
Chapter 382, ​​each chapter and each family

Chapter 382, ​​Going back to each house

Seeing that the situation was under control, Su San immediately asked Jin Tiishi to open a hole in the corner, put dozens of civilians into the isolation zone, and ordered them to stamp their feet and shout 'kill'!

Dozens of civilians entered this vacuum environment and lost the fear in the crowd, so they shouted together!

All of a sudden, the sound of 'killing' shook the sky!Spread far and wide. 【】

The civilians crowded in the crowd don't know what's going on!I only heard the sound of killing in the street, how dare I squeeze into it.They all thought that the man-eating monster was ahead, and they all turned around and ran back where they dared to go forward.At this time, the front and back sections of the Royal Street had already received the effect. No one continued to enter the Royal Street, and it also provided space for the people in the Royal Street to withdraw. Therefore, everyone retreated in a panic. Although they were quite flustered, they moved in the same direction.Instead, it opened up a lot.

While commanding the expansion of the defense line, Su San commanded the idle soldiers to rescue the nearby children and old people into the protective circle, until the crowd outside became thinner and thinner, Su San let out a long breath!

He knew how to deal with it, but he was afraid that it would be too late.He knew very well that once Xiao changed shape, it would be useless to give him six hundred people.Fortunately, the timing was just right.Despite this, there are still many people who were trampled on the street.

The line of defense no longer expanded, but slowly retracted, and the number of civilians who were pulled in and shouted to kill has exceeded 500.Fortunately, it is very simple to shout this kill character, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a great harmony.

Su San was naturally the conductor of this chord, he rode on Jin Tiishi's neck, every time he waved his hand, everyone shouted "kill".It is estimated that this sound can be heard even in the palace.

When the scene was under control, Su San stopped gesturing, and the shouts of killing gradually stopped!Su San stepped down from Jin Tieshi's shoulders, called the soldiers together and said, "Now tell everyone, shout together: each go back to each house, each finds each mother!"

All the soldiers laughed when they heard Su San's words!As soon as Su San stared, everyone rushed into the crowd and shared the words with them.Jin Tiishi took the lead this time, and with a wave of his hand, everyone shouted together: "Everyone goes back to his own house, each finds his own mother!"

At first, the shouts were not uniform!But after shouting a few times, the voice became unified.All of a sudden, this voice echoed throughout Jinling City.

After shouting for a long time, Su San dismissed these civilians whose voices were broken.The streets have also returned to calm.

When Su San returned to the Nine Gates to inspect the yamen, all the camp heads of the Nine Gates came back, and the revolts came and went quickly, and once they calmed down, there was no trace of them.

Charlie has gone back to the palace to pay the order.But the head of the camp in Jiumenli stared at the immediate boss who descended from the sky.

Seeing everyone staring at him so intently, Su San knew that the chaos on the street was over, but the drama here had just started!Ignoring their big eyes and small eyes, they walked straight into the main hall and sat at the top of the prosecutor's office!Only then did he take his mind off and looked at the nine battalions.

"Sit down!" Su San said lightly.

But no one is willing to listen to Su San's command!Even Jin Tiishi, who was 'fighting' side by side with Su San just now, stood motionless.

Su San didn't care, and squinted slightly to scan the crowd.

In fact, Jin Tiishi really wanted to hear what Su San had to say, so he sat down.Just now when Su San stood shoulder to shoulder with him to quell the civil unrest, he has already surpassed Su San!And he already knew from his elder brother Tieping that Su San was his savior, in this case, he had no reason not to give Su San face!But the Nine Gates always advance and retreat together, if he wants to sit down first, he will scold you to death!

Du Xing has another idea!At this time, he was extremely disgusted with Su San in his heart.Well!I went to beg you to save Mr. Mo, but you didn’t say anything, but when you turned around, you actually snatched Mr. Mo’s position. You are also a thing?With such thoughts, how could Du Xing feel comfortable with Su San.

The reason why a few people listened to Su San's order just now was because of the urgency of the matter on the street and the urgency to obey the power, so they temporarily suppressed their hearts, and they didn't really obey Su San.It should be noted that if there is a real civil uprising, they will not be able to escape their responsibilities.

But now that the situation has calmed down, these suppressed spirits have naturally emerged!In their time, the nine battalion leaders have always advanced and retreated together, and there is no reason why nine people cannot suppress one person.What's more, Su San is only a temporary name!

They also admitted that this Su San did have some abilities, and he evened out the incident with one shot.However, relying on these, it is impossible for them to follow him wholeheartedly.

Seeing everyone's reaction in his eyes, Su San smiled softly.Xin Dao said that if he was ten years older and removed the word 'temporarily registered', these people might not dare to contradict him face to face!

In fact, he is the so-called mentality!He doesn't need these camp leaders to be submissive to him!The title of Chief Inspector of the Nine Gates was not what he wanted either.He appeared here just to save Mo Shaohua, and to gain some qualifications for himself, so that it will be convenient for him to join the army in the future!

So Su San took a token from the pen holder at the head of the desk, held it in his hand, and then threw it down the hall.

"Boom!" The token hit the ground, making a crisp sound!

The nine battalion leaders all looked at Su San, wondering what Su San meant by this move!

Su San lazily said: "Since Su San has been ordered to take the temporary post of the Nine Gates Inspection Division! Then what should be done must be done. The Nine Gates Inspection Division has the duty of supervising foreign affairs. As for foreign affairs, this patrol is naturally I need to grab it with one hand. Come on! Go to Dali Temple quickly and bring Mo Shaohua, who was in charge of foreign affairs before, and I have to work overnight to investigate the case, so I can live up to the emperor's trust."

After all, he winked at Du Xing.

Du Xing was taken aback for a moment, and it took him a long time to realize that it turned out that Su San sang this play.If Mo Shaohua was referred to the inspection department, wouldn't that mean taking Mo Shaohua back to the mansion?However, Mo Shaohua is an imperial prisoner, Su San dares to say so boldly that he will be brought here?

Su San looked at Du Xing in a daze, tapped his fingers on the case rhythmically, and still said slowly: "What? No one answered the order?"

Du Xing thought to himself, it was Su San who was responsible anyway!Bring the person up first, so as not to suffer in Dali Temple!So he stepped forward quickly and said, "Du Xing accepts the order."

Su Yi waved his hand, took the paper from his hand, wrote a few words hastily, used the big seal of the inspection department, and threw it down: "Go."

Du Xing picked up the token and the book, and left sullenly.

Su San didn't pay any attention to the other camp leaders, but said to Jin Tieshi, "Smoker is coming out of my throat!"

Jin Tiishi had no choice but to bite the bullet and shouted to the outside world: "I don't even have eyes, I don't know how to pour tea!"

Several soldiers standing in the hall hurried to get ready.


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