
Chapter 383, the principle of employing people

Chapter 383, the principle of employing people

The words are divided into two parts!Besides, there are not only nine battalions in the yamen of the inspection department!

In fact, in normal seasons, the nine battalions also have their own yamen offices, and they don't come to the inspection department every day. 【】It's just that every three days, I go to the department to order a dick, listen to Mo Shaohua's nagging, and then go back to their respective fields!

Naturally, there are many officials in the department, such as the master book.The inspection department is a big yamen, with its own lobby and a prison.Moreover, the size of the prison is larger than that of Jinling Mansion and Dali Temple!Many Jiangyang thieves were imprisoned in the prison of the Nine Gates Inspection Department.

The inspection department also has its own arresters, so it doesn't care about the nine battalion leaders in Jiumenli, so the power is enormous.This place basically assumes the dual duties of the police and the armed police in the previous life!In addition, this place is in the capital, so this yamen is a real key position.

Su San went outside and there were a few people headed in, so he opened his eyes suddenly and said: "Is there any more rules? Anyone who is probing and thinking, come in."

So, a large number of people came in at once!These people are all subordinate officials in the yamen, and the Shangguan has already arrived at the hall, so how dare they not come to meet.They all came here upon hearing the news from Charlie.

The Nine Camp Heads can ignore Su San, but they dare not ignore Su San.Su San is the emperor's favorite!Now that I have personally seen the Nine Gates Inspection Department, although it is a temporary agency, but Su San's attitude has made such a contribution tonight, I am afraid that it will not be long before the name of this temporary agency is removed.

Su San ignored those battalion leaders, but said to the officials who bowed their hands in the hall: "Let me introduce you! What is your position and what is your name?"

Everyone said their names one by one. Su San held up a pen, and while listening, wrote down two strokes on the paper from time to time!Seeing that Su San listened seriously, everyone naturally didn't dare to be sloppy. They introduced Su San carefully, and didn't dare to treat Su San like a brat.In fact, the more bratty you are, the more careful you must be. Young people are very angry, let alone contradict.

After everyone finished introducing, Su San put down his pen, and asked one of the officials, "Feng Tianyuan?"

"Subordinates are here!"

Su Sandao: "I remember, you seem to be a Yipi? When did you come here!"

Feng Tianyuan was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Su San would know this so soon, and quickly replied: "It's the latest appointment after the year!"

Su San knew Feng Tianyuan because of the Feng family who acted as an agent for "Farewell My Concubine".He once asked 'Ting Chaoxuan' to check the influence of the Feng family.

This Feng Tianyuan can't really be considered as Feng's family!He is the son of a servant of the Feng family, a servant of the Feng family who was admitted to be an official. Because of his bad background, he has not been very proud of his officialdom.

Su San likes to use unhappy people the most!

Give a person who is about to die of starvation a bite of food, and that person will be engraved with grace for the rest of his life; a person who is full, even if you are sent over with shark's fin and bird's nest, he will not remember you.

Therefore, Su San is not unprincipled when it comes to hiring and accepting people.For people like Tang Chao and Xiao An, he would accept them with confidence only if he had kindness to them!The same is true for Du Ruhui, and the same for Mo Shaohua. Only when they are in trouble, do they want to stay for a while.This is also the reason why he paid attention to Feng Tianyuan in the information about Feng's house.

"Well, then you go to Yuanren's shackles. Please ask Princess Narengerile to come to my yamen for questioning immediately." Su San said quietly.

Feng Tianyuan was taken aback!Feeling a headache.There is no precedent for foreign ministers to be tried in the Yamen, but this is the first thing the chief official entrusts to him, but he can't get rid of it.Yin leaned over and replied, "Yes!"

Feng Tianyuan got the order to come out, so he went to the arresting room to transfer a few arresters, and hurried to Yuanren's prison.Heart said: Yuanren's house was burned tonight, and there is still a mess inside, this job is not easy; moreover, this Narenge Rile is a woman, and now I heard that she may become the emperor's concubine after a while , I went to invite him so suddenly, how could I be able to invite him?

It's just that Mr. Xiao Su is so trustworthy that he doesn't order anyone, but orders his own order, obviously he wants to use his own ideas!Such an opportunity, no matter what you can't miss it, you can't say no, so you have to bite the bullet and grind it!

Feng Tianyuan had just walked outside the gate of Yuanren's house, but a mighty team came from the other side of the street.But it was Narengerile's car!Ganqing Narenge Rile just came back from the palace at this time.

At the front of the team, the leader saw that Feng Tianyuan and a few men with knives were blocking the gate of the gate. They all became nervous and drew out their weapons in unison, looking in Feng Tianyuan's direction.

This turn of events shocked Feng Tianyuan a lot.At first I thought it was Yuanren's guards, all the grass and trees were soldiers, but after a closer look, I saw that they were the guards of the palace, and hurriedly shouted: "We are from the Yamen of the Nine Gates Inspection Department."

When the guards heard this, someone immediately came forward to check the cards, confirmed everyone's identities, and then exhaled: "I met a group of masked people on the road and wanted to attack the car driver. They scared us to death."

