
Chapter 369, Sword Art!

Chapter 369, Sword Art!


"Hit me! Go to the kitchen and wash some radishes! Mr. Zhang!"

Standing behind the crowd, Mr. Zhang saw Su San calling him, he quickly answered 'yes' and ran over. 【】He wanted to participate in the martial arts exam, but he didn't follow Su Yi to Chengdu Mansion!Even if he doesn't participate in the martial arts, he actually just wants to be by Su San's side!Therefore, he stayed in Su's house all the time, following Xiao An's back all day long, Xiao An took care of the parents, and Xiao An's housekeeper called shortly!I was afraid that Su San would drive him out of the Su residence.

"Go and move the chopping board to the yard! Bring a kitchen knife, too."


Su San said to the girls: "To learn cooking, you must first practice knife skills! Good knife skills can get twice the result with half the effort; bad knife skills can get twice the result with half the effort! Knife skills are the foundation. There must be one or two people with good sword skills, otherwise your division of labor and cooperation will be meaningless. You should be careful, and Ning Yuan will tell you today that the real sword skills must be so good!"

Su San rolled up her sleeves and thought to herself.I'm afraid that he only has saber skills that he can handle. In his previous life, he spent time on saber skills. In this life, he specially practiced the Three Shadow Knife, and he also has the power of mind. If he wants to impress these girls , I had no choice but to show off my knife skills.Otherwise, it's really hard to explain.

Waiting calmly for Mr. Zhang to prepare everything!Over there, Zhou Yingying also washed a basket of radishes.There are big ones, small ones, curved ones, straight ones, red ones, green ones, and white ones, all piled up on the desk.

Su San picked up the knife, weighed it first, tried the feel again, then took the whetstone and sharpened it again before saying: "A good tool is a good start! Remember: never do something unprepared !"

Seeing the girls' receptive faces, Su San picked out some suitable radishes from the basket!After laying it out by my hand, I raised my head and said to everyone: "Careful! Study hard, and practice hard later! Don't say that Ning Yuan didn't teach you."

The people in the yard, and several servants, also squeezed under the door, far and near, they all put up all their energy and wanted Su San to strike with the knife.

I only heard Su San say: "A good cook will only use one knife for a lifetime! A bad cook will have to change a knife every month! The difference between good and bad lies in the difference in the use of knives. Ordinary people The knife is used, while the advanced person uses the mind; the knife moves with the heart, and the heart moves with the law, and it should be used like this."

While talking, he waved the kitchen knife in his hand very slightly!

I saw the knife in Su San's hand, as if it suddenly came alive!Like a group of silver snakes, it was erratic up and down, left and right, and wrapped a section of radish in it.In the blink of an eye, the radish was peeled.

"Food is the most important thing for the people, and chefs must remember to be economical and not waste it! When peeling the skin, it is necessary to peel off the outer skin and keep as much food as possible. This is a cooking virtue."

While Su San was talking, her hands didn't stop!In Su San's hands, a piece of white radish instantly turned into a ball as fine as white silk, and was spread on the bottom of the plate by Su San!A piece of green radish was thinned into a few slices like a flap, set aside for later use!Su San took another section of carrot with a slight curvature, facing the light, holding up the knife, repeatedly slashing it fast and slow.

Where it was difficult to use the knife, Su San's natural movements slowed down, and where it was easy to use the knife, Su San's movements opened wide and wide, leaving everyone dumbfounded!It didn't take long for Su San to cut the carrot into the shape of a beauty!Then quickly put the clothes made of green radish on the beauty!

A beauty in a green shirt and a red coat stands in the snow, vividly!

Su San quickly cut out a hat out of a white radish, and put it on the beauty's head, covering the red face!Then carved a snow-capped mountain and put it on the side of the plate; and carved a little white dog following the beauty.

At a glance, a beautiful scene of beauty in the snow suddenly appeared!

Everyone was already closely approaching the front of the case, exclaiming incessantly.

Su San breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time letting go of his thoughts, he was also panicked.

This thing is really not a joke, if I didn't have the skills, it would be really difficult to do this!Even so, what I am doing now is still much worse than those masters in the previous life!

Seeing all the people looking at him with adoring eyes, Su San smiled and said: "This is entry-level kung fu! Three years of cooking, before doing it, only the ingredients are in his eyes, and he only knows how to cut thin and thick cut shapes; Cooks who have been working for six years already have the dishes they are going to cook in their minds as soon as they get the ingredients; only those who have been cooking for more than nine years can freely control the knife in their hands and the dishes on the plate! This has to be done carefully, Intention, the level that can only be achieved with talent!"

