
Chapter 385, gains and losses

Chapter 385, gains and losses

I saw that the main hall of the inspection department's yamen was brightly lit, and there were people standing inside. There was a chief official sitting in the hall, it was Su San!Su San seemed to be interrogating a prisoner whose hands were still tied with iron chains, and because his back was facing her, Dehera didn't know the appearance of the prisoner. 【】

The officer went in and returned his orders, turned around and came out, and led Dehera to the side courtyard!He ordered all the guards to wait only in the small compartment under the hall of the side courtyard, and they were not allowed to go to the hall of the side courtyard, so they left.

The small cubicle can go to the hall of the side courtyard, but because of the distance, no sound can be heard.Between the small cubicle and the hall, many soldiers in full armor stood, no strangers were allowed to approach, and the surrounding environment was quiet!Therefore, the guards are not worried about the safety of the master.He sat in the cubicle and waited with peace of mind.

Dehera walked into the side hall alone, and there was only one person sitting in the big side hall, but it was Naren Gerile.Xindao: Sure enough, Li Ming predicted that he was right.

Narengeri was happy to see that it was Dehera who came in, and couldn't help being annoyed for a while.There is a kind of resentment that has been calculated.

She had been sitting in this side hall for a while, and Su San not only greeted her, but didn't even show her face; what was even more exasperating was that Dehera came later than herself, which made her feel resentful.But at least Dehera came, otherwise Naren Gerile would not be able to sit down.

So Narengerile glared at Dehera, her head sullen, and she didn't say a word.

Dehra is also angry!All these things tonight were caused by Naren Gerile.If it wasn't for Li Ming's cleverness, he might be the one crying right now.He didn't expect that this damn woman, with a kind face, had a heart like a snake and a scorpion.

But he glared back at himself, and Dehera ignored her, and just sat opposite her, with his eyes only looking out of the hall.

There are two small rooms outside the hall, diagonally facing the side hall!The guards on both sides sitting in the hut also stared at each other like fighting cocks.If it weren't for the well-armed soldiers standing under the hall, the two sides seemed to be fighting at any time.

The side hall was extremely quiet!Time flows slowly in this quiet place.

Mo Shaohua never imagined that he only met Su San in the morning, and that he would meet again in the lobby of the Inspection Department at night.When Du Xing brought Mo Shaohua into the inspection hall, Mo Shaohua was still dreaming!

Su San was about to talk to Mo Shaohua when an official came into the hall and said, "Dehera is here!"

Su Sandao: "Take it to the side hall, I will go there after a while." After saying that, he smiled at Mo Shaohua, and said with a bit of yin and yang: "These subordinates of yours are really energetic. They like to sit or not Standing, then Su San has to let them stand. Come on, take that chain off, don't worry."

Du Xing hurriedly stepped forward to remove the iron rope symbolically hanging from Mo Shaohua's hand.

Mo Shaohua glanced at everyone in the hall, and couldn't help but smile wryly, but he didn't answer Su San's words.Although Du Xing had told him what happened on the way, and he knew a little about the situation here, he didn't know how to deal with the situation. He was a prisoner, and he was no longer qualified to order these people.

Su San pointed to Mo Shaohua and smiled at Mo Shaohua: "Come and sit down! Come on, get some food and drink. I've been busy all night, and my chest is already hungry."

Then he said to the officials: "Except for a few battalion leaders staying to jury, the rest of the people should do whatever they want! Don't hang around here anymore. Let's all disperse."

All the officials resigned together and went back to rest.Only a few battalion heads stood in the hall, neither moving nor speaking.

After a while, the food and wine were served, and there were a lot of them!I came to prepare the wine and food for several camp heads.But Su San didn't order Yingtou to eat together, but pulled Mo Shaohua to eat together.

Mo Shaohua's temperament is free and easy, but no matter how free and easy he is, he has no habit of drinking and eating in court.But, at this time and at that time, he is not in charge of the class now, and there are no rules like his, anyway, it is the so-called, so he eats and chews with Su San San.

Su San was really hungry, it was almost midnight for the meal before entering the palace, and with such busy work, how could she not be hungry.After eating a meal, it was delicious. After a few mouthfuls, he poured Mo Shaohua a glass of wine, and after a few mouthfuls, he poured Mo Shaohua another glass, but he didn't drink it himself.

Mo Shaohua had a lot to eat and didn't use much, just being with him.In fact, I only think about my own thoughts.

When Su San was full, she wiped her mouth and stood up and said, "Well, you guys will help me inquire about the case, and I will go to the side hall for a walk."

Then he said to Mo Shaohua: "Your case is more complicated, and it can't be solved in a day or two. So, let them prepare a place for you in the cell, and you stay in the prison of the inspection department first." Here, wait for the officer to interrogate slowly."

After all, with his hands behind his back, he walked out step by step.

