
Chapter 364, Borrowing a Knife to Kill

Chapter 364, borrowing a knife to kill someone

However, Luo Ruiqing himself was not satisfied with this matter. 【】Since Mr. Yuanzheng wants to make a fuss about it, he naturally just joins in.Then he laughed and said: "This subordinate has heard some rumors about this matter elsewhere. Hearing that some students in the city seem not to be convinced. It seems that they are not very peaceful recently! It seems that they are discussing something in private !"

Qin Peisong groaned for a moment, drank a glass of wine with a 'sizzling' sound, and said, "What great things can a group of ignorant students do? If someone helps them, they can make something famous."

When Luo Ruiqing saw that Qin Peisong said this, he meant to ask himself to help the students, so he couldn't help hesitating.Let him beat him, this is fine!But let him lead the progress of the matter, but Qin Peisong shrank back, but he was unwilling.

Just about to object, Qin Peisong sighed and said, "If Su San hadn't stood in the way, this year in Chunwei, the Hanlin Academy would have chosen Ruiqing to be the chief examiner."

When Luo Ruiqing heard Qin Peisong's words, holding the small wine cup in his hand, he spun left and right angrily.

He understood that Qin Peisong would never openly stand up to oppose the emperor's appointment, and he didn't want to have anything to do with picking on the Jinling students.Qin Peisong called him here because he wanted to make some noise and create a chance to make things big.In this way, the government and the opposition will set off a wave of opposition to Su San's appointment as the chief examiner of the imperial examination.

Even if the emperor favored and trusted Su San again, he would probably back down when faced with a situation where everyone spoke out.

If things really develop like this, then it is a good thing!Not only pulled Su San down, but also won a job as the chief examiner for himself.Not to mention anything else, just having this opportunity to make some extra money is tempting enough.

Just be afraid, things are not as simple as imagined!If he didn't pull Su San down, but shook himself out from behind, then he would be doomed forever.

is this necessary?Luo Ruiqing has a big head.But at the same time, Luo Ruiqing also understood that since Qin Peisong had revealed this meaning to himself, he probably wouldn't allow himself to refuse, right?After the lure, there must be coercion.

Qin Peisong saw that Luo Ruiqing was still hesitating!I couldn't help raising my eyebrows, and said in a cold voice: "Don't think that no one knows about your nephew getting a Jinshi last time! We are all on the same boat. You don't want anyone to be on our boat, messing about Jump, did you capsize the boat?"

Luo Ruiqing's face turned pale, and he quickly smiled and said, "Master Yuanzheng misunderstood, this matter must be done. Ruiqing is thinking about how to do this matter well."

"Well, you really need to think about it!" Seeing that Luo Ruiqing had figured it out, Qin Peisong changed his face and said with a smile: "But according to this court, although this Su San is very talented, his knowledge in the officialdom is not good. Very good! Now, Su Yi, the only one who can give him some advice, has gone to Chengdu Mansion. Isn't it better for Su San, a young seedling?"

That's the reason!But Luo Ruiqing felt that it was better to be on the safe side, to be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, and to leave a way out for himself in everything.He knew that if something bad happened, Qin Peisong must be the first to jump off the boat!I am definitely the scapegoat who takes the blame.

Seeing that Luo Ruiqing seemed to be thinking of a solution, Qin Peisong stopped talking!

He clearly knew that the whole court felt dissatisfied with Su San's sudden acceptance of this important task.The reason why it doesn't happen now is because I haven't found a suitable time.The last time the censors wrote a letter, the officials were about to launch an attack at the court meeting, but they were held back by the emperor.But this problem is not only not resolved, but more and more serious.

What is missing now is a reason!The ministers did not dare to offend the emperor, and no one dared to make the first complaint, so I would just give them an excuse.Of course, this matter must fall on the most impulsive students.He believed that since Luo Ruiqing had agreed to do it, he would definitely find a way to arrange this matter.

Anyway, this matter will not be brought to my head, I have already stopped the students before, and if something happens again, even if the wind changes, I will not do anything to Su San, I will be as stable as Mount Tai!

Putting this thought aside, he said to Luo Ruiqing: "I heard that Su San went back to Wuling, and the emperor sent someone to call him back from Wuling for the Shangyuan banquet tonight?"

Naturally, Luo Ruiqing also heard the news, and replied: "Well, there is indeed such a thing, and when the subordinate came down just now, I heard that this Su San went to the prison early this morning."

"Sky Prison?" Qin Peisong was taken aback, not understanding what Su San was doing in the Sky Prison.

This Luo Ruiqing didn't know either, so he shook his head, but mentioned something else, and said, "I haven't heard of him going through the door during the whole Chinese New Year! It is said that he has a very close relationship with Li Daoming. But neither of them move!"

Qin Peisong couldn't figure out why Su San went to the prison, so he didn't think about it anymore.Hearing Luo Ruiqing's words, he smiled and said: "This just shows that he is a young man with nothing to do! Someone is easy to be an official, and an old Su Yi is no longer reliable, but he doesn't move around. Doesn't that mean he's not doing anything wrong?"

