
Chapter 377, Shangyuan Chapter Night Banquet 2

Chapter 377, Shangyuan Festival Banquet II

There was a big table in front of Zhao Pu. Zhao Pu asked Zhao Guang and Zhao Yun to accompany him and toasted the officials frequently. 【】After drinking for three rounds, Zhao Pu nodded to Guo De!

Guo De then said some routines that had been prepared, and called the "San De Ban" to perform in the hall.

The ministers didn't expect such a program to exist, and they were very interested in it for a while!Zhao Pu, on the other hand, glanced at Su San, who had a strange expression on his face, and felt that this matter was done very well.

Zhao Guang and Zhao Yun were also taken aback when they heard Guo De's announcement of the 'Three Virtues Class'.But I understand that this Sande class is definitely not that Sande class.

San Deban came on stage with a burst of drum music!Although it is intent on imitating the pretentious style of the original "San De Ban", but the person is not the person, and the spirit is not the air. On this occasion, the San De Ban obviously lacks confidence.Fortunately, all the officials who can drink in this hall are close friends of the emperor. As long as the emperor is happy, they are better than each other with the ability to call 'good'.

Therefore, Santoku class also creates a lot of atmosphere!It's just that there are more deliberate routines.

Zhao Pu is very happy!On the one hand, he grinned sullenly, as if thinking of something, especially in that part, he was the happiest.

It is difficult to understand the emperor's playfulness, but when he thinks that the emperor grew up in the court and had no fun, he can understand the emperor's intentions for fun.

However, for the ruler of a country, this kind of behavior is not very reliable.

In the history of the previous life, there was once a Westerner who traveled in the East.After the decay of the Qing Dynasty, he once said that the emperors of the East are not as powerful as imagined.Their dynasty is like a wrecked ship. When they are lucky, they can meet a few wise captains and maintain the voyage of the wrecked ship!Once they meet the capable captain, they will only be crippled by the wind and waves.They don't sink like other ships, but become wrecks, drifting in the ocean, until one day they hit the shoreline and become a pool of debris.

Su San felt that this sentence was not an exaggeration to describe the current Feng Dynasty.Although I don't know if there are more powerful forces in the current Western world, I suspect that the current Feng Dynasty is just such a broken ship, and it is extremely unlucky to have a capable captain.

Zhao Pu is actually as pitiful as Zhao Guang!They are not suitable to stay in the current position, but fate has entrusted them with such a mission.

While Su San was thinking about these, she watched the performance of the San De class come to an end!Zhao Pu was aroused by the performance of the Sande class, so he asked the officials to write poems to cheer up the wine.

Qin Peisong sat at the back of the hall. He was the director of the Imperial Academy. In the past, it was the time when the Imperial Academy showed its talents.

Qin Peisong paid close attention to Su San, at first he thought Su San didn't come, so he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.But when he looked carefully, he found that Su San was joking among the emperor's guards, so he finally felt relieved.

It turned out that I guessed correctly, Su San must have come to the banquet tonight to compose poems.When everyone writes poems and uploads them, the emperor will definitely call Su San out to write poems.Therefore, after Qin Peisong finished expressing his intentions to his subordinates, he immediately stepped out and shouted to the emperor: "The ancients once said that there are hundreds of poems about fighting wine! It shows that this poem and wine are inseparable. If the wine is not in place, there will be no good poems." , It is also interesting to write a good poem, if it is rewarded with wine. The minister suggested that those who make good poems, the emperor will give you a full drink of this hu! Three dendrobium! To show grace!"

That's certainly a good proposition!Under such circumstances, there will be no objection at all, so Zhao Pu laughed and said: "Zuzao! If the poems you make are really excellent, I will reward you with an additional [-] sets of 'Farewell My Concubine'. All ministers, Don't miss the opportunity, but seize the opportunity."

One hundred sets of 'Farewell My Concubine' cost more than 300 taels of silver!Of course, there are loyal and patriotic officials here who want to take this injection of foreign money.Besides, being able to be rewarded at the night banquet of the Shangyuan Festival is not something everyone can win.

Trapped this passionate!For a while, there are many good poems, which open your eyes.

Compared with the light and fresh style of the poems of the students, the poems of these ministers are more dignified and calm. While the words are cautious, they are also unusually sophisticated.

The emperor didn't judge who's poems were good and who's poems were bad, as long as the recited poems were acceptable, he would give wine.Hearing something interesting, I also rewarded "Farewell My Concubine", but instead of a hundred sets, there were ten sets, twenty sets, etc. Firstly, it stimulated the emergence of better poems; Make a small statement about which poems you like more.

The poetry writing atmosphere in Qin Peisong's hall was in full swing, but the emperor didn't see Su San's name for a long time, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.He was determined to stir up everyone's emotions, to pour alcohol on Su San, so that Su San lost his composure under complacency.As long as Su San loses his composure, the emperor will naturally dislike him, and the next thing will be easy to handle.

But the emperor didn't mention Su San's name at this time, and Su San didn't seem to have the consciousness to jump out automatically!This is really worrying.Fortunately, he was well prepared, otherwise he would be caught blind tonight.

Qin Peisong turned his head and looked for Luo Ruiqing with his eyes!Looking for an opportunity, he winked at Luo Ruiqing outside the hall, indicating that now is the time.

Luo Ruiqing sighed inwardly, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk into the hall.Putting on a smiley face, he said, "Your Majesty, I have a piece of 'Linjiang Immortal' here, and I want to get fifty sets of 'Farewell My Concubine' from the Emperor."

The emperor smiled and said: "Luo Aiqing's poems are excellent! Since you dare to ask for a reward, you must have a good poem, but you have to read it out for everyone to know if you want to reward it or not."

Luo Ruiqing was full of confidence. He and Qin Peisong spent an entire afternoon discussing this poem, and it was specially for the banquet tonight.After saluting to the emperor, he raised his voice and recited: "The time of the guest road is cloudy and grassy, ​​and the Lantern Festival will be over soon. The village rooster crows on the forest under the moon. The sound of the luan scares the old birds, and the frost enters the heavy mink."

Luo Ruiqing casually took the cheering wine handed over by his colleagues, drank it all in one gulp and continued to chant: "The desert is windy and sandy, and thousands of miles are dark. I raise my head and hope that my soul will dissipate. I don't hesitate to ask you what to do. I have lived my life in the world, and I am afraid that I will lose the imperial court."

"Okay!" All the officials cheered together.

Zhao Pu nodded and said, "If it's good, it's good! It's worth the reward of fifty sets of 'Farewell My Concubine'. Even the three dendrobium wine, you, Luo Ruiqing, can eat as much as you want."

Luo Ruiqing seemed to be waiting for Zhao Pu's words, just now he looked like he was giving up on me, but now he became humble and said: "With the great talent Su here, I will definitely not dare to eat these three dendrobium wines. Eat at most two dendrobiums to reach the top."

"Hey, Su Aiqing, someone called your name!" Zhao Pu laughed, and turned to Su San who was standing aside.

The officials of this hall discovered that Su San had been in this hall long ago, and was under the emperor's personal guard.Thinking that Su San was just a brat a few days ago, but now he can live with them in the same hall, naturally he felt a little uncomfortable.

Luo Ruiqing had a mentality that had been planned long ago. Hearing Zhao Pu's teasing words, he quickly argued: "I appreciate the talent of Su Dacai very much. To me, Mr. Su's talent is unique in the world. Competing hearts!"

Qin Peisong knew that on such occasions, the more Luo Ruiqing praised Su San, the more disgusted everyone would be towards Su San.Therefore, while Luo Ruiqing was talking, Qin Peisong carefully scrutinized the expressions of the people in the hall, and sure enough, he saw that many people showed an expression of displeasure.

The things that can make the people in this temple show dissatisfaction are obviously very concerned in their hearts.Qin Peisong was overjoyed, knowing that there would be something exciting tonight.

Su San was not stunned, as soon as Luo Ruiqing opened his mouth, Su San realized that something was wrong.He and Luo Ruiqing didn't know each other at all, so it was a bit weird to be praised so much by Luo Ruiqing all of a sudden.

If Su San didn't care about anything, he just thought that Luo Ruiqing really appreciated his talent; but Su San was older and treacherous than Wu Taiming, how could he be so?

Who can stand here and talk, who is not a human being?If you really appreciate yourself, you shouldn't let yourself be in the limelight like this.Being in the limelight on such an occasion is not flattering him, but hurting him.

Praising those who have roots is called icing on the cake; praising those who have no roots is called adding insult to injury.This point, Su Sanmen is clear.

But Zhao Pu can't tell the meaning here!

Hearing Luo Ruiqing's words, Zhao Pu was exactly what he wanted, and said with a smile: "When it comes to picking, Su Aiqing is pretty good. Ning Yuan, you stand forward, stand in the hall. Since someone appreciates your talent so much, you should also Come up with a song, don’t let the ministers down.”

Su San knew that Luo Ruiqing must have ghosts, so she didn't have time to think about who else was hiding behind Su Ruiqing!Others have myriad changes, and he also has his own rules.

With him, as long as the emperor is happy, all the problems will not be a problem.Yin laughed and said, "Poems can be made, but I can't drink this wine. Let alone three dendrobiums, even two dendrobiums, I will definitely be drunk."

Just as Zhao Pu was about to speak, Qin Peisong hurriedly raised his voice and said with a laugh: "Lord Su! This is the rule set by the emperor just now, and all your lords follow this routine. Don't let Master Su spoil the fun."

Seeing what Qin Peisong said, Zhao Pu swallowed back what he wanted to say.

Luo Ruiqing also said with a smile: "Don't quit the great talent! I'm so in admiration. If the great talent makes three masterpieces, Ruiqing will hold the cup for the great talent."

As soon as Luo Ruiqing said this, there was an uproar.He also booed and said: "If a great talent doesn't want to drink, he can write some poor poems. Haha."

The atmosphere in the entire hall seemed unusually harmonious on the surface, but a discerning person could tell at a glance that most of the people at the banquet were targeting Su San.


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