
Chapter 375, something happened to Glasur.

Chapter 375, something happened to Glasur. 【】

Yuanren's house is on Yujie!

It used to be a shop!After the original person bought it, he transformed it into a Yuansuo.The layout of the front building and the backyard is more open and atmospheric than the courtyard converted from the Beijing residence.

Narengerile chose the second floor facing the street as her living room, and easily did not interfere with the normal arrangements in the prison.But in the past few days, Jingren seemed to have realized that Solitu was killed by his own design, so Jingren's actions against Yuanren followed one after another.

It was obvious that outsiders came to Beijing and killed the three guards of the Yuansuo!In the dark, several strongholds of the Yuanren were destroyed by the Jingren.The people who came to Beijing seemed to have made up their minds to compete with the original people.

Narenge Rile will no longer be afraid of trouble!Although Jinling is not the original country, Jinling is not the Jing country either.What is scary is that even if things get out of hand in Jinling, Feng Ren will not do anything to Yuan Ren!And if the Jing people make too much noise, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop the scene.

There was a feudal state that was bound to be sidelined, and Naren Gerile chose to fight back decisively.From another point of view, in fact, the Beijing people's actions against Yuanren played into Narenge Rile's hands.

Narenge Rile is worried that she has no excuse to attack the Beijingers.The Jingren killed Yuanren in the street, which happened to give Naren Gerile an excuse to do it.Of course, she killed Suolitu to repay Suolitu's planned marriage, but another purpose was to help Feng people cut off enemies who were familiar with Feng Dynasty's internal affairs.Now that Jingren is still reluctant, she doesn't mind getting rid of Jingren's nest.

It was under this consideration that Narenge Rile personally planned the poisoning incident at the Beijing People's Camp!Although it failed in the end, it was enough to cause the people of Beijing to suffer heavy losses.

On the surface, the two countries are already in a tit-for-tat situation, but secretly the waves are even more turbulent!More intense confrontation is imminent!

At this critical moment, Ulimu actually entered the prison in person!

Naren Gerile watched Ulimu take off his overseas clothes in surprise, and asked a little strangely: "What is the important thing that made you come here in person?"

Ulimu had already thought about how to answer this question, but when Naren Gerile asked him, he forgot the answer he had thought of.

Naren Gerile knew that something serious must have happened!Otherwise Ulimu would never be so hesitant.Wu Limu knew that this matter could not be avoided, so he had no choice but to say: "At noon, Glasul led six men to carry a suspicious Jingren den, and he hasn't come back yet!"

Narenge's heart sank, the sun was almost setting, and it was impossible for Glasur to go for that long.unless?

"You must know where Glasul went!"

Hearing Narenge Rile's steady voice, Wulimu couldn't help but feel more at ease.He hurriedly responded: "I know the place! But when I noticed something was wrong and sent someone to investigate secretly, I found out that the place had been burned."

Narengerile's face changed, but she didn't speak again.

What Wulimu worried about was whether Glasur and the people he brought would all be killed!If this is the case, then the loss on my side is too great!The people who can be sent to the Fengguo people all have special skills.And Glasul himself is one of his go-getters. If he loses him, the original person's ability to obtain information will be reduced by half.

Narenge Rile thought of a farther-reaching place!

She was thinking, what if Glasur was captured alive by the Jingren!Could it be that Yuanren's spy heart stronghold was exposed under the eyes of Jingren?It is very likely that Glasul revealed the general stronghold under torture.

"Things have already happened, and panic will only make more mistakes! Na Ren hopes that you can prepare for the worst. For the safety of the main base, Na Ren recommends that you transfer immediately, or move to a backup base, or directly live in Yuansuo. You know, fur clothing business is no longer safe.”

Urim hurriedly responded: "Others don't know where the main base is! Only Glasur knows. And Glasur is the most loyal servant of the grassland, and he will never betray the grassland again!"

"There is nothing impossible! Maybe the actual situation is more complicated than you imagined. What you said is speculation, and what Naren said is also speculation. Since it is all speculation, there is no absolute. Naren did not say that Glasur will Betray the grassland, but you can't deny the possibility. Sometimes, if you can't do it yourself, don't think that others can't do it too. We should treat this issue more rationally. Transferring is the safest way, Ruo Grasu Le didn't betray the grassland, we won't lose anything, and you can move back. What do you think?"

Although Ulimu was sure that Glasur would not expose the main stronghold, he also knew in his heart that what Naren Gerile said was correct. "Okay then, after Ulimu returns, he will start to transfer."

Naren Gerile nodded and said, "You have to calm down, don't be in a hurry at this time! Even if you really lose Glasur, it's not your fault. However, the people of Beijing are still very powerful now. Yes, being able to take down Glasul and the other seven people in one fell swoop shows that they are still very strong. Could it be that Glasul accidentally broke into the Jingren's intelligence terminal, and that's why Will be ambushed?"

