
Chapter 372, Crisis!

Chapter 372 Crisis!

Zhang Gong breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xiao An: "Brother, can you stand up and come to my side!"

Xiaoan fell on his knee just now, barely stood up, endured the pain, walked to Zhang Gong's side, panting heavily: "Brother, leave me alone, let's go! I'm like this, I can't go away.【 】”

Zhang Gong didn't care about Xiao An, but said to the people in front of him: "You all retreat to the side, all of you retreat to the wall! As soon as we leave the gate of the courtyard, we will release them immediately."

The leader said solemnly: "You must keep your word!"

Zhang Gong said coldly: "Don't worry."

The leader waved his hand and led the people back to the wall in the corner of the hall.

Zhang Gong said to Xiaoan: "Follow me, take your time." As he said, he retreated out of the hall door with the hostage in his arms.

Just retreated to the door, but heard the sound of gold and iron outside the door!Xiao An was by his side, and he didn't do anything else, the sound of gold and iron couldn't have appeared out of thin air!

Zhang Gong's tensed heart suddenly jumped heavily, and his heart was broken: After all the calculations, he didn't count that there were more than six people on the other side.Now I use all my hands and hearts on those five people in the hall, and my back is under the opponent's attack, I am afraid that I will not be spared from this blow.

With hatred in his heart, he saw the five people in the hall rushing forward, and pressed the knife hard into the hostage's neck.The hostage shook twice in his arms and died.

The opponent didn't stop, and rushed over.Zhang Gong knew that the other party had expected this result a long time ago, and the reason why he agreed to his terms was because he wanted to get rid of himself in the most cautious way.He intentionally pretended to be hesitant, and finally was forced to agree to his request to change people, but in fact he was afraid that five people would not be able to trap him.What a calculation.

But it was too late to understand, and everything was over.

It's just that things didn't seem to evolve according to Zhang Gong's idea.

After the sound of gold and iron passed through, Zhang Gong didn't feel someone attacking his back, but a black shadow drifted past his side. With a 'porf' sound, he fell in the hall.

Everyone was taken aback.It also frightened away the five original people who rushed up.

That black shadow is a person, and it is a dead person, the blood in the neck is still bubbling out!The costume was obviously the seventh person that Yuanren hid in the dark.

There was a terrified silence in the whole hall, and the five original people who rushed up finally stopped their feet, but stared at the scene in front of them in horror.

Zhang Gong glanced behind him quickly, and saw a person standing quietly in the center of the hall door, with a bloody sword hanging casually by his hand.

Xiaoan was delighted to see this person!Tears flowed out.This person is naturally Tang Chao.

Tang Chao nodded to Xiao An, motioned Xiao An to sit in the yard, and then said to Zhang Gong: "Why are you still in a daze? Would it be warmer to hug a dead person?"

"Ah!" Only then did Zhang Gong remember that the enemy was in front of him, and when he was not in a daze, he quickly drew the knife, but the blood sprayed his face, and he got up, very ferocious!

When Yuanren saw this scene, his face twitched with anger, but he didn't dare to move.Zhang Gong's skills, they have already arrived, and the newcomer is obviously even more skilled.

A trace of anger flashed across the face of the leader, Yuanren, but he was soberly aware that the two people in front of him would not be able to touch even the five of them.So he decisively waved his hand and said, "Stop them!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled the original person beside him and ran towards the back of the hall!

How could Zhang Gong let these people escape, and rushed towards the three attacking people!Seeing this, Tang Chao hurriedly shouted: "Keep alive!"

Zhang Gong tightened his heart, withdrew the short knife in his hand, changed from stabbing to slashing, and rolled on the spot, not only cut a big gash in the foot of the visitor, but also got behind the three of them, and rushed towards the two who were fleeing .

It's a pity that just after taking two steps, the two retreated step by step!

I saw a glamorous young girl holding a dagger in her hand, forcing the two of them back into the hall step by step!Zhang Gong didn't expect that there were people from his side behind the hall, so he couldn't help being overjoyed, and kept looking at this beautiful woman with his eyes.

This woman is naturally Tang Li!

Tang Li glanced at Zhang Gong in her spare time, and when Zhang Gong stared at herself blankly, she couldn't help but glared at Zhang Gong and said, "Is that enough? Don't help!"

Zhang Gong thought in his heart: This one has lost his mind again and again, it really shouldn't be!should not.

Zhang Gong glanced behind him, and saw that two original people had fallen to the ground with their legs hugged, and the other one was also being forced to panic by Tang Chao.Then he raised his dagger and shouted at the two people who had retreated: "Put down your weapons!"

The two original people saw that the situation was over, but they were still bachelors, so they directly held the knife and stabbed themselves in the heart!

Zhang Gong was taken aback, and rushed to rescue him with a dagger, but unexpectedly, the other party flirted with him.Almost chopped off one of his hands.After retreating quickly, the other party had already wiped his neck.

On the other hand, Tang Li's sword was ruthless, cutting off the opponent's palm with one sword, without giving the opponent a chance to commit suicide at all!