"It stands to reason that this kind of situation will not happen! The Su family is a family of merchants, and they should be very proficient in worldly affairs. They will never be so ignorant in dealing with people. Don't you think this is abnormal?"

"It's not bad that the Su family is a merchant's family! But this Su San is so young, but he is so proficient in poetry. It can be seen that he spends all his time on it, so it makes sense that he doesn't understand the world! Otherwise, he would have to Spending time on personnel and communication, can you achieve this academically?"

Luo Ruiqing nodded and approved Qin Peisong's words.

Qin Peisong raised his cup to clink a glass with Luo Ruiqing, drank it all in one gulp, and the two each took a mouthful of food, Qin Peisong said again: "The emperor granted him permission to attend tonight's banquet, and called him back from Wuling, what is it?" For what? It's worth considering! I reckon that the emperor must want Su San to compose poems and lyrics at the Shangyuan Festival banquet."

Luo Ruiqing nodded and said, "If that's the case, wouldn't it be bad if the officials saw Su San's beauty and acquiesced in his status as the examiner?"

"How can it be that easy? Su San is fine if he doesn't go tonight. If he does go, I'm afraid he will be swallowed up by the people of the court without knowing it. People in the court have always killed people without blood. One stab He went out with a smile on his face! If this Su San really wrote poems, it’s fine if he didn’t do well; No matter how bad your behavior is, or how unvirtuous your words are, there may be only a thin line between good and bad! Rui Qing has stayed in the court for so long, is it rare for such things to happen?"

Luo Ruiqing deeply agrees!But even if Su San passes the test tonight, he can only go to the end according to Qin Peisong's wishes.

The two then discussed some more specific matters.Not to mention, just to say, Su San got up early in the morning, practiced, had breakfast, took Xiao An, and walked all the way to the prison in Dali Temple.Su San wants to meet Mo Shaohua, have a good chat, and then decide whether to save Master Mo.

The rules of Dali Temple are strict!The visit procedure is extremely complicated.Fortunately, Mo Shaohua was not a repeat offender, and there was no ban on visitation in the imperial decree, so it was feasible procedurally.

Su San is an official of the imperial court, and has recently won the emperor's favor. He is bold and willing to spend, and the Prisoner will never lose face again.Therefore, the process when Su San met Mo Shaohua was extremely easy!

The jailer who led the way was given a reward of ten taels of silver, and the jailer even heated up the food brought by Su San under the kitchen and brought it to the guard's room on duty!As soon as this side is ready, other jailers will 'invite' Mo Shaohua to this room.

It's still a reward of ten taels of silver!The two jailers briskly closed the door and waited far away.Only Su San, Xiao An and Mo Shaohua were left in the room.

Mo Shaohua didn't have any chains on his body, and he smiled at Su San as soon as he entered the door, and waited until all the jailers left, Mo Shaohua said with a smile: "Shaohua is still thinking, who will come to the prison on the day of Shangyuan?" Looking for bad luck, I came to visit Shaohua! But I didn't expect that he was a talented Su."

While talking, Mo Shaohua sat opposite Su San under Su San's 'please' gesture.

Su Sanmo Shaohua spoke in a very open-minded manner, without the sighs and sighs of ordinary people when they are in prison, and seemed to have a very peaceful mind.Xin couldn't help admiring a few copies, and sat down with Mo Shaohua, and then smiled and said: "Idle is idle! Walk around casually, and come here when you don't want to."

"Haha! It's so strange to be able to get here just by walking! I don't know why you want to go here even though those good people don't leave." Shangyuan Festival is the best excuse to leave office, but Su San Going to the prison, Mo Shaohua asked such a question, so naturally he had to listen to Su San's original intention.

"A good family can leave at any time! Why go at this time? It's a bad family. It seems Ning Yuan has a heart to go at this time."

Interested?what heart?Mo Shaohua glanced at Su San, not understanding what kind of heart Su San wanted to show.Although he didn't know what Su San was thinking, after answering these few sentences, Mo Shaohua also found that Su San's words were unusually tactful, so he put aside his contempt for Su San.

Looking at the dishes and wine on the table, Mo Shaohua smacked his lips, rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "The sky is big and the earth is big, with the biggest stomach. It would be great to have a tooth festival for the New Year's Eve!"

Su San smiled and said, "Eat it while it's hot!"

"Then I'm not polite!" Mo Shaohua raised his hands as soon as he finished speaking!First, he took a chicken leg in his hand, took a bite, and hurriedly took a sip of thirsty wine.Only then did he pick up the chopsticks and stuffed himself with nonsense.

"Well, the taste of this dish is really good! Which building's dishes are there?"

"It's made in the house!"

"My brother Ningyuan is still blessed. No wonder I haven't eaten it before. My brother eats such a delicious dish every day. It is really a blessing and a blessing." Mo Shaohua burped in a hurry, and then hiccuped again a hiccup.All of a sudden, I felt a pang of emptiness in my stomach, and I quickly took another sip of wine, and after taking a breath, I slowed down the speed of eating.


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