Ulimu nodded and said, "This subordinate guessed the same way!"

Narenge Rile's heart fluttered slightly, and she waved her hands and said, "You go back! Move as soon as possible. Don't worry about other things for now."

After Narengerile let Ulimu go back, she walked around the house alone twice.The Yuanren intelligence station lost seven people, and one of them was an elite backbone. Although she acted quite relaxed in front of Ulimu and told Ulimu not to panic, she was already furious in her heart.

Since the people of Beijing still have such a strong influence, they must be ruthless again.If you don't hit the people in Beijing until you can't stand up, you will be restrained everywhere.

"Bilita! Bilituo!" Na Ren shouted loudly.

The two stood at the entrance of the second floor, only to hear Naren Gerile's cry, and hurried upstairs.

Narengeri gave the two of them a happy look, and asked, "There are some secret things to do, how many people can you spare from your prison to do the work?"

Bilituo calculated very quickly, since it is a matter for a secretive person to do, it must be done by a reliable person. "About 30 people!"

Narenge Rile thought for a while, and then solemnly said to the two of them: "The current situation, you have also arrived. The original people want to gain a foothold in Jinling, and it is impossible not to completely subdue the people in Beijing. Just today At noon, we lost another seven people."

Bilita and Bilituo have already realized the seriousness of the situation from Ulimu to the camp.Now hearing what the princess said, I was really surprised!Yuanren's spies in Jinling were not many in number, and losing seven more would be a heavy loss!This is different from the loss guarded by Yuan!The people in Ulimu are all capable.

"Such a confrontation will inevitably consume the power in Ulimu's hands! This is not Na Ren's original intention. So we have to adopt more drastic and more secretive methods to permanently resolve this matter. Listen carefully, this is There are a few things you are going to do tonight!"

Bilita and Bilituo tightened their bodies and listened intently!

"Tonight, our camp will catch fire! All kinds of evidence show that it was done by people from Beijing. This is the first thing to do."

The two were surprised, never expecting the princess to say that.

"The second thing is, you guys discuss how to solve the suspicious strongholds of the Jingren! No matter how you solve them, as long as you keep outsiders out, they are the strongholds of the Jingren, and they are most likely our strongholds. Can!"

The two of them had understood what Narenge Rile meant!That is to make everyone stand up. It is the Beijing people who have planned all kinds of violent incidents tonight.

But, they all do these things, who will protect the princess?

"Today is the Shangyuan Festival, and the palace banquet. Naren and Dehera are both invited. As long as you enter the palace, you don't have to worry about Naren's safety. You can rest assured to do your things, the banquet is over Finally, you have one more thing to do, and that is to attack Na Ren's car!"

The two were shocked again!

Na Ren Ge Ri Le said with a smile: "Don't worry, it won't be a real attack, so it is impossible to accidentally injure Na Ren. The fire in our courtyard will definitely spread to the palace during the banquet. With this name, after the banquet Na Ren will logically ask the emperor to send guards and return to the camp. You just need to show up halfway, let the emperor's guards find out that someone is plotting something wrong, and then leave the scene quickly."

"All of these things must be completed during the time when Naren enters the palace banquet! Dehera is not as shrewd as Solitu, so he will definitely not be prepared. All this happened, and Dehera is far away in the palace. There is no way to deal with it in a timely manner. The leader of the Beijing crowd will definitely fall into Na Ren's trap! As long as the matter tonight is successful, Na Ren will write to the Emperor Feng Dynasty tomorrow, requesting to expel the Beijing people! This is a once-and-for-all solution. Even if it is unsuccessful, it will still make the people of Jing very passive, and we have actually eliminated several suspicious strongholds. Do you have any questions?"

After much deliberation, the two found no reason to object.What they were most worried about was Narenge Rile's safety. Since there was no problem with their safety, they could naturally let go and deal with the Jingren. In fact, they had long held back their energy.

Seeing that both of them acquiesced, Narenge Rile then discussed the specific action arrangement with them!Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the fire in the Yuansuo, dozens of people were drawn from the Yuansuo to carry out actions, which was not too eye-catching, but also fully got rid of suspicion.

The only thing to worry about is that all the experts in Jingrenyuan are here, breaking their own plan and finding corresponding countermeasures.

However, Solitu is dead, and Dehera will be in the palace at that time, who can make the decision?Narenge Rile couldn't figure out who else could make Jingren escape from this trap!

Once things go wrong!At that time, even if the emperor didn't dare to offend the people of Beijing too much in his heart, under this fact, he had to give Yuanren an answer!


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