The nine battalion heads looked at Su San in a daze and left just like that, throwing Mo Shaohua in the hall, they couldn't help but be puzzled, although they guessed that Su San intended to bring Mo Shaohua up, but they didn't expect that, After it was brought up, it was thrown to them.

Mo Shaohua looked at the crowd, sighed and said, "Do you have any questions? If not, I'll go to sleep!"

All the people gathered together and talked a lot.Naturally, there were many voices complaining about Mo Shaohua, but Mo Shaohua just smiled and didn't complain.

Everyone consciously ate all the food and wine, and sent people to vacate the prisoner's room, made warm beds, and moved a lot of Mo Shaohua's favorite books in. spread out.

Su San walked outside the main hall, and when Feng Tianyuan was still following her, she stopped and said, "Haven't you gone back?"

Feng Tianyuan hurriedly said: "The adults don't rest, how can the subordinates rest!"

Su San smiled and said: "Then you go to the back of the Yamen and sort out two courtyards! Princess Naren and Ambassador Dehera will live here tonight."

"Ah!" Feng Tianyuan was stunned for a moment, and when Su San smiled slightly, he quickly responded and turned to leave.

He is not a talkative person!You can use it.Su San looked at Feng Tianyuan's leaving back and turned this thought in his mind.

The moon was hanging in the sky, and the new moon was like washing. Jinling City had completely and slowly quieted down.Su San just appeared in the side hall!

He invited Naren and Dehera, not for confrontation.

This kind of matter can be resolved if confronted, and the person who snatched this job will go to sea.His purpose is just to restrain the heads of the envoys of the two countries, so that they have no time to use their brains.

If the heads of envoys of the two countries are still so determined to go their own way and cannot understand their own intentions, then I will limit myself to the day when they can understand.Anyway, his reasons for restricting the two are very good, and there is no way for the envoys of the two countries to object.Even if he sues the emperor, Su San is not afraid.Because, as long as they don't make trouble, the emperor won't care if he keeps them tight.

If it doesn't work, I will let them go temporarily!Going back and calling the two of them in several times a day, I would annoy them to death.He has plenty of ways to restrict this, otherwise he wouldn't dare to take up this job!

He is not worried about these things, what he is worried about is: tonight, his performance on the Royal Street, I am afraid that someone with a heart will think that he is not good!He worried that someone would start to really look at himself.

This is not a good thing, if you keep a few more eyes on yourself, your actions will naturally be restricted!

It's just that there is no way to avoid this!

If he wants to join the military, he must have some credit!He wants to save Mo Shaohua, this is the easiest way!He wanted to increase his influence, so he had to show some real skills.

If you want to gain something, you must lose something!Naturally, there is no free lunch.

With such a mood, Su San walked into the side hall.Facing him were two long faces.

At this moment, Narenge Rile was so angry that she couldn't even get angry!When she saw Su San come in, she ignored him.Dehera put away her long face, stood up and said to Su San: "I didn't expect Mr. Su to be promoted so quickly. When we meet again, he will already be a member of the imperial court."

"Haha, it's just a temporary appointment, just a temporary appointment." Su San laughed, nodded to Narenge Rile who was not her own, and then sat on the front seat.

Su San walked around for a long time before laughing and said: "My official Princess Naren's complexion is not very good, she seems to be about to rest! How about this, Princess Naren will go to the backyard to take a rest first, after resting, Su San will come to ask questions again !"

Narenge Rile was taken aback for a moment, never thinking that Su San would say that, and said: "Master Su, if you have anything to ask, just ask, Narenge Rile doesn't need to rest."

Su San said with a 'huh', "Does Ambassador De want to take a rest first?"

Dehra was about to answer!But Su San waved his hand and said: "Let's take a rest first, Su San has some matters, I need to ask Princess Naren alone first! I don't know how long this question will take, and a resting place has been prepared in the back, and someone will lead Ambassador De Go to rest. Princess Na Ren said hello here, and immediately called Ambassador De to come to talk! If Ambassador De is worried about something in the prison, he can send a guard to pass the message! If there is any official business to be dealt with in the prison, This officer will not ban it here."

Dehera paused for a moment, and had no choice but to stand up and said, "There are a lot of affairs in the Yuansuo, please ask Mr. Su to ask questions as soon as possible."

Su San stood up and sent Dehera up and said: "Su San also naturally wants to find out the cause and effect of this series of events as soon as possible. Someone dared to deal with the envoys of the Jing Kingdom and the Yuan Kingdom at the same time. Neither will work."

Seeing what Su San said, Dehera had no choice but to retreat to the backyard and rest temporarily.

Su San turned around and walked back to the side hall, instead of sitting up first, she sat down on the chair next to Naren Gerile.

Narenge gave Su San a happy look, but didn't speak!Quietly waiting for Su San to ask.

Seeing Narenge Rile's serious look, Su San suddenly smiled.


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