
Chapter 370, Information Chapter

Chapter 370, Information Abridgement

Putting down these thoughts, he went back to his study room, and after sitting down behind the desk, he signaled Xiaoan to take the plot summary of listening to Chaoxuan for himself. 【】

Xiaoan carefully took out the key!From the locked cabinet, he took out two large booklets and handed them to the third master.

Su San took it over and turned it over carefully!

The abbreviation has been changed from reporting once a day a year ago to reporting every two days in the year after!If there is an urgent matter, or if there is the latest progress in the matter that I have focused on, I will report something special.Considering the danger of intelligence work and the recent uneasy situation in the city, Su San has already started to let Mr. Zhang follow Xiao An to slowly get in touch with this piece of content.

Of these two large books, one is the abridged intelligence of the day before yesterday; the other is the abridged intelligence of yesterday.Su San took the one from the day before yesterday and quickly browsed through it!Didn't find any special information, just some trivial matters.

However, Su San can tell from these small things that the members of Chaoxuan are enthusiastic about their work.

Put the booklet in the brazier and burn it!Take out the second booklet.Turning to the first page, Tang Chao marked the key information with a pen!Follow the sketched part carefully, but Tang Chao was instructed some time ago about the secret gathering of Jinling students.

The abbreviated content indicated that someone from Tingchaoxuan had broken into the student room in Jinling.It's just that the students don't have any specific ideas!Some ideas have not been decided yet, and are in the process of discussion.But judging from the details discussed by the students, it is certain that they want to make a fuss.

Su San thought for a while and pulled out a piece of paper!He took out another book from the desk, and wrote down a series of six-digit numbers according to the contents of the book.

These six digits, the first two digits represent the page number of the book; the next two digits represent the row number of the page; the last two digits represent the number of the row.Each group of six-digit numbers represents a word.

Send this note full of groups of numbers to Tang Chao's hands, and Tang Chao can translate the content on the note by comparing the numbers with the book.This is the most common way of information transmission.

Su San wanted to make Tang Chao understand the importance of information transmission through this method!However, this is just a very simple way of sending messages. Ting Chaoxuan needs to start preparing his own codebook, and set up different codebooks according to the requirements of the level.

After writing the letter, Su San was not in a hurry to hand it to Xiao An!Instead, check all the content behind the abbreviation!After making sure there was nothing missing, I put this book in the charcoal fire and burned it.

Then I thought that there was nothing to fill in the letter, so I folded the letter and handed it to Xiaoan, "Take Mr. Zhang and pay attention to safety. Follow the 'Ting Chaoxuan' in Jinling City. The activities are becoming more and more frequent! We will definitely attract the attention of some caring people. Never underestimate the intelligence of others. Anyone who thinks others are stupid and he is smart is actually the biggest fool. A small mistake, sometimes , can bring fatal injuries. You must remember this point. Intelligence work, you must not be careless!"

Xiao An nodded solemnly, and Su San waved her hand to let Xiao An leave.

Although Xiaoan's performance is getting more and more calm!But Su San still has deep worries.Because Xiao An has gone so smoothly from following him to today.Going smoothly is a good thing, but if this kind of success keeps appearing in such a young Xiaoan, it is probably a very bad thing.

People who have never been sick, once they get sick, it is a fatal disease!

Su San would rather that Xiao An made a mistake one time, paid some price, and learned some lessons.People who have never been blind will never know how dark the darkness is!People who have never been hurt will never know how painful it is.Lessons learned on paper are shallow after all.Only things that have been experienced in person are unforgettable.

Maybe I can arrange such a thing so that Xiao An can fully realize this.

Failure is the mother of success, without a mother, success cannot emerge from the cracks in the rocks, therefore, what Xiaoan needs now is not success, but failure.

Xiao An didn't know that the third master was thinking about how to 'scheme' him at this moment, and carrying the letter Su San handed over to him, Xiao An called Zhang Gong to walk out of Su's mansion together.

Zhang Gong hurriedly followed Xiao An's steps, and smiled softly: "Housekeeper Xiao An, where are we going?"

Xiao An smiled and said, "It's still where I went last time!"

Zhang Gong immediately put away the joke on his face, nodded seriously, and touched the short knife hidden in his waist worriedly.

Seeing Zhang Gong's careful look, Xiao An touched his waist with one hand.Knowing that there was a dagger hidden there, he smiled and said, "Don't be so careful, we are just going to send a letter!"

Seeing Xiao An's relaxed expression, Zhang Gong scratched his head and said, "I always feel that the two people I met last time were mysterious, so."

"Don't worry, those people are all the third master's people! They are all our own people."

Only then did Zhang Gong relax, and he and Xiao An walked slowly on the street.Only when they didn't notice anyone following them, did they gently walk into an alley and walk to the door of a small courtyard with a single family.

This is a secret stronghold of 'Ting Chaoxuan'!

The only duty of this stronghold is to contact with Xiao An, and take on the responsibility of delivering news between 'Ting Chao Xuan' and Su San.This morning, after Xiao An accompanied Su San out of Dali Temple, he just took away the abridged information from the previous two days!It took only an hour before and after, so it was naturally impossible for any problems to arise.

According to the agreed method, Xiaoan knocked on the courtyard door.There is no sound inside!

When Zhang Gong went to the gap under the door, a light and shadow flickered, as if someone was behind the door, coming out from the gap.Xiaoan didn't notice this, but Mr. Zhang was very vigilant to these things because of his martial arts.

Something seems wrong!When Xiao An knocked on the door the last time, there was no hesitation inside, and someone came to open the door. How could someone be outside the door today?Could it be that Housekeeper Xiao An misremembered the password.

Xiaoan and Mr. Zhang talked about the code!

There is a signal to knock on the door, and an incision to enter the door, and you have to repeat it tirelessly every time.Although Zhang Gong felt that it was not necessary to be so complicated, he had to admit that there were many accidents in the intelligence work.Changes in the situation are sometimes sudden, and it is impossible to ensure that there are familiar faces to convey the situation every time.Therefore, in most cases, only passwords are recognized, not people.Those who match the code are our own people, and those who don't match the sign have a situation.This is not to be blamed.

Seeing that Xiao An didn't notice this, Zhang Gong was about to remind Xiao An, but the door opened with a creak.A man inside glanced at the two of them, and slowly moved his body away, motioning for the two to come in.

Xiao An was about to lift his feet, but saw that he was not the usual person to receive.Just as he hesitated, he wanted to ask more questions, but he heard someone coughing in the main hall and looked up, but it was the intelligence agent codenamed 'Feixue'.Dispelling his doubts, he led Mr. Zhang in.


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