a good official, so you can't just kill him like this. Little brother, you must help me with this, and Lao Du will be rewarded after it is done!"

Xiao An wanted to take the money back, but seeing Du Xing's enthusiasm, he changed his mind and accepted it.

Du Xing sighed and left.

Xiao An sent Du Xing away and went back to the hall.He took out the silver and said, "Third Master, this is what Du Ying gave to Xiao An, let Xiao An give Mrs. Mo a good word!"

Su San smiled slightly, but sighed again: "It's easy to save people! But this disaster in vain, I'm afraid that Mo Shaohua's official career will stop here. The emperor is a person who cares about face, so my eldest brother chose to go to Chengdu Mansion, that's all luck! Mo Shaohua has no influence in the court, and he is alone, and he doesn't know what he will be degraded to. It's a pity for such a talent."

"Then why does the third master think of a way to let Mo Shaohua also work in Chengdu Mansion, maybe he can help the elder?"

Su San shook his head with a wry smile and said: "It's not up to me to decide where to go. If the emperor listens to your third master like this, then your third master may not be able to settle down in Jinling! Life is easy, there are some things , It’s not that you can do it, you can do it. Besides, the third master doesn’t know what Mo Shaohua’s thoughts are like! If he really goes to Chengdu, he would rather live under the eldest brother and become his helper , that’s okay! If it can’t be a help, it’s better not to save him!”

Xiao An thought for a while before saying: "The third master is more careful!"

"Hey, you kid, have you started to learn how to flatter? Come on, this Jinling is really capable of training people!" Su San laughed.

Xiao An was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.Although he didn't mean to say such a thing on purpose, in fact, this sentence does have the meaning of flattery.

"Tomorrow, I can go and meet these Lord Mo first!"

The next day, it was the Shangyuan Festival!

The temperature is not as low as expected, the snow that fell a year ago has melted a year later!By the time of Shangyuan, there was no trace of white snow on the ground!The winter in Feng Dynasty seems to be more regular than in the previous life. As soon as the beginning of spring, the climate starts to warm up.

According to the old practice, the time of Chunwei is set on the day when the three dragons raise their heads in March.Choosing this day means that the emperor will choose the pillars of the country on this day.Because it means auspiciousness, so every three years, the spring is fixed on this day!

In comparison, the timing of martial arts is more flexible!The starting time is usually after the Dragon Boat Festival and before the end of May.

During this period of time, the weather was a little muggy, but not too hot, so it was a good time to perform martial arts.Because there are outdoor martial arts test items in martial arts, when the test starts, a time frame for the test will be delineated instead of a specific day!

The time for lifting cannot be changed, but the time for martial arts can be changed flexibly. In a sense, it can be regarded as a manifestation of the imperial court's emphasis on martial arts!

The specific affairs of the martial arts examination are handled by the martial arts academy!The arrangement of various affairs of the imperial examination is handled by the Imperial Academy.

Before the imperial court was sealed off, the Hanlin Academy was a place for scholars to meditate.Most of the time, Gongsheng Scholars who have not held a position for the time being will exchange and study in the Imperial Academy.In fact, the state keeps these talents so that when they need to be used, there are always people available.

At that time, the Imperial Academy had no real power!

And in the Feng Dynasty, the Hanlin Academy began to take over the education of the entire country!And he holds the lifeblood of many students entering school, taking scientific examinations, and then becoming an official, so the authority is increasing day by day!

In previous years, the chief examiners of the imperial examinations would be selected in the Hanlin Academy, supplemented by other officials!But this year's situation seems to be a bit unexpected. The emperor unexpectedly appointed a student to be the chief examiner of the imperial examination.

This is unprecedented!

As the principal of the Imperial Academy, Qin Peisong suppressed the students' disturbance, but in his heart, he naturally did not approve of Su San being the examiner.

Let people who are not from the Hanlin Academy take the main exam!This has fundamentally shaken the authority of the Imperial Academy.There are too many things involved in this, and it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.An examiner has already determined to a large extent which students can be officials and which students cannot be officials.Just this point, I don't know how much it will be involved.And this decision-making power should have belonged to the Hanlin Academy, Qin Peisong himself.

From another point of view, Qin Peisong also could not accept Su San as the chief examiner!

Who doesn't know that the imperial examination is a pool of water!A pool of black water that has accumulated for many years, anyone who plunges into it will come out black.If someone from the non-Hanlin Academy took the main exam, the twists and turns in it would be completely out of his control!Qin Peisong didn't want his business for so many years to come to naught.

And if the Hanlin Academy really loses the position of the examiner, then next time Chunwei will have nothing to do with the Hanlin Academy.Because, this time's spring will definitely become a precedent for the next spring!If there is one, there are two, anyone will jump out and seek the position of chief examiner.This is of course impossible.

Because of this matter, Qin Peisong had a bad year.

In Qin Peisong's mind: If Su San is a flexible person who knows Qu Jie, he will walk around the Qin residence before and after the Chinese New Year and make friends with himself, the principal!Let yourself know that Su San is not uncontrollable, and he is not so unreasonable.Then maybe I also acquiesced that things will develop like this.

But during the whole Chinese New Year, Su San never showed up again!It seems that he didn't even know that he had robbed the Imperial Academy's errand.Qin Peisong was afraid that such a mindless person would be ignorant at all!If you really want him to stick in, mess around and break the rules, it will be really troublesome.

For this reason, Qin Peisong made a special trip to call Luo Ruiqing from the Imperial Academy to discuss with the government on the afternoon of the Yuan Festival.Qin Peisong felt that no matter what, he had to think of a way, and he couldn't just let Su San just like this and smoothly become the main examiner.

Luo Ruiqing stayed in the Hanlin Academy for a long time and knew Qin Peisong's temperament best. As soon as Qin Peisong invited him, Luo Ruiqing knew that Qin Peisong had a good feast.However, Luo Ruiqing couldn't guess Qin Peisong's purpose for calling him here.

It wasn't until after drinking for three rounds that Luo Ruiqing heard Qin Peisong turn the corner and bring the matter up to Su San being the examiner, that Luo Ruiqing realized that the purpose of the chief examiner calling him today was to drive Su San down from the position of examiner.

This matter is not easy to handle!


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