
Chapter 381, Minxiao

Chapter 381, Minxiao

Charlie ran along with Su San, complaining to Su San: "Brother Ningyuan, it's not my brother who blamed you! It's a mistake to drink, you, you, why did you accept such an errand! This errand is not easy to handle! Be careful to set yourself up!" Go in. 【】"

"Don't worry bro, Ning Yuan knows it well."

Charlie sighed and said: "You don't know, this matter itself is a pool of dirty water; let alone the big trouble in front of you, it just solves the siege tonight, the cause of this matter, don't you just throw it away Don’t check your hands anymore? None of the officials in the Manchu Dynasty dared to speak up, so it can be seen that the relationship here is terrible! Besides, you are young, and you can’t shake the battalion leaders in the Nine Inspection Department. If these people If you don’t accept it, if you miss something, then you will be in trouble.”

"Don't worry, with you, Cha, if those battalion leaders are disobedient, Su Sanneng will cut them off on the spot! Besides, if something happens on the street, if it is not handled properly, they will not be able to get rid of it. The more naughty they are, the better , I’m afraid that they will not be naughty, don’t know the relationship between history and harm, and don’t know the priorities. Lao Cha doesn’t have to worry about this, Ning Yuan has his own means.”

The two ran in a hurry without riding a horse, and ran straight to the Nine Gates Inspection Department!

What a mess in the street!

Today is the Lantern Festival, and the main streets are full of people.In some places, there was chaos; in some places, many people didn't know what was going on.Some people want to leave, some people want to squeeze into the street!People are crowded, people are next to people, and horrible rumors can be faintly heard circulating in the crowd. Wherever the rumors go, there is chaos.

People who hear the rumors want to leave!People who haven't heard the rumors are still squeezing in!Anxiety is brewing, and any spark may cause a drastic change!

Su San knew this kind of thing very well. There was a grand ceremony in the previous life, and a large-scale stampede happened because of the normal shaking of the bridge.Even when the scene was cleared afterwards, people who were smothered in the crowd could not be pulled out.

Su San didn't expect such a scene to be staged in Jinling City!In any case, civilians are innocent, after all, the source of rumors also has its own shadow.

Fortunately, the inspection department of the Nine Gates is on the south gate, very close to the palace gate.As soon as Su San entered the gate, he saw several battalion leaders arguing endlessly there, not knowing what to do.At such a time, no one dares to pull the lead. If this kind of head is pulled well, it will not do any good;

The yard was full of soldiers, arguing with several battalion leaders, they had never dealt with such an incident.The streets were full of people, even if they shouted, no one would listen.

Charlie yelled towards the courtyard: "The emperor ordered Su San to temporarily arrest the head of the nine inspection departments, and you will go forward to listen to the order immediately."

Charlie is the commander of Ouchi's guards. He has a lot of power and has a very high prestige in the Nine Gates Inspection Department.Several battalion leaders also stayed under Charlie's hands in the early years.So as soon as Charlie spoke, the yard fell silent.

Su San came here, knowing that he couldn't rush!Calmly swept away the crowd and said: "I am Su San!"

When everyone turned to him, he said again: "The head of the camp in the yard, come closer."

The four battalion heads one stop ahead.

Su San glanced at the four battalion heads, and roughly counted the soldiers in the yard, then said indifferently: "Everyone in this yard counts as one, listen to my orders! The Royal Street is the most congested right now! You divide into sections Separate the crowd! Tell everyone to go out from the side street, and don't squeeze into the imperial street."

"Ke Shouyi, take forty of them, drill through Guoxiang, form a human wall, and cut off the road. Those who want to enter Yujie from the upper reaches will be ordered to turn back! Those who want to be squeezed out from the lower reaches will be blocked. My warrant, the human wall is not allowed to disperse. What are you still doing in a daze, don't hurry up!"

Ke Shouyi didn't expect Su San to call out his name as soon as he opened his mouth!Seeing that Su San's tone was unquestionable, he had no time to be unconvinced, nor did he have time to wonder why Su San could call out his name, so he directly summoned 40 people in the yard, and went out sullenly.

After Ke Shouyi went out, Su San became even less anxious. Guo Xiang was the farthest from the inspector's office, and it took the most time in the past.

After slowing down the anxious breath of jogging, he pointed to Shi Yu at the head of the camp and said: "Shi Yu, you go to the other side of the palace gate and take 40 people to form a human wall, and no one is allowed to enter the imperial street. Let it go, you can only go in and out, be careful not to mess up, let it go slowly and disciplined. Go!"

With Ke Shouyi leading the battle, Shi Yu refused to obey orders for no reason, so he nodded and led the others out.

"Tie Jinshi! Are you Tieping's younger brother?"


"Well, your task is the most important! Go straight into the room of the Imperial Street and cut off the Imperial Street from the partition! You go and call sixty people, and I will go with you later."

When Du Xing heard that there was nothing wrong with him, he couldn't help saying: "Master Su, what about me!"