Feng Tianyuan was also taken aback, but he didn't dare to ask further questions.The guards heard that Feng Tianyuan had come to invite Narenge Rile to the Nine Gates Inspection Department for questioning, so they didn't dare to make a decision, so they passed the original words to Narenge Rile.

Narenge Rile got off the carriage, but she didn't have the mind to go to the Nine Gates Inspection Department, and walked in without looking at Feng Tianyuan.

The store front of the original residence has been burnt to pieces!Because the plan to burn down the Yuansuo was not known to everyone, so the Yuansuo was panicked a long time ago!Later, there was another commotion in the street, which frightened Yuanren again.

Seeing that Na Ren came back, they really found the backbone, so they all came out to welcome Na Ren Ge Ri Le in.

Seeing that Narenge Rile ignored him, Feng Tianyuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked forward, turned half of his body, slightly blocked Narenge Rile, and then boldly said: "My lord, please the princess immediately Go!"

"Bold!" Bi Lita and Bi Lituo came out together when they heard that Na Ren was back.But seeing that Feng Tianyuan dared to block the way, he wanted to come forward to Feng Tianyuan.

Seeing that Feng Tianyuan was about to suffer, several arresters hurriedly stepped forward to protect Feng Tianyuan.The people in the Nine Gates Inspection had never been afraid of anyone in Jinling City, so naturally they would not be afraid of them.

Narenge Rile waved away the Bi brothers, but fixed Feng Tianyuan with her eyes.Feng Tianyuan stayed in the post office for a long time, and he was thick-skinned, so he didn't care about these things, he just made a gesture of asking with his head sullen.

"Isn't the chief officer of the Nine Gates Inspection Department in prison? Then who is your lord?"

Feng Tianyuan replied: "Su San, Lord Su!"

"Su San?"


Naren Gerile was stunned!She didn't know that Su San became the chief officer of the Nine Gates Inspection Department so quickly.No wonder there were rumors on the street that people from the Nine Gates Inspection Division quelled the riot.That is to say, the shouting of 'kill' and the words of 'each goes back to each house, each finds his own mother' were also caused by Su San?I don't know what he wants to ask himself.

Yin smiled and said, "So it's Lord Su San! Let Naren go. But, please envoy Rong Naren change clothes!"

It's not easy to refuse this request. In fact, Feng Tianyuan didn't expect that Narenge Rile would be so easy to talk when he heard Su San's name, so he was also happy, and let Narenge Rile do as he pleases.

"Bilituo, lead them inside to have tea first." Naren Gerile finished speaking and walked in.

Feng Tianyuan followed the ashen-faced Bi Lituo into the courtyard, and saw that the courtyard behind was huge!Although the front was burnt, the back was completely missing.Many original people were still talking about the fire in the courtyard, but Feng Tianyuan could understand a little of the original language, knowing that they were suspecting that the fire was caused by people from Beijing.In fact, he also suspected that the Beijingers did it.

What happened tonight should be that the Jingren first set fire to Yuanren's Yuansuo, and then Yuanren retaliated and set fire to Jingren's Yuansuo.Then they provoked a few more disturbances in the city before finally causing the rumors to spread.It's no wonder Master Su asked Na Renge Rile to ask questions as soon as he came to the court, Master Su probably also had this suspicion.

It's just that if this kind of thing doesn't show itself, how can it be clear?

Narengerile enters the backyard!Called Bilita and asked: "What's going on?"

Bilita hurriedly said: "My subordinates don't know what's going on either! All I know is that the fire at the Jingren Yuansuo was definitely not done by us."

"What about Wu Zongshao's death?"

"I don't know! I only know that everyone else has moved. Mr. Wu brought some important documents with him and was about to leave when he was assassinated."

"Ulimu died alone? What about the other strongholds?"

"There is no damage at all. The subordinates have just brought in spies to inquire. The initial suspicion is that the assassins hid in the clothing store early in the morning, waited for everyone to leave, and only killed Wu Zongshao, who was the last to leave, before setting fire to the store. If the store hadn't been set on fire, we wouldn't have known Wu Zongshao was dead."

Naren Gerile's expression was calm and scary! "What materials have been taken away?"

"We are on the roster of spies in Fengguo!"

After Bilita finished the news with difficulty, Narenge Rile's face turned pale!When Bilita heard the news for the first time, he was stunned for a long time!This is simply an unacceptable loss, and the impact is too great.

It was silent for a while!

Naren Gerile said: "This time the Jingren has completely taken the initiative! It's Naren's fault. Naren thought that even if Glasur spoke, it would not be so fast! Even if Glasur spoke so quickly, the Jingren I didn't dare to rush into our main stronghold; even if I dared to rush in, Ulimu would have a chance to destroy important books. Naren didn't expect the outcome of the matter at all, it would be like this. I should take full responsibility for Ulimu's death .”

Bilita wanted to comfort Narengerile, but he knew that persuasion was useless.I had no choice but to sulk my head and stop talking.He knew that this was not actually Narenge Rile's fault, after all, no one would have imagined that people from Beijing would be so resolute and courageous in their actions.


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