
Chapter 380, Shangyuan Chapter Night Banquet 5

Chapter 380, The fifth night banquet of Shangyuan Festival

The house is on fire, this is my arrangement!But the house of the Jing people is also on fire, what's going on?

Ulimu is also dead, so, what's going on?

Narenge Rile's mind was spinning rapidly, and she felt that things were too much beyond her expectations. 【】

It can be understood that the Jingren Yuansuo was on fire because some masters in the Jingren Yuansuo broke his plan and quickly came up with a solution!But is Ulimu also something that the people of Beijing had planned?If so, his opponent is too terrifying.

"Princess Na Ren? Princess Na Ren?" The Queen even called Princess Na Ren twice, but did not hear back from Na Ren.The expression on Na Ren's face seemed to freeze, making it clear to everyone that something serious must have happened.

The queen mother was also attracted by Na Ren's movement, and turned her head to Na Ren.

Naren Gerile was lightly touched by the maid, and immediately woke up, and when everyone was looking at her, she couldn't help but her face was full of grievances, and two big tears flowed down.

Seeing Naren's reaction, all the women couldn't hold back their curiosity anymore. Seeing that Naren Gerile refused to say anything, they asked Naren's maid, "What happened?"

The maid hesitated and said: "Our house was burned! The princess' living room was burned down. Fortunately, the princess entered the palace today, otherwise."

Otherwise, everyone knows the result!Can't help but unanimously condemn the person who set the fire.

It was Concubine Zhou who asked, "Did the people in the courtyard lose their temper because of carelessness?"

This time the maid stopped hesitating, and said anxiously: "The kerosene was thrown into the yard from outside, and some people shot rockets into it, how many people were injured?"

The queen mother was also surprised, this is really extremely bold!He couldn't help but said to Narenge Rile: "My child, don't cry! The Ai family has taken care of this matter. The Ai family will let the emperor order a thorough investigation of this matter and give you justice."

This was the expected result!But the current result does not satisfy Na Renge Rile, because the mansion of the Jingren has also been 'set on fire', and if this stick continues, it is afraid that the Jingren will not be hit.Therefore, this result is also possible.

Come on, I still underestimated the Beijingers!They not only broke their own plan, but also burned their own house, and they still had enough energy to kill Ulimu. If anyone has such a great ability, they can dominate the situation like this.

Narengerile pressed this thought.I wiped my tears and thanked the Queen Mother for her love, but I was still in a trance.Seeing Na Ren's appearance, everyone couldn't have fun anymore, so they left the banquet.

The more lively ones are still outside.

After Wu Taiming heard what happened in the city, he pondered for a while, secretly called the prince aside, and after briefly talking about the matter, he continued: "We can't take over this matter! Most of the original people It's a ghost created by the people of Beijing. The prince must not get involved in this."

Zhao Guang naturally nodded hurriedly.

Only then did Wu Taiming walk to the emperor's side.

Zhao Pu was asking Gao Zaixian of the Imperial Academy to chant plum blossoms. After singing a poem, the emperor awarded him a reward. He was about to arrest another person to compose a poem. Wu Taiming saw this opportunity and knelt down and said, "Damn the old minister! At that time, I still want to spoil the emperor's interest. It's just that something big happened in the city, and I have to play it."

Zhao Pu is called a big head!If you want to get angry, Wu Taiming knelt on the ground trembling slightly. When he heard that there was indeed something urgent, he said to Wu Taiming: "Prime Minister, please get up. What happened?"

Wu Taiming got up and said anxiously: "There are three things! First, a little earlier, the camps of the Jing people and the original people were set on fire, and the fire was quite big! I don't know who did it; second, a group of masked people There are more than one or two occasions when people appear in the city, break into houses, and shout for murder.

Zhao Pu was attracted by Wu Taiming's words.

"The third is the most crucial event; at this time, rumors are spreading in the city, saying that the thieves who made a fuss in Wuling City last year fled to Jinling! As a result, people were panicked, and there was even a stampede in the city, and the streets were in chaos. "

Zhao Pu was shocked!He knows the history of the civil uprising.Once rumors spread in the downtown area, the common people will do anything to avoid disaster.

"This, how can this be good?"

Wu Taiming said quickly: "People should be dispatched from the Nine Gates to clear the streets!"

This is what the Nine Gates Inspectors do, and this is their job!If Mo Shaohua was still in office, this kind of thing would have been arranged first, so naturally it wouldn't make a big fuss, and Wu Taiming didn't have to be so anxious.But Mo Shaohua was in prison at this time, and the position of the chief inspector of the Nine Gates was still vacant.

Zhao Pu really wanted to say, so let the Nine Gates inspector handle it.Only then did he remember that Mo Shaohua had been thrown into prison by himself.He couldn't help saying to the people around him: "Who is going?"

Zhao Yun really wants to go!But he knew in his heart that once this happened, it would be difficult to deal with the aftermath.Leaving aside the matter of Xiao Bian, I can handle it by myself, I can't handle it!Even if it can be dealt with, is it possible that the matter of the original capital and the two houses should be ignored?There is no credit for turning around, but you will get into trouble instead.

In his heart, Zhao Yun is naturally not afraid that he can't handle these things well!In fact, he has the confidence to deal with these things.It's just that if he doesn't handle it well, his father doesn't care whether his intentions are good or bad. His father will only think that he is incapable and cannot share his worries.

This is what Zhao Yun fears most in his heart!So he imitated Zhao Guang's appearance and stood aside blankly.

The crown prince and the second prince acted like this, and the officials below naturally fell silent, and no one dared to speak out.

At the right time, Su San jumped forward, jumped in front of Zhao Pu and said, "Young minister, please temporarily arrest the head of the Nine Gates Inspection Department, so as to relieve the emperor's worries."

Zhao Pu was overjoyed, but said: "This is not a joke, Ning Yuan is young and inexperienced, I'm afraid."

"The newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger, and beat the master to death with random punches! Ning Yuanxin already has a countermeasure, the emperor can rest assured, and wait for the good news from the little minister. Besides, the emperor promised the little minister that he would give the little minister an official position." of."

Seeing that no one made a sound, Zhao Pu said, "Okay, I'll let you temporarily sign up for the inspection of the Nine Gates, and have full power to deal with the current matter! If you can't do it well, I will personally pull you down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Charlie, accompany Su Aiqing to go to the Nine Gates Inspection Office immediately to convey my will, and I will wait for your good news in the palace."

The matter was urgent, the two received the emperor's order, and immediately flew out of the palace.

Qin Peisong squeezed in the crowd and heard that Su San took the job, he couldn't help being happy again.He thought to himself, is this Su San young after all, a bit too Menglang, this kind of thing can be solved by a little baby like him?


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