
Chapter 366, Enlightened Emperor

Chapter 366, Enlightened Emperor

Originally, I thought that Mo Shaohua still needed time to think about it, but I didn't expect that Mo Shaohua had already made up his mind in just one move!Now that Mo Shaohua has stopped, there should be an answer!Whether to lean on his side, or to refuse completely, is only in Mo Shaohua's thought. 【】

Only Mo Shaohua sighed, and finally said: "Since Ning Yuan wants to hear Shaohua sing, then Shaohua will sing for Ning Yuan! It's just that this poor place is not a place to sing; Also, is Ning Yuan a bosom friend?"

Su San exhaled slightly, unable to hide the joy on her face!As long as Mo Shaohua has the heart to rely on his boat, then everything will be easy!

Mo Shaohua is willing to try to rely on himself, which means that Mo Shaohua is not a foolish and loyal person!

If you are not foolish and loyal, everything can change.

So Su San is so happy!His fundamental philosophy is that only people can do great things.Today, I recruited another talent, and my strength has undoubtedly increased by one point.

However, he didn't want to act like this under Mo Shaohua's nose, so he didn't turn around, but raised his hand, waved it behind him and said, "Got it!" Then the old god walked out of the prison.

Seeing Su San leave just like that, Meng Lang didn't make any promises, but said lightly, 'Got it! ', Mo Shaohua was full of trust in Su San in his heart.This is a very strange feeling, as if there is a tacit understanding between the two.

Now, although he doesn't know if his last promise was made too fast!However, he keenly felt that once such an opportunity was lost, it would never come again!If Su San can't even save himself, it's superfluous to talk about other things!Even if Su San can save himself, he has something to say first, if Su San is not his bosom friend, then he will not 'sing for Su San'.

As for whether Su San is his bosom friend, it doesn't matter what Su San says, but what he says.

If he realizes that Su San is not what he imagined, at least he will escape from this cage.Where do I go in the future, and who can restrain myself?The big deal is to stay away from the temple and wander the rivers and lakes to be an idler.

Naturally, Su San could understand Mo Shaohua's mentality of going one step at a time!But since Su San came, since Mo Shaohua leaned towards him, it would be almost impossible for Mo Shaohua to 'escape' from his hands.

If Mo Shaohua can't 'conquer' even one Mo Shaohua, how can he 'fix the country'!

Mo Shaohua's going or staying depends on how much effort he has to make to make Mo Shaohua understand what he wants to do!

Of course, it also depends on whether Mo Shaohua is worth it. He spent a lot of effort to keep Mo Shaohua.Mo Shaohua can choose to sing for him, and he naturally needs to have a better understanding of Mo Shaohua, whether he needs to sing or not.

Separation and separation are the norm, for those who are married and for those who are divorced, if they get along, it will be convenient for them, and if they are not compatible, they will be at odds with each other. Su San knows this very well!

Mo Shaohua can keep up with his own beat, that's the best!If you can't keep up, it's normal to leave during this process.Su San didn't have the will to tie a person to her for a long time, he was not an only husband.There is no such strong possession, everything, Su San just treats it as a game, won't be too happy if he gets it, and won't be too sad if he loses it.

The only thing he wants to do is not to let anyone interfere in his life!If in this process, you want to change the life you want because of other people, then it loses the meaning of doing this.

Cultivate yourself first, and then organize your family. Only with ability can you reach the world!If it is this process, it is inevitable to fight; it is inevitable to be unified; it is inevitable to be under the rule of an emperor.Su San believes that it is best to be the person who leads these things!

At least he will be an extremely enlightened emperor!

These are things for the future, and it is too far to talk about them!What Su San was thinking about now was how to get Mo Shaohua out of the dungeon calmly.

It is very laborious to just get Mo Shaohua.Moreover, the actions are too obvious, which will easily expose one's purpose and make people have traces to follow. This is not Su San's style.Su San was used to beating east and west, besieging Wei and saving Zhao, and while finishing the things to be done calmly, he also did some other things.

Everything is connected!Only by mastering these connections, can we really be able to do a job with ease!Maybe tonight, I will have a good grasp of the night banquet in the palace, and luckily I will have a chance, maybe not?

On the way back to Su Mansion, Su San secretly calculated the possibility of this idea in his heart, and imagined the circumstances under which he could achieve his goal, and then put this matter aside for the time being.

The banquet was for the evening, and it was still very early, so there was absolutely no need to occupy my mind with this matter.Perhaps it is difficult for others to do this, but for Su Sanlai, as long as he puts his heart and effort into it, the clumsy will become a coincidence!

In his current state, most of his thoughts are not on how to achieve one thing; but on what impact it will have after accomplishing this thing, and what kind of countermeasures he should have!

Because I have experienced a lot, I know a lot about the changes in things!This is the advantage of his two lifetimes.He is also a person in the world, and cannot penetrate his most fundamental aspects.

For tonight's dinner party!In fact, he doesn't really want to show off!Even though the emperor favored him so much, he made a special trip to put him on the list for the Lantern Festival banquet! (As a matter of fact, Su San is not qualified to participate in this night banquet due to his status. The fourth-rank official is nothing more than a vacant position. In Jinling, there are eight hundred if not one thousand!)

But things have become like this, and the limelight is inevitable.He is not a god, and he cannot predict everything as he wants, and some things cannot be avoided.

The limelight can be shown, but he is afraid that the emperor will play tricks when he is happy!That's a bit of a hassle.The emperor's temperament is that of an old ox and a monkey. He is stubborn and naughty, which makes people have no place to ponder!Playing games with the emperor is not something to be happy about. One who doesn't play well will lose his head.

Naturally, there are things to be happy about!

After the Perfect Store officially opened for the new year on the fourth day of the new year, there was a hot rush to buy again. This is a very happy thing.Driven by the girls' hard work, "Gifts are only for Farewell My Concubine" has really become a scene in Jinling City!Farewell My Concubine is placed in the gift, that is a matter of honor and face!

Farewell My Concubine is not only valuable, not only rare, but also not something you can sell if you want to (Farewell My Concubine cannot be normally supplied during the Chinese New Year).During the whole Chinese New Year period, being able to send a set of Farewell My Concubine is not only a symbol of heart, but also a metaphor for the ability of the owner who gave this thing.

This is a secular age!Face, spirit, sometimes, are often more important than money.

Li Ji naturally made a lot of money, when he arrived at the Su Mansion on the sixth day of the sixth day, when he laughed and talked about Pi Qiu's annoyed expression, he naturally talked about how much money he had earned.Said that the money he earned was more than that of Pi Qiu working in the bodyguard agency for a year!

After hearing this, Su San just smiled!


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