
Chapter 387, means and tricks

Chapter 387, means and tricks

After this night, many people came to their senses that Su San, a new star in the imperial court, had gradually risen!Can no longer stop. 【】As a commoner, within two years (strictly speaking, only two months.) He has jumped to a high position, and his future is limitless.Should I also get close to Mr. Xiao Su?

The impