
Chapter 384, Li Ming made meritorious service

Chapter 384, Li Ming made meritorious service

Naren Gerile said: "However, some things are still a little strange. [] Naren always feels that there is something wrong here."

Na Ren seemed to be talking to himself, and then said to Bi Lita: "Pass my order, notify all spies who can get in touch, transfer again, and never use the original identity. In time!"

Bilita clasped his hands and said: "In this way, all our hard work in Jinling for so many years will be gone, and we will become blind!"

"Blind, at least we still have brains! It's better than Jing people swallowing us in one fell swoop. With people, everything can start from scratch; without people, everything is useless; go, pass on my order, Move as fast as you can, I don't want to hear any more reports of loss of manpower. You do this yourself."

After Na Ren finished speaking, she began to change her clothes.She wanted to go to Su San quickly, she believed that Su San couldn't just invite her alone and put Dehera in the prison!If Dehera is really not with Su San, she will also force Su San to call Dehera.To make time for the transfer of the original spy.

Na Ren naturally did not expect that the person who assassinated Ulimu was not from Beijing at all!

At the same time, Dehera had just returned to the prison.He quietly looked at the key figures in the prison, and asked Naren Gerile the same thing: "What's going on?"

Someone replied: "First, Yuanren's Yuansuo caught fire! Then several of our strongholds were attacked! Later, the Fengren in our Yuansuo jumped up and asked us to set fire to ourselves." Naturally, we couldn’t listen to his words, but this guy set fire to his own house and burned down a large area of ​​the house. Fortunately, he was rescued in time, otherwise all our prisons would be burnt down .”

Dehe pulled the people in the room, and when everyone mentioned Li Ming, they all looked resentful, so he asked, "Where is Li Ming?"

Then someone gave Li's name up!

Li Ming was tied up by Wuhuada, and his body was still wounded. It turned out that he was beaten by the people in the prison.When Li Ming saw De Hera, he fell to his knees and shouted, "Ambassador De, Li Ming has been wronged!"

"Wrong fart, how dare you say that you didn't start the fire!" Someone yelled, and they wanted to come up and beat Li Ming.

Dehera shouted: "Stop!" Then he came over in person, untied Li Ming's rope, and solemnly gave Li Ming his hand and said: "Mr. Li, you have been wronged! Dehera apologized to you !"

Seeing Dehera's reaction, Li Ming burst into tears.

The people in the room couldn't help being shocked when they saw Dehera saluting Li Ming, they didn't know what happened!Dehera said to everyone: "You are confused! Li Ming is saving us, do you know that?"

Of course I don't know!If he knew, Li Ming would not be tied up and beaten.

"This is a conspiracy! It's a conspiracy played by the original people. Don't you think about it, except for the people in Beijing, who would have nothing to do when they are full and burn the Yuanren's house? But we obviously didn't do such a thing, and the Yuanren's Why did the Yuansuo catch fire?"

Seeing that no one answered, Dehera went on to say: "It's very simple, because Yuanren did it himself! They burned their own camps to put blame on us! This plan is poisonous, if Yuanren's camps were killed Burning, and our shackles are intact, it means that everyone will blame us for this crime. Do you know the consequences of this? Let me tell you, the most ideal result of this consequence is that we will be expelled. And the original people will not let go of the opportunity to attack us. Li Ming set fire to our camp, not to harm us, but to save us. This fire is set well, and it burns well! But you still treat us like this to save us Those who have meritorious service, are you too stupid?"

In fact, Dehera only thought of this level!

After hearing Dehera's words, everyone suddenly realized.

Li Ming knelt down gratefully, and said to Dehera: "Finally someone can understand the mind of the villain."

"Unexpectedly, there is such a wise eye in our courtyard! This is really a blessing for Jing Guo. Mr. Li, you can stay here with peace of mind. We Jing people can still give you what the seal can't give you. Now you will only be my counselor, and nothing else will be done."

"Ambassador Xie De appreciates!"

"Prepare a good room for Mr. Li, and the monthly salary will be distributed according to the highest standard. A copy of the corresponding news will also be reported to Mr. Li, and another 100 taels of silver will be rewarded to compensate Mr. Li for his loss."

Li Ming burst into tears of gratitude for a moment.

Everyone saw that Li Ming's status had risen to the extreme, and he had become an existence no less than Dehera in the house, so they all apologized to Li Ming!In the midst of the chaos, a report came from outside, and a guard from Beijing said loudly to Dehera: "A few people came outside, and they said they were officials from the inspection department of the Nine Gates in the city, and they wanted to invite the German envoy to go to the Nine Gates. Ask the inspector at the door."

Dehera was taken aback!Turning to Li Ming, he said, "The emperor has newly appointed Su San as the head arrester of the Nine Gates Inspection Division! Su San asked this envoy to question me at this time. Is this envoy going? Or not?"

Li Ming knew Su San, but he only knew about Su San, not very deep.Hearing Dehera's question, his mind turned quickly. Fortunately, he was used to counselors, so after analyzing the pros and cons very quickly, he came up with an idea.Then he said: "Go! Why don't you go? Those who don't go are the ones who are in the wrong. The villain is sure that this Master Su must have invited the envoys of the original people. He must ask you to go because he wants you to go. You face to face."

Dehera agreed with Li Ming's statement, but smiled and said, "Confrontation? What kind of tricks can this confrontation do? The envoy is in the palace, and he just came back. Naturally, he doesn't know anything. What can he confront?"

"You still have to go! I heard that this Su San is very favored by the emperor. Even if he doesn't confront him, the envoy must at least give him face."

It's not that Dehera didn't want to give Su San face, but he knew that although Su San was young, he was actually difficult to deal with, so he was a little guilty.What happened in the Tea Rhyme Pavilion is still in front of him. He doesn't want to go to this Su San again, so he doesn't really want to go.But he understood that what Li Ming said was right, this trip must be left.Whoever does not go will be at a loss.

So he told the people in the prison to be careful and not to cause trouble, and sent someone to send a message outside, so that the spies outside should also be quiet, and there should be no changes without his own orders.

After giving these orders, Dehera took ten guards, followed the people in the inspection department, and entered the inspection department!


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