Everyone yearns for it!On the other hand, the radish skins were all peeled on one plate, and they were not messed up; the unused ingredients were neatly placed on another plate for the next time!The whole desk is fresh and clean, making people feel that everything is natural and orderly!The key is Su San's movements and skillful skills in holding the knife, which makes the audience pleasing to the eye and sighs.

And Zhang Gong produced something a little deeper!He is a warrior, so naturally he is particularly concerned about Su San's way of using the sword.He found that when Su San cut the white snow on the bottom of the plate with the knife up and down on the chopping board, the blade did not touch the chopping board at all.The ability to cut the radish without colliding with the chopping board is truly astounding.

This kind of situation is only possible when the person who uses the knife has reached a certain level of use of the knife!

No wonder Su San said that a person who is good at using a knife only uses one knife in his life!

Tianxiang heard Su San's description of the chef, and couldn't help asking with starry eyes: "Then Ningyuan's craftsmanship is the result of several years of practice?"

Su San did the math, it must have been on and off for decades!It took only a few decades to achieve such a result. I am obviously embarrassed to say it, and I can't say it.Even if he told it, no one would believe it, so he asked with a smile, "What about you?"

In fact, it's easy to guess, Su San's actual age is here!Cooking is by no means Su San's main job, so I don't think he would spend a lot of time on it!Add it all together, it will take two or three years at most, right?After two or three years of kung fu, they have practiced to such a level, and they don't know whether the progress is fast or slow.But one thing is for sure, practicing knife skills must take time.

Regardless of everyone's speculation, Su San clapped his hands and said: "As long as you put your heart into it, it will never be as difficult as you imagined! If you hold a knife in your hand for an hour a day, if you can't do it a year later If Su San is like this today, it can only be blamed for your lack of talent for painting, it has nothing to do with sword skills!"

When the girls heard what Su San said, they couldn't help but feel refreshed!

"Of course, this is just the foundation. There is more than one hour a day. If you want to be a teacher as soon as possible, you must arrange your own study plan! The foundation is very important, and you must keep up with everything else. The most important thing is to keep yourself in a good mood. Good mood, Cai The taste will be good, otherwise it will change the taste. Well, Yuer, you can take them to practice! From now on, students who perform best will be selected from them every day to cook for me."

After Su San finished speaking, she stopped talking to these women!It is certain that distance produces beauty.Good craftsmanship can't be revealed casually, not to mention that Su San is a little worried now, whether these women will have the courage to make other demands.

There is no way for him to satisfy other requests!Therefore, it is better to go early!

As soon as Su San left, the courtyard didn't become bustling, but completely quiet!The servants didn't dare to approach Xixi just now, but now that Su San had left, they dared to approach the case, and they all came to the beauty carved out of carrots!

The lifelike characters, the scenery near and far, and the naive puppy, this is simply a masterpiece of art!The servants were completely shocked.

But the girls who have been watching closely, their thoughts at this time have already changed from shock to deeper contemplation!

Because Su San's move completely overturned their cognition!They also don't know, the original dishes can also do this?I didn't know that it was only a skill of chopping vegetables, and it had to be practiced like this to be considered qualified!

Although Su San only tried his skills briefly, the impact Su San gave them was unmatched!

Yu'er hadn't seen Su San move such a hand before, so she also suffered a lot of blows.In the past, the young master praised her for cooking well, and always said that blue is better than blue!She is also often complacent.Now that I get up, I haven't even learned one-tenth of the young master's ability!Thanks to myself, I'm still complacent and think I'm great, hey, no matter when I come, I can't be arrogant; I have to keep working hard at any time.

Yu'er secretly made up her mind that she will learn from scratch from today on!Accumulate bit by bit, don't waste a good time!

Su San didn't know that what she showed in order to escape would bring huge changes to these women!For him, this matter is in the past.After all, the purpose of opening a restaurant is to give Yu Feng a way to live with peace of mind!It is still unrealistic to rely on a restaurant to bring extra huge benefits to oneself.Unless it's a chain of restaurants, but chefs are a resource that is difficult to copy, and it's not interesting to make money from this quickly.

What's more, he didn't want these women to keep cooking for money every day!His idea is that in the future, Yu Feng's restaurant will devote himself to making every dish well, so that the value of the dishes can be increased to the maximum.It is best to only do three seats a day!At least 100 taels for a seat.That's how you do it with ease.

Otherwise, when she thought of Yu Feng standing in front of the stove day and night as a cook, her figure gradually began to deform, and her face was reddened by the oily smoke, Su San would feel uncomfortable for a while.

Only do three seats a day, and charge 300 taels of silver!enough.The money earned is enough for women to live a good life, and they can have enough time to practice cooking and refine their skills.Finally reached the peak of culinary art.If you can do this, the value of life will also be reflected, and your life will be enriched.This is the best ending for them.


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