
Chapter 379, Shangyuan Chapter Night Banquet 4

Chapter 379, Lantern Festival Banquet IV

Zhao Qian came from behind the screen and couldn't help whispering: "Why are these people like this! He doesn't know how to drink, so he insists on pouring three glasses!"

Na Renge was delighted with Zhao Qian's angry appearance, and couldn't help laughing: "Men, drinking should be so refreshing. 【】"

Zhao Qian slapped Na Ren lightly and said, "There are two kinds of people who are good at drinking and those who are not good at drinking! If you are not good at drinking, you force people to drink alcohol. Isn't this coercion?"

"Kan Na Ren, a great talent, is very happy to drink!"

Seeing that Na Ren was making jokes blindly and not helping her at all, Zhao Qian ignored Na Ren and turned to go outside.

Na Ren had never seen Zhao Qian being so interested in any man, and thought: Zhao Qian must be in love with Su San.

such a pity!No matter how much the emperor favors Su San, it is impossible for Zhao Qian and Su San to be together.Even if it was possible, would Su San still survive to that day?

Zhao Pu and Su San were drunk, fearing that Su San would lose his composure, and were about to ask Charlie to help Su San down, but Su San responded to Qin Peisong's words: "Okay, I'll play another song from that book!"

Qin Peisong was overjoyed, and said in his heart: Sure enough, he kept his mouth shut!All the crazy words like this genius came out.

Su San staggered and squinted his eyes, still holding the wine dendrobium in his hand, while shaking his body slightly, he blurted out another poem!

"Fire candles and silver flowers are red, and the sky is blowing to fight the spring breeze. The new lover is worried and busy, and the old things are shocking and dreamy. I hope that I will be adult for a while, and I may as well be in the dim moon forever. It's time to get drunk when watching the lanterns, and it may not be the same next year."

Another great poem!Even if the crowd didn't want to applaud, they had to be convinced that this Su San was really talented.As far as poetry is concerned, other people's family is young, but they are superior!It doesn't work if you don't accept your old age.

Lantern Festival is a time when there are poetry gatherings every year, and it is also a time when poets of all ages are doing badly!But these two poems by Su San still make everyone feel good, which shows the spirituality of Su San's poems.Therefore, many people really admired this praise.

Qin Peisong listened intently, but did not find Su San's fault.Seeing that the wind direction of the crowd has changed a bit, knowing that if you don't provoke Su San to say some arrogant words, you will lose your chance forever, so you smiled at Su San and said, "Great talent, once these two poems come out! I'm afraid it will be a good poem tonight." gone."

Su San drank like a lunatic, walked up to Qin Peisong, opened her mouth and sprayed over, "Pooh!"

There was a sudden silence in the hall!Qin Peisong's face was blue and red, his expression was extremely angry, but his heart was very happy, and he shouted: "You, you."

Su San didn't mention Qin Peisong, but stretched out his hands to the crowd and shouted, "Great talent? What kind of talent am I? There are so many seniors here, which one is not a great talent?" Stuttering, one by one Pointing at the people in front of him, he said one by one: "You, this is an old wit! This is a fat wit, this is a green-clothed wit, this is a red-clothed wit." Pointing to the emperor, he said: "This is a yellow-clothed wit!" Pointing to the back of the screen, he said, "There are many talented women there, old and young."

While talking, he broke his fingers drunkenly and counted with his head down: "One talented person, a pair of talented persons, three talented persons, four talented persons, and five talented persons."

Everyone burst into laughter, and Zhao Pu even laughed so hard that tears came out.Only Qin Peisong had an extremely difficult face, but he had no reason to say it.It was obvious that Su San was drunk, so how could he care about it?

Su San was still counting talents there, but she couldn't stand up anymore.Charlie quickly went to help Su San, but Su San put his arms around Charlie's neck and said, "Are you here to pour wine? Well, we two will rest when we are drunk."

Charlie hurriedly grabbed Su San's body who was about to throw him down, and said, "Master Su, you are drunk!"

"Only drunk people will say that others are drunk! I am drunk because of you."

Well, start talking nonsense.

Charlie stopped talking, and directly dragged Su San to go down.Su San lay on the ground and shouted: "No, you can't go! The talented man in yellow hasn't given a reward yet."

Zhao Pu couldn't help but laugh, and said with a smile, "Well, well, one hundred sets of 'Farewell My Concubine' will be rewarded!"

"It's not rare." Su San opened his mouth and pushed back.

Qin Peisong felt embarrassment on the emperor's face, but he couldn't help but be happy that his plan was a success.Now there is a drama.

Su San immediately said: "Young lady also has [-] sets. Even if you are the emperor, you don't take other people's things that are too much to fit, and give them to others."

Zhao Pu patted his forehead and said, "I forgot about this. However, if you don't reward this, then what reward do you want?"

"I want to be an official, the emperor will reward me with an official?" Su San salivated and smiled.

Everyone was shocked!There is no one in the world who wants to be an official in front of the emperor.Qin Peisong completely relaxed his expression now.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Zhao Pu didn't object, and responded, smiling: "Okay! What kind of official do you want to be!"

