
Chapter 373 Tang Li, who is eager for meritorious service!

Chapter 373 Tang Li, who is eager for meritorious service!

As soon as Tang Li pulled Lu'er outside, she couldn't wait to ask Lu'er: "Then, does the third master know that I'm here? Did he say anything?"

Luer nodded and said, "Yes!"

Tang Li asked anxiously, "What did you say?"

"They said they want us to find out where these people live and kill them!"

"Oh, it's not about this. 【】I'm asking you, did he mention your sister Li?"

"This one, no!"

Tang Li was disappointed for a while, and snorted!

Lu'er said in relief: "The third master only thought about the fact that the base was stolen by the original people, and his face was extremely upset. It can be seen that he was extremely angry at the time, and he didn't expect that sister Li was normal. We still confess to the third master. Let's get things done, and when the third master is in a better mood, he will naturally think of Sister Li's contribution to this matter."

Tang Li changed her face and said, "That's good! Let's go and interrogate those people, find their lair, and kill them!"

"Not yet! It's better to tell Master Xuan what the third master wants first, and then listen to Master Xuan's arrangement!"

"It's okay, with the two of us, are you afraid that we won't be able to tear their mouths apart?"

"No! Sister Li just scolded Xiaoan just now, but now she has forgotten the rules so quickly? How can you act rashly without the consent of Master Xuan?"

Seeing Lu'er's determined expression, Tang Li knew she was wrong, so she said, "Okay, okay, just tell brother it's okay!"

When the two quietly returned to the headquarters of 'Listening to Chaoxuan', Tang Chao was in the hall calling important personnel to discuss what happened today. Everyone was thinking about what happened, what could go wrong?

In fact, the fact that Feixue and his partner were killed in the stronghold caused a huge and far-reaching shock in 'Ting Chaoxuan'!

Everyone has already realized the specialness of their work from this incident!Originally, they had so many rules in 'Listening to Chaoxuan', and they still had some resistance, but when this happened, their resistance disappeared.

All preparations are to deal with this crisis!

If it wasn't for Feixue's way back to the main base, he was surprised to be followed by someone, and at the swimming sentry point, he deliberately used an emergency signal to warn.It is absolutely impossible for the headquarters to know that there will be problems with Feixue.It is impossible for Tang Chao and Tang Li to go to the base to check!

Even so, Feixue and his partner were not spared!If it wasn't for Zhang Gong and Xiaoan holding Yuanren back, the headquarters would not even have a chance to catch the murderer.

It is conceivable that if it were not for these rules, the loss this time would not be just two people and a stronghold exposed, it would be as simple as that!

When Tang Li and Luer came in, they heard the concluding part of Tang Chao's words: "...the force in Xuannei has not caught up yet! But even if it does, it is impossible for all the strongholds to be equipped with force! Therefore, every member must be extra careful not to expose their identities. Once exposed, hiding cannot be hidden."

Tang Chao is not good at preaching!He just has a strong sense of crisis, 'Ting Chao Xuan' was set up by him, and he put a lot of effort into it.Therefore, any action that endangers Ting Chaoxuan will make him sad.

Right now 'Ting Chao Xuan' is still immature, it is the weakest time!In Jinling City, any force is much stronger than 'Ting Chao Xuan'!If at this time, because of 'Listening to Chaoxuan', he suffered a serious setback, he would feel deeply frustrated!

Moreover, if 'Ting Chaoxuan' receives a devastating blow at this time, the direct consequence will be to make the third master set up a plan to divide the enemy's stronghold in Shangdu, the capital of the capital, to restrict the rear!

This result, sometimes I can bear it.

Tang Chao glanced at Luer and Tang Li who entered the door, and then said to the core members in the hall: "Since the original people have discovered our existence, and we have arrested their people, I'm afraid they won't stop here! Although they mistakenly think that we are an organization of the Jing people, we cannot give them a chance to break it! We must be steady now, the frequency of activities of all personnel must be reduced in the past few days, and personnel in all districts must tighten their strings! Don’t stop Let the original people discover our existence."


After Tang Chao waited for everyone to leave, he called Luer to his side and asked in a low voice, "What did the third master say?"

"The third master said: Find them and kill them!"

Tang Chao's eyes flashed a cold light!Knowing this is the only option.

As a result, Ting Chaoxuan lost two people, it is impossible not to fight back, otherwise the members of the Xuan will lose confidence in the organization.And it's not Sanye's style to swallow his anger.Thinking back when he was in Wuling back then, the third master didn't have much power at hand, and he even competed with Lin Hailu!With these forces now, would they still be afraid of the original people living in Jinling?

Secondly, Yuanren lost seven people at once today!According to Yuan's nature, it is absolutely impossible to give up the pursuit of Ting Chaoxuan.Hearing that instead of guarding Yuanren every day and hiding in the east, Chaoxuan should beat Yuanren down completely so that they dare not stand out.Yuanren's activity space is small, Tingchaoxuan's activity space will be larger!

However, it is still difficult to execute this order. According to Chaoxuan's strength, it is still a little short of time to eradicate Yuanren's power in one fell swoop; besides, apart from the obvious target of Yuanren Yuansuo, Yuanren secretly Hearing Chaoxuan's strength, he still doesn't know at all!And Yuansuo, the obvious target, is not something he can move if he wants to.

"Brother! Let me go." Tang Li took two steps towards Tang Chao and said in a low voice.

Tang Chao looked at Tang Li in surprise, then Lu Er, and said with a wry smile, "Go? What are you going to do?"

"Go and get rid of Yuanren's lair!"

Tang Chao let out an 'oh', and asked softly, "So, my little sister knows where Yuanren's lair is?"

Tang Li was taken aback for a moment, then her mind turned sharply: "The hostages we captured must know!"

Tang Chao shook his head with a wry smile and said: "They do know, but they will tell you? They would rather commit suicide than fall into our hands, and they would betray the organization! If they didn't guess that we are not from Beijing, I'm afraid Even the name of Glasul, we can't ask."

"Brother, you can use torture! If you don't use torture, they won't recruit you." Tang Li said authentically.

"Punishment?" Tang Chao thought to himself, how do you know I didn't use torture?But they must be willing to recruit!Can't help asking: "If you are tortured, will you betray the third master?"

Tang Li was taken aback, unable to say a word for a long time.

Seeing that Tang Li was stopped by the question, Tang Chao said slowly: "Even if you can find out the original people's lair, you can break in and kill them by yourself? You are not young, why are you still so impulsive, I don't know Use your brain?"

Tang Li was furious, and was about to speak up against Tang Chao, but seeing her brother looking at her with unusual dignity, she couldn't help but lose the battle.She is not usually like this, but today she wants to show her face in front of the third master and is eager to make contributions, so she is so impatient.

Knowing that Tang Chao was right, but couldn't stand his brother speaking so harshly, he snorted coldly, turned his head away, walked to the side, sat down firmly, and ignored Tang Chao.

Today's Tang Chao can never go back to the past!Since following Su San, he has been following Su San as an example all the time, and his mind has changed a lot subtly, and even he himself has felt this change in himself.

Especially after the establishment of 'Tingchaoxuan', Tang Chao's changes became more and more serious.So when he heard Tang Li's words, when he was still so naive, he naturally emphasized the words.

When Tang Li got angry, Tang Chao sighed softly and ignored her.But I heard Luer say on the side: "Luer is thinking, the meaning of the third master is one thing! Whether it is to find them or kill them, it is necessary to completely eliminate their threat to Ting Chaoxuan and the third master." !"

Seeing Tang Chao think for a while and agree with her statement, Luer continued: "The faster you do this matter, the more you will be caught off guard! If you wait for them to stabilize their position, and then slowly and If we confront each other, we will inevitably enter into a stalemate and confrontational attitude. Luer remembers that the third master’s pamphlet said that this state is a taboo for intelligence work! So Luer is thinking, the fastest way now is to It may be from the mouths of the hostages we captured that we got definite news."

"However, the leader is very strict; the others seem to know nothing about it."

Lu'er said quietly: "If you don't know, you won't think about committing suicide! After all, you still know something. The leader is strict with his mouth, but the others may not."

Tang Chao's heart skipped a beat!Realizing that he seemed to have overlooked something, he tightened his body and said, "Lu'er, come with me!"

After all, he ignored the sulking Tang Li and led Lu'er into the backyard and into a secret cellar.

Most of the captured hostages were tied up, and only one was tied upside down on a large stone slab because of a broken wrist!There was a charcoal fire in the cellar, and it was warm and not cold at all, but it was this comfortable environment that made everyone's pain more prominent.

Everyone's expressions were dull, only Yuanren, who was tied to the big stone slab, still had some airs, and thoughtfully glanced at Tang Chao and Luer who had just entered the door.

The cellar was filled with the smell of herbal medicines. It was obvious that the people in the hall after some torture had drugged them again!Lu'er smelled the mixed smell of the air, and felt a little stuffy in her chest!He coughed lightly and felt a little better.

Tang Chao glanced at Lu'er, pointed to Yuanren on the slate and said, "He is Grasur!"

Glasul and Luer exchanged glances, he wondered why Tang Chao would bring a little girl to such a place.Looking up, this little girl is not only very young, but her face is also very tender, it seems that she hasn't grown up yet!

But he also felt that the little girl's eyes were colder than ordinary people's.

Luer looked away, nodded to Tang Chao, and left the cellar as before.Tang Chao accompanied Luer and whispered, "What can Luer do?"

Lu'er shook her head and said, "Lu'er feels that Glasur doesn't want to die! But he can't find his weakness." People who want to die will not be too interested in the outside world.Only those who still have a little luck in their hearts will be interested in those who enter the cellar.Since Glasul still maintains this kind of interest in the outside world, it means that he still doesn't want to die.

She is a person who wants to die with all her heart, and she knows what she will look like when she wants to die with all her heart!


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