Zhang Gong stared at all this in a daze, and realized that his experience in dealing with such scenes was far inferior to that of the woman in front of him, so he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Tang Li shouted: "Hey! What are you doing standing there like a log? Why don't you tie people up?"

Zhang Gong felt that he had become a helper in front of the two of them!However, he was not unconvinced. After all, the two of them had saved him, and their methods of killing were indeed much better than his own. Their expressions and demeanor were also much calmer. They were obviously people who were used to killing people.

He hurriedly started and tied these people up one by one with ropes.

Meanwhile, Tang Chao checked Xiao An's injuries, and Tang Li simply bandaged Xiao An's arms.

Xiao An rested for a while, and her expression became more stable!But as soon as he walked down the hall and smelled the smell of blood, he felt nauseated and almost didn't spit it out.

Tang Chao went to the door to say hello, and several people came in immediately to take away the dead and the living at the scene separately!Only then did Tang Chao and Tang Li neatly tidy up the scene!He said to Xiao'an again: "Follow me first! I'll send someone to send a letter to the third master later."

Xiao An nodded.

Tang Chao led Xiaoan and Mr. Zhang into a carriage. No matter how far the carriage went, he heard someone shouting on the street: "It's flooded, it's flooded!"

Zhang Gong glanced out from the back of the carriage, and saw that the place where the fire started was exactly the yard just now.

It was past noon when Su San heard that Xiao An was injured and Zhang Gong was injured, and heard the news that Chaoxuan's two intelligence agents had been killed. After waiting for more than an hour, Lu'er did not report the latest progress until the afternoon.

It turns out that the person who made the move this time was none other than Yuan Ren's spy in Feng Dynasty!The leader is Glasul!He is a senior original spy.They have been paying attention to 'Ting Chaoxuan' for a few days, and they thought that 'Ting Chaoxuan' was an organization of the people of Beijing, which is why they took this action.

Apparently an accident by mistake!

But it was just such a mistake, which exposed the impreciseness of 'Listening to Chaoxuan'!Moreover, there were two losses, and Xiao An and Zhang Gong were almost involved!This loss can definitely be called a big one!I heard that in the initial stage of Chaoxuan's construction, all the team members were reliable people from Du Ruhui. Every loss of such a manpower would be unbearable!

What's even more unbearable is that the other party almost followed suit and dragged it onto his own head!Xiao An's identity is a familiar face in Jinling, if others don't know Xiao An, Na Renge Rile will definitely recognize Xiao An!Therefore, it is inevitable for Yuanren to associate himself with Ting Chaoxuan.

If Yuanren knew this, his opponent would reassess his strength, and his life in Jinling would no longer be relatively peaceful.The opponent's methods against him will only become more intense and unscrupulous!

This information will also be known by political opponents who are dissatisfied with themselves, and they will question their purpose of establishing 'Ting Chao Xuan'!At that time, my situation will be very passive.

Therefore, no matter what, he can't be merciful!

"Find them and kill them!" Su San looked at Lu'er and said calmly.

Lu'er answered 'yes' before putting on her hat and returning to the temporary new stronghold through the back door of the Su Mansion!

In the new stronghold, Tang Chao has left!Tang Li was scolding Xiao An.The reason is naturally to blame Xiao An, why didn't he use the incision before entering the stronghold?

Xiao An couldn't lift her head up long ago, and there was a burst of regret in her heart.He should have realized that something was wrong a long time ago, he shouldn't have entered that courtyard at all, as long as he didn't enter, there would be a street a few steps away, and Yuanren would never dare to rush out!I won't almost die myself.

If Zhang Gong hadn't saved him, he would have died under Yuanren's arrow; if the Tang brothers and sisters hadn't come in time, he and Zhang Gong would have died too!Thinking of Fei Xue's pale face, Xiao An is still shivering!

When Luer went out, Tang Li was scolding Xiao An; when she came back, Tang Li was still scolding Xiao An.Lu'er stopped Tang Li from talking, and said to Xiao'an, "Third Lord, please! You and Mr. Zhang will be staying here for the past few days, so don't walk around! You can go back when the situation calms down. You should have a good rest."

He said to Tang Li again: "Sister Li, let's go! We still have things to do."

Zhang Gong was slightly injured, and after bandaging it, it didn't affect his movement at all. Even if he fought again, there would be no problem.Zhang Gong heard the two said that they had something to do, so he quickly stood up and asked, "Do you need Zhang Gong's help?"

Tang Li glared at Zhang Gong and said, "Forget about it, it's not going to help you!" After speaking, she pulled Luer and walked out arrogantly.

Zhang Gong said for a while, he could only watch Tang Li and Luer leave, but he stared blankly at their backs, reluctant to look away.Xiao An regretted and regretted it in her heart, and she thought it through after being scolded by Tang Li.Knowing that the mistake has been made, the result cannot be changed, and the only thing to do is to learn from it as much as possible.

He raised his head, only to see Zhang Gong staring at Tang Li's back in a daze!A foolish look.Can't help but sighed, and said softly: "Sister Li is the third master's woman!"

Zhang Gong was shocked, and it took a long time before he lowered his head heavily!


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