"Be a general!" Su San pushed Charlie away and stood up straight.

Zhao Pu knew why Su San wanted to be a general so wholeheartedly, and he couldn't help being moved!People often say that after drinking, they utter the truth. This great talent from Su really cares about Dafeng Dynasty, and he is a true loyal minister.

Na Ren was a little confused whether Su San was acting or really drunk.She herself is a master of acting, but it seems that Su San is really drunk at this moment.

Su San was really drunk!But who would have expected that Su San's self-control has reached an astonishing level, even in a state of drunkenness, he still maintains the lowest bottom line, vigilant himself not to say wrong things.

Here, of course, there is also a performance part, but Su San is confident that no one will wear his performance.

"I can't promise you this!"

"You don't count your words."

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers were shocked again!Even with Concubine Zhou behind the screen, Zhao Qian was startled.

But Zhao Pu just smiled, waved his hands and said: "Your joke, I promised to give you an official, but I didn't say that I would be a general for you! Why did you stop talking? If you talk about it again, what kind of official do you want to be?"

Su San swayed again, and Charlie quickly supported her.

Qin Peisong wished that Su San would say that he wanted to be the emperor at this moment, although even if he said such a word, it would be regarded as a drunk joke by others, but as soon as the words came out, Su San had already lost his morality, even if the emperor still protected him, It is also impossible for him to preside over Chunwei again.

But after a while of silence, everyone chatted again, Su San leaned on Charlie's shoulder, drooling, and fell asleep!

Coax, the whole room laughed again.

Zhao Pu waved his hand at Charlie, and said with a wry smile: "Forget it, let's help the talented man go to sleep for a while, and we can talk about it when we wake up from the wine."

Qin Peisong sighed and watched Su San being helped down by Charlie, knowing that the opportunity had been missed.If I had known that Su San was not good at drinking, San Hu would be so drunk. When I first made suggestions, I should have said less.

Although Su San was drunk, Zhao Pu's interest remained undiminished, and he said, "Okay, since there are so many horses sitting here, big and small, old and young, let's write some more good poems." Come on! I don't believe that no one will be able to win these one hundred sets of big prizes."

Therefore, the atmosphere in the hall became intense again.

Not to mention!Besides, after this incident, there are not a few people who have a great view of Su San's method.Zhao Yun also put Su San in his heart to a position that must be fought for.And the most aggrieved person in the whole dinner was Qin Peisong, whose plan failed to come true, and was spat on by Su San.It's really unlucky not to talk about it, but not to argue with Su San.

When all the ministers were writing poems, they talked about the palace scenery, but there was no poetry.Led by Zhao Pu, they turned to Zhan Garden together, enjoying the moon and plum blossoms again!Naturally, there are also good poems that arouse feelings, and robbed the hundred sets of 'Farewell My Concubine'.Su San took a nap in the back, barely waking up from the drunkenness!After drinking the hangover tea and returning to the emperor's side, the moon viewing is reaching its climax!

Just when everyone was in high spirits, the second prince received a secret report from his subordinates, only to find out that the city of Jinling had fallen apart.

This has turned the sky upside down, so it's not the excitement of the Lantern Market!Instead, the Yuansuo of the Yuanren caught fire, and then the Yuansuo of the Jingren caught fire again. Immediately afterwards, masked men appeared in many places in the city!There was also a fur clothing store that was looted and set on fire!All kinds of turmoil occurred within a period of time, which caused rumors to spread everywhere in the city, and people panicked.

Yuyu Imperial City, such a thing happened, and it was still on the night of Shangyuan!Zhao Yunxin's anger can be imagined, but he didn't dare to spoil the emperor's interest at this moment.Originally, my position in the heart of my father was not as good as that of Zhao Guang, but if I spoiled the emperor at this time, the impression would be even worse.

Zhao Yun glanced to the side, only to see that someone pulled Wu Taiming aside and whispered something, then Wu Taiming's brows were squeezed together.Knowing that Wu Taiming must have gotten the news, he turned his eyes elsewhere.

When he got the news, he didn't have to say it, but when Wu Taiming got the news, he had to say it!If Wu Taiming doesn't say it, then he is deceiving the emperor!The city is constantly running, and rumors are spreading everywhere. If it is really going to cause a civil uprising, that is the top priority.Wu Taiming cannot afford this crime.

Narenge Rile sat with the women and did not follow the emperor to the garden to admire the flowers and the moon.She thought in her heart, after all this time, the news should have come in a long time ago, why is there still no news?

He couldn't help but look at his maid, only to see the maid winking at him!Narenge was overjoyed every day, knowing that the matter had been succeeded, she intended to talk to the queen.

In the middle of speaking, another maid of Naren ran in in a panic, and whispered in Naren's ear: "The Yuansuo is on fire, but the Yuansuo of the Jing people is also on fire, and Master Ulimu Stabbed to death."

Narenge Rile was about to pretend to be panicked, but when she heard what the maid said, Narenge Rile really panicked this time.


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