
Chapter 374, Using torture!

Chapter 374, Using torture!

Tang Chao pondered for a while, but did not speak. 【】He has already used all the methods he can think of. Even if he knows that Glasur doesn't want to die, what's the use?Who wants to die if they can live?

"Hey, leave it to Luer!" Luer stood in the yard looking at the setting sun in the sky and said calmly.

Seeing Luer's expression, Tang Chao suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and couldn't help shivering.He really wanted to ask Luer what method he would use to interrogate her!But when Lu'er's handsome face was shining bright red, Tang Chao took back what he wanted to ask.

"Give Luer two people!" Luer withdrew her gaze towards the sky, said this to the empty space, then turned around and walked into the cellar.

Tang Chao waved his hand and called the two brothers Xianliang and Xiande.Said: "After going down, follow Luer's instructions for everything!"

Xianliang and Xiande nodded lightly, and they also entered the cellar.Not long after entering, the two walked back to the ground, carried in two long cases, and went down with many ropes!

After a while, the two ran up again, found a few sharp knives, hammers, and spikes, and then drilled in again.

Tang Chao stood in the courtyard, and when Luer needed these things, his scalp felt numb!But he didn't want to stop it.In fact, he should stop it, Luer is still too young, although her life experience has made her personality a bit weird after the great change, but he shouldn't let Luer go further and further away under this weirdness.

He didn't know why he didn't stop it!His intuition told him that Luer had a kind of excitement about this kind of thing.He didn't know if his intuition was wrong, but this feeling kept turning in his mind.

Time keeps passing at dusk!There was a slight hissing sound from the far underground.It's like a grieving ghost from the underworld, screaming pitifully.

The sound drifted into Tang Chao's ears with the wind!It made him feel chills all over his body.He tightened his clothes, walked away from the cellar, and walked a few steps away until he reached a place where no sound could be heard, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The sun has finally set!The sky was dark.

Two members of the night duty walked into the courtyard and lit up the wind lamp.Wei Wei saluted Tang Chao before exiting the yard.

Tang Chao wandered around the yard for a few times, but finally stood still, because when he arrived, Xianliang and Xiande were coming out of the cellar!

Tang Chao greeted him and asked softly, "How is it?"

Xianliang's face was livid, but he unexpectedly didn't answer his words!Xian De just wanted to speak, but suddenly his throat moved, he knelt down abruptly, and vomited wildly on the ground.Xianliang smelled the sour smell wafting in the air, and finally couldn't hold it back, and also vomited wildly.

Tang Chao's face turned pale!He tried his best not to think about what kind of scene the two might encounter in the cellar, but quietly waited for the two to calm down and answer his question.

The two vomited for a while, retched for a while, and then stood up again.

Tang Chao looked at the two and asked, "Where are those people?"

"Dead!" Xiande said.

"They're all dead!" Xian Liang added.

After the two of them finished talking, they wanted to vomit again!But there was nothing left to spit out.

Tang Chao was silent for a long time before asking, "Did you say anything?"

Xiande and Xianliang looked at each other and nodded at the same time.Xiande said: "The fur clothing shop in Yujie is their main stronghold! There is a tunnel under the stronghold, which leads to the nearby Chen family. The ancestor of the Chen family is also a native. Glasur's identity in the Feng Dynasty is Chen Housekeeper."

Tang Chao took a deep breath, his heart burst into ecstasy, and he asked anxiously, "What else did you say?"

Xianliang said: "In the general base, there are more than a dozen permanent people, and the others are scattered all over the city! No matter how specific, Glasul himself doesn't know."

Tang Chao clenched his fist tightly, nodded, turned around and walked out!But after taking two steps, Tang Chao stopped again.Turning around, he said softly to the two of them: "You two must keep your mouth shut about what happened today, and no one can say anything about it."


"From today on, you two will follow Luer! Be responsible for the safety of Miss Luer."

Xiande and Xianliang were taken aback for a moment, and it took a long time before they bit the bullet and responded.

Tang Chao was silent for a while again, he really wanted to ask, 'Is Miss Luer okay? ’ But as soon as the words came out, it became: “How did they die?”

When Xiande and Xianliang heard Tang Chao's question, they wanted to vomit again.Tang Chao sighed slightly, then shook his head and left the yard.

How did you die?

Naturally, Luer was the one who killed it!But in a strict sense, the same cannot be said, because death is their own request.

Xianliang looked at Xiande and said: "Brother! If one day, the two of us are lying there! Will you choose: the two of us will continue to suffer like this, or choose to let me die?"

Xiande fought a cold war!Avoiding Xianliang's gaze, he said softly, "What are you thinking about all this?"

"If you are in our line of business, you should be mentally prepared for it!"

Xian De was silent for a long time before he said, "What about you? Did my brother choose us to be tortured all the time, or did he choose to let the elder brother die?"

Neither of them had an answer!Either the two of them were cut to pieces together, or they chose to end the other's life. No one could come to this conclusion before reaching that point.

There was a bloody smell in the cold wind!The two turned their heads abruptly, and saw Luer standing behind them with a bright red body, looking at them quietly.

As soon as the two of them touched Luer's eyes, their whole bodies tensed up into a ball!The chill hit her heart, she quickly bowed her head and saluted, "Master Xuan gave an order just now, let the two of us follow Miss Luer from now on!"

Lu'er let out a 'huh', the alluring red on her face was extremely strange under the shadow of the light. "Then go down and tidy up the inside, I'm a little tired!"

After saying this, Lu'er seemed to have been drained of all her strength, and her whole body was limp on the ground.

Surprised, they rushed over together!

Tang Chao watched Luer fall softly behind the courtyard door, felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, and wanted to rush forward, but he finally held onto the courtyard door tightly, trying his best to control his emotions , did not step forward.

He didn't understand why Lu'er forced herself to do these things in order to listen to Chaoxuan?Or for the third master?

The bloody smell of the wind gradually dissipated with the wind.A very light part of it, mixed with various smells, drifted across the street, over the roof, and into the Yuanrenyuan, which is not far from 'Ting Chaoxuan'.


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