Su San smiled and said, "Take away the rest of your subordinates. Send two people to each alley. Those who go to Yujie will turn around. Go quickly."

Du Xing hurried away.

Su San said to Charlie again: "There are only four battalion leaders here, and I don't know where the other five battalion leaders are. Please, Commander Zha, please take a trip. Let them lead their own people to disperse the people who gathered on other main streets. Don’t care where these people say their home is or where they want to go, they should spread out before talking about it.”

Charlie nodded and ran out too.

At this moment, Jin Tiishi has already organized a team of 60 people.Su San didn't speak, but waved and asked Jin Tieshi to lead the people to follow him, and walked to the middle of the street.

The situation has reached the verge of crisis, and civil uprisings in the streets have begun to occur!Many people squeezed out, but couldn't get out, and in all directions, there were still a large number of unknown people coming from various streets and alleys to Yujie.

People who believe in rumors cannot be squeezed out!So they spread new rumors among the crowd, expecting everyone around them to squeeze out together!So rumors of various variants arose.First, it was said that a masked man killed people in the street, and then it was said that a bandit had entered the city, and then in a very short time, it was reported that a man-eating monster jumped out of the street, and it ate everyone it saw, and it was already dead. Hundreds of people!

Rumors swept through the crowd like a gust of wind!Misfortunes have already happened, and greater ones will follow.It will be too late when everyone understands what happened in the street.

The situation has gotten a little out of control!It's a miracle that it lasted this long!Yuanren's house is in Yujie, the fur clothing shop is also in Yujie, and Jingren's house is also around Yujie. It would be strange if there were accidents in these places at the same time, if there were no rumors!

Su San followed the crowd with people from the small street, and when they finally squeezed into the Royal Street, a bigger riot was imminent, and the uneasy emotions were everywhere in the common people, and the streets were only breathing.

That situation seemed to overwhelm everything in an instant!

Su San said to Jin Tieshi: "Don't be afraid of hurting civilians, you must block this place to death! Otherwise, none of us will survive!"

Jin Tiishi had never dealt with such a scene before, and his expression was already extremely nervous!Su San smiled slightly and said, "It will be fine."

Feeling Su San's confidence, Jin Tiishi couldn't help cheering up, and said to the soldiers: "Listen, there are thirty people on one side, with their backs behind them, and block the Royal Street for me."

The soldiers were actually nervous, but Shangguan's tone was unquestionable, which also gave them confidence.The sudden promise shocked the civilians!Immediately afterwards, two groups of soldiers, arm in arm, rushed into the crowd, and forcibly squeezed a gap between the three and four feet long Royal Street.

Su San San yelled: "Squeeze people to both sides! Make room for ten feet."

All the soldiers turned around together and squeezed people to both sides!

Su San shouted again: "Follow me and shout together: back up, back up!"

The soldiers shouted again: "Back back, back up."

But the voices of sixty people are really small, shouting and crying are everywhere!Who will heed the cries of sixty people!Rumors spread from the crowd that there was a murderous monster behind them, but no one knew where the monster was, so they could only run around and sneak in whenever they saw an empty space.

Jin Tiishi was a little uneasy, and the soldiers also felt unable to withstand the pressure of the people squeezing in between.

Su San was very calm, and shouted again: "Speak to the people around you, and shout together: Back off!"

While Su San was yelling, he yelled loudly: "Call together: back up! Back up!" Jin Tiishi didn't make any claim, and also yelled together.

Gradually, people around the soldier also shouted.And push back as hard as possible to relieve the pressure on the soldiers.But the sound is still too small, and the power is still too weak.

Su San led the crowd to shout, and at the same time directed the crowd to push forward, and each side pushed half a zhang away!There was nearly five meters of space left.

Su Sanjian saw that the situation had not been relieved yet, and even bigger disturbances were sweeping in!At this moment, he also became nervous!If you don't restrain the emotions of these civilians, the consequences will be unimaginable. These sixty people will definitely become sandwich biscuits!Then he said to Jin Tiishi: "There can't be more than thirty people standing on one side, and all the extra people gather in the room. I'm useful."

Jin Tiishi quickly pulled back the soldiers who were scattered in the back row and pushed hard.Su San said to the dozens of people: "Show the sword!"

Everyone was stunned!

Su San said: "Brighten the knife! Pull out the knife for me!"

Everyone drew out their knives at the same time, and the bright knife flashed on everyone's panicked faces, making people terrified.

"Follow me!" Su San stared at the crowd, and finally shouted loudly: "Kill! Kill! Kill!" Su San yelled and slapped the scabbard with the blade, making a strong impact sound.

A dozen or so people followed Su San's rhythm and yelled together. Every time they yelled, they slapped the scabbard with the blade!Every time I shouted, I slapped it, and because the voice was monotonous, a harmony was gradually formed.

Affected by this aura, dozens of other soldiers not only became angry, but also shouted 'kill'.

The sound of killing spreads, which is more effective than 'backing up'.The pressure on dozens of soldiers suddenly eased a lot.Immediately, the line of defense was pushed out half a foot!


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