
Chapter 386, There is a story

Chapter 386, There is a story

Narengerile stared at Su San, and angrily said, "What's so funny!"

"When it came to Princess Na Ren, Ning Yuan thought of a story! This story is somewhat interesting. It is about a person who is not very bright in his mind. She shakes her head at everything, and she always says 'no' when asked.【】Princess Na Ren Have you heard the story?"

Narenge Rile gritted her teeth, and said viciously to Su San: "You, how courageous! Are you not afraid that Naren will sue you for molesting the future princess in front of the emperor?"


Su San was taken aback, wondering why Na Ren would use this word!He scratched his head involuntarily, and immediately sat a little further away, with a straight face.But when he opened his mouth, he was not serious.

"You said that molesting is molesting. What is this place? It is the lobby of the Nine Gates Inspection Department. There are so many guards standing in the hall. If you make a molestation, the emperor will believe you? I don't believe it. Or, go and talk about it." .”

"Just say it!"

"If you tell the emperor that Su San is molesting you, then Su San will dare to say that you seduced me. You are good-looking, and Su San is also good-looking, who would the emperor believe in!"

Na Ren was furious about it, and seeing Su San's serious look, it seemed that he could really do such a thing.She didn't expect how Su San could become so reckless, but there was nothing she could do about this kind of recklessness.Therefore, he could only sullenly stop answering.

Su San suppressed Na Ren Ge Ri Le for a while, and let her know that she is not so easy to scare, then waved her hand and said, "Princess Na Ren, go to rest first! Your question comes here first, now Su San wants to ask Dehera, I don't know how long it will take to ask this question, Su San will send Princess Naren to ask questions at any time."

"Are you going to put the princess under house arrest?"


"The princess will not be with me anymore, and now I'm going back to the prison."

"You can't go back to the prison until the officer has finished asking!"

"Then ask quickly!"

"Think about it before asking!"

"Then the lord has made up his mind to come to Yuansuo's princess at any time."

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that I have a few questions to ask. Please sit down, Princess Naren, and don't be impatient."

Na Renge was happy to see Su San playing like this, so she had to sit down.

But Su San stood up, walked up and down in the side hall, and changed his broken fan in and out from time to time, without any further questions to ask.

When she went to urge her, Su San said slowly, "Do you have any enmity with the people of Beijing?"

Narenge Rile is a little bit slang, this is a question like an idiot.Yin said, "No!"

Su San said 'uh', and then fell silent again.Then he walked up and down the hall with a thoughtful expression on his face!When Na Ren urged him again, he said to think about it.If the urging was even more urgent, Su San said again: "Have you ever thought about why the Yuansuo caught fire?"

Completely speechless, "No!"

Su San started to circle again.Seeing that Su San didn't ask her questions, Naren was about to get angry when Su San suddenly smiled and said, "Would you like to hear a story? There is a fool who said no to anyone who asked her anything. By the way, the princess of this story Have you heard of it?"

Su San smiled at Narenge Rile, but Narenge Rile wanted to kill someone!

After being silent for a long time, Narenge Rile finally jumped out from between her teeth: "This princess is tired, I need to rest!"

Su San hurriedly clapped her hands, and quickly called the guards in the inspection department: "Hurry up, escort the princess to the backyard to rest!" On the other hand, she said in a low voice: "Really, wouldn't everyone be happy if you go to rest early? Do you have to force others to rest?" in this way."

Su San's words are not loud!But enough for Naren Gerile to hear.Narengerile gritted her teeth desperately, resisting the urge to run away, and walked to the backyard with a gloomy face.When all the people inspecting the nine gates were gone, only his own guards were left in the yard.Narenge Rile finally couldn't help it, and suddenly pulled out the scimitar from Bilituo's waist, and chopped it like crazy on the trunk of a small tree in the courtyard, shouting as he chopped it, "I'll kill you!" You, I will kill you."

Seeing that a small tree was broken in two under Narenge Rile's crippling force!Only then did Narenge Rile let out a breath of foul air from her chest, and regained her composure.

Narengerile threw the knife away, turned around, and said to the guards calmly but in a serious tone, "Are you all right?"

The dumbfounded guards quickly turned their heads away.

Su San sent Narenge Rile away, clapped his hands and said: "It's done!" Then he left the inspector's yamen, and went back to Su's mansion for a good night's sleep.

Besides, in the palace, Zhao Pu lost all mood because of the troubles in the city!Then he returned to the hall with all his ministers, and sat dully.The little eunuchs had already cleaned up the hall, and all the military officials stood upright in the hall, huddled together.

Outside, more specific news kept coming in, all about how chaotic the streets were!He also said how many people had died, how many children's intestines had been stepped on, and for a while, there were endless discussions in the hall.

In the middle of the chaos, I suddenly heard a sound of 'killing' coming from a distance!The voice became stronger and stronger, bluffing all the ministers, their faces turned blue!If it weren't for everyone knowing that it was impossible for the people of Beijing to enter the hinterland of Fengchao without making a sound, they would have been terrified by the sound of 'killing'.

Zhao Pu also turned pale, stood up from the dragon chair uneasily, and called Wu Taiming, and then several Taiwei of the Privy Council!

Wu Taiming hurriedly said: "No one will enter the city. This may be Mr. Su's plan! To scare away the rioters."

Zhao Pu felt a little relieved, but he couldn't sit down anymore.

I don't know how long it took, the killing sound stopped, and then there was another cry: "Everyone goes back to each house, each finds each mother".

When the officials in the hall heard the shout, they all looked at each other in blank dismay!When Wu Taiming heard this, he was overjoyed, and quickly said to the emperor: "The people outside must have calmed down."

All the ministers and workers gradually woke up, and their expressions began to relax.Zhao Pu was still a little frightened and refused to believe Wu Taiming's words.It wasn't until Charlie returned to the palace and told the situation in detail about the situation on the street that Zhao Pu put his worries back to his original place.

Hearing Charlie's reply, the ministers in the hall naturally had a lot of discussions.Some people are saying that Su San handled it properly, and naturally some people are saying that there should be a better solution, and it is more reasonable that this should be the case.

Zhao Pu was very disgusted when he heard these words!Now let’s talk about how to deal with it, how to deal with it, and what’s the use?What did you do early!So all the ministers and workers were dismissed first, and they had already made up their minds to hand over the Nine Gates Inspection Department to Su San.

Brave and resourceful, courageous and resourceful, a talented man with martial arts, and loyal to the emperor, such a talent should be given heavier responsibilities.


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