
Chapter 367, happy things

Chapter 367, happy things

These are not what he is really happy about. What makes him really happy is that the Feng family, which has assumed the agency rights of Jinling Mansion's "Farewell My Concubine", has already handed over 10 taels of silver to join the silver, and signed the contract. Won the first agency contract ever!

This contract is of great significance!It marks the coming of age of 'Farewell My Concubine'

It can be expected that in the near future, the entire Dafeng Dynasty and even foreigners will change their living habits because of the existence of 'Farewell My Concubine'. 【】Of course, the more important meaning is that this contract will bring Su San a considerable amount of income!

Not to mention the 10 taels of joining money!Just the continuous execution of this contract will bring him an annual income of at least 100 taels of silver!

A deeper impact is!With the first Feng family who dared to sign a contract, in less than a month, powerful financial owners from all over the world will come to sign the contract!Although the spending power of the ten road houses in the entire Dafeng Dynasty is different, according to preliminary estimates, they should provide him with an annual income of at least 500 million taels of silver!

For ordinary people, this is an astronomical sum!As far as the finances of the entire Feng Dynasty are concerned, it is also surprising enough!

The money will be continuously invested in Tingchaoxuan, Chengdu Mansion, and secret ordnance production!The army and horses did not move, and the food and grass went first. From this moment on, the war machine was truly activated.

Therefore, the significance of this contract, in the eyes of Su San, is unusually important!The key is the 10 taels that were entered in advance, and the 10 taels that will be received in a month are enough for him to set up the stall first!

If you don't spread the stalls, it will be too late.Time waits for no one!If you have money, you must have time to use it where it should be used!

In fact, if you really want to spend it, 500 million taels a year is not enough.In a feudal society, wars were not all about economics. The amount of food and population was also a key factor in determining the trend of war.

In the past, Bai Qikeng killed 40 Zhao people, turning the powerful Zhao country from a strong country into a weak country in one fell swoop. The best proof is that Zhao country has not been able to stand up for decades.

However, the role of the economy is still the most fundamental. Needless to say, the importance of spreading the stalls now.Only when the economy reaches a certain peak, can one have the ability to act freely and truly let go to do something.

Time to find a reliable person to handle these money related matters!

While Su San was wondering who could be qualified for this 'important position', she had already walked into the Su Mansion!

However, in the Su residence, a group of women were chattering non-stop in the hall!As soon as Su San came in, the women stopped talking and all pointed their eyes at Su San.

Su San glanced at the crowd, and saw that it was Yu Feng, Zhou Yingying, and a group of women from Qingfenglou who wanted to open a restaurant, and Tianxiang was among them!Can't help laughing: "What? Are you discussing how to make the Lantern Festival? Why don't you talk when you see Ning Yuan coming?"

While talking, while sitting down on the head, Tianxiang quickly poured a cup of fragrant tea and held it up!The job of pouring tea was originally Yu'er's job.Now Tianxiang took the first step and left Yu'er aside, so Yu'er was so angry that she pouted.

Su San glanced at Tianxiang, took the tea she handed over, and smiled at Tianxiang!Only then did he take a sip of tea and moisten his mouth that was dried by the cold wind.Seeing that everyone still refused to speak, they cast their questioning eyes on Yu Feng.

Seeing that it was inevitable, Yu Feng stood up and said, "The girls heard that the third master is a master in cooking, so they all want the third master to teach him in person!"

Su San raised her gaze, and glanced at Yu'er beside her!See Yu'er standing aside quite aggrieved.

That's right, the apprentice fired the master, no wonder Yu'er was so wronged!

Yu'er had some grievances, but it wasn't the kind of grievance Su San wanted; in fact, she really couldn't teach these women, so she stabbed Su San out.

As far as Yu Yuer herself is concerned, she only knows how to do it according to the method taught by Su San. As for why she does this, she has not really grasped it yet!So when it comes to teaching, it is a bit difficult.These girls were in a hurry to learn the art. Since Yu'er couldn't answer some questions, the girls pestered Yu'er to ask: Where did Yu'er learn her cooking skills.It became a matter of course.

Yu'er was too entangled by them, so she had to 'betray' Su San.In fact, apart from being wronged, she felt relieved for a while.

But Su San is not a cook after all!

Su San is at best a gourmet, not a good cook.Although Su San knows what kind of dishes taste good together; what kind of dishes can be paired with what kind of ingredients!But letting Su San cook by himself is far from being a real chef.

Even in two lifetimes, Su San is not the best at everything.Although sometimes, when he is on a whim, he will cook two dishes for his family, but that is just for self-entertainment and has nothing to do with cooking skills.

Cooking is a job that requires talent and experience!The same good dishes, fried by different people, have different tastes!Not admitting defeat is not an option.The reason why Su San can give advice to Yu'er is because his understanding, cognition, and vision of cooking are much higher than Yu'er's.But theory is theory, and cognition is cognition. There is not a slight difference between this and cooking with your own hands.

There is no crash course for chefs, and the dishes cooked by hands will be eaten immediately.Whether it is delicious or not, you can tell immediately!Don't be careless.

Therefore, everyone wanted Su San to teach, but Su San would never dare to accept it!

However, everyone looked forward to him so much, Su San was actually not good at quitting.After thinking and thinking, I said in my heart: I dare not teach them by hand, but it is still okay to bluff them.

Therefore, Su San pretended to be cold-faced, looked at everyone, and suddenly raised his voice: "It's unreasonable!"

Yu Feng hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to say Su San again!Since that night, Yu Feng's heart has been tied to Su San's body, and seeing Su San's face change, she was also taken aback.

The girls never thought that Su San, who has always been kind, would change his face like this!No wonder the sisters who have participated in the training said: Mr. Bie Su is smiling all day long, if you really don’t like him, you can turn your face faster than turning a book!When you speak, you will get angry.I didn't believe it at first, but now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I know it is true.

Su San said angrily: "You think that Yu'er is not your master if you don't pay homage to the master? You don't have to respect the master, and you don't have to care about the master's feelings? You and she have experienced the cold and warm in the world anyway. , do you guys do things like this?"

The girls felt a little aggrieved when Su San blamed her so much!


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