
Chapter 378, Shangyuan Chapter Night Banquet 3

Chapter 378, Shangyuan Festival Night Banquet Part Three

On the side of the female seats, several hollow screens are used to separate the main hall from the main hall!The Empress Dowager led a group of women in the harem to drink and talk here. While feeling the excitement in the palace, they were also discussing which adult's poems were the best. 【】

Zhao Qian was still talking with Na Ren at first, but when she heard Su San outside the screen, she no longer sat at the table with her heart, and listened intently to the changes outside.

Narenge Rile thought about the actions outside, and felt that it should be the beginning at this time. Therefore, it was not very enjoyable to drink, so she simply squeezed together with Zhao Qian, from the hollowed-out screen, together head out.

Seeing Su San appearing, the Empress Dowager and Concubine Zhou also moved their minds and listened attentively!

Just listen to the emperor laughing and saying: "All ministers and workers, don't laugh and make trouble. A great talent is a great talent, even a poem made casually is also good. A few days ago, I heard from the Queen Mother that the great talent Su and Ji Lao were together Visiting Concubine Zhou in the palace, I casually said a few words, which sounded quite meaningful, and I want to share it with all my lovers today."

All the ministers naturally praised the goodness together.

Zhao Pu smiled and said: "There is a full moon that hates the vastness, and there is a full moon that hates to grow long. Such a full moon, don't take the full moon as ordinary!"

At first, the ministers thought it was a bit confusing, what is "there is a full moon" and "there is a full moon"!Just when he couldn't figure it out, he heard the clever person next to him discussing in a low voice: "This Ying should refer to Zhou Yingying; this month naturally refers to Li Yueer, the owner of the 'Farewell My Concubine' who has been fascinated by Jinling recently. "

Another person said: "I heard that 'Farewell My Concubine' made this Li Yue'er from the Li family in Wuling crazy. The Feng family in Jinling City bet 10 taels of silver at one time. It is said that they have to pay for the goods. Even such a rich wife, I would not give up!"

Xu Chen was sitting right now, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard such an argument.When competing with the Feng family for the agency rights of 'Farewell My Concubine', the Xu family was much better than the Feng family in terms of wealth and connections.Originally, the agency right fell to the Xu family, which was a matter of course.

And at the beginning of the conversation, Li Yue'er was also very partial to the Xu family. At that time, the Feng family was ready to give up.But within two days, when they came to talk again, Li Yue'er completely changed her attitude. She actually talked very speculatively with the Feng family, but left the Xu family cold until the Feng family unexpectedly got the agency.

Afterwards, Xu Chen analyzed that Su San must have exerted influence on Li Yue'er, so that the agency of "Farewell My Concubine" fell to Feng's family.Therefore, when he heard someone talk about the relationship between Li Yueer and Su San, he was naturally not so refreshed.

Li Yue'er is Su San's regular wife, everyone knows that!Someone pointed out that the "ying" in the poem is Zhou Yingying, and the "month" is Li Yueer.Everyone naturally thought that Su San was describing the relationship between himself and the two women.

One is a rich man!One is Princess Baozhu!Su San hugged left and right, sitting and enjoying the blessings of everyone.When revisiting this poem, we can taste the true meaning of this poem.

It's just that the heart is not very balanced with Su San, and when he hears such poems showing off his back, his heart will naturally become even more unbalanced.

The more unsatisfactory it was, the more everyone praised it, and kept saying, what a poem!good poem!With artistic conception and responsibility.

Zhao Pu laughed, and said to Su San: "Did you hear that! It's so interesting to just take a few sentences casually, and it must be a good poem if you write it with your heart! If Ning Yuan intends to pass it off as a good one, I will not agree."

Seeing that the matter has come to this point, Su San didn't hide it any more, first answered the emperor's words, then raised his hands to all the officials and said: "Then Ning Yuan won't hide his clumsiness!"

Most people have no premeditation, just booing along!Although they very much hope that Su San will make a fool of themselves, but if Su San doesn't make a fool of himself, they don't care!Naturally, there is no intention to kill Su San, after all, everyone has come here since they were young, and it is understandable that young people are a little frivolous!Only a few caring people wanted to take advantage of the situation to create trouble, intending to give Su San a blow in the head.

Su San is used to dealing with such occasions, and will no longer only know how to let go but not to accept.He just wanted to take this opportunity to find out who was behind the trick, so he wanted to let it go first and test the depth of the water before talking.

Hidden a knife in a smile!Everyone was laughing, but some were carrying knives.

Yin glanced at everyone, pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "There are already a few words, so everyone just listen to it."

Everyone pointed at Su San with a smile, saying that he was too modest, if he was going to make ends meet, it must be a good thing to do.

Su San thought, I don't know how many people wish to write poems for business by themselves.If the poems made by themselves are not perfect, these people will probably say in their hearts: What a great talent, this poem is just ordinary!

Su San didn't want these people to be happy, so he smiled and said: "These few sentences are short! It's really casual, not modest." After speaking, he was not polite, coughed loudly and said: "Last Yuan night, the flower market lights Like the day."

These two sentences are considered normal. Although it is an exaggeration, everyone knows that Wuling City is lively, and the saying that the lanterns are like day at night is also passable.It's a very ordinary sentence, but it's not very brilliant, it really seems to be done casually.

"On the head of the willow on the moon, make an appointment after dusk!"

Everyone was startled, and then burst out laughing.Someone shouted: "He is a romantic talent! I don't know if the date is Ying, or Yue? Or someone else? Why must the date be after dusk?"

A series of questions made Tang burst into laughter!

Su San was not moved, but kept smiling, quietly waiting for the crowd to die down, neither commenting nor being affected by it, but continued to speak loudly: "This year's Yuan night, the moon and the lamp are still the same. No see People from last year, tears wet the sleeves of spring shirts."

After a few sentences, it is fresh and natural, and it does not have a lot of thoughts!Comparing what happened last year with what happened this year, a faint sense of detachment came before my eyes.It is indeed a good poem.

"Okay!" Zhao Pu affirmed first.

So everyone also commented together, so good, so good, actually praised Su San's poem to the sky, and then dragged it back to the world, truly speaking of something extraordinary.

Su San gradually became a little swayed, Luo Ruiqing really picked up the jug and poured wine for Su San.Su San didn't give up, and the cup was ready to drink, and the three dendrobiums went down, Su San's face was red and drunk.

Qin Peisong saw the right moment and shouted: "Such a beautiful scenery, how can a great talent only make a single, and then compose a poem, thinking that they will be a couple."

Everyone saw that Su San was a little drunk, so naturally they wanted to praise him again, and they all asked Su San to play another song.Poetry and wine are not separated, how can poetry be good after drinking wine?Su San seems to be really not good at drinking, her tongue is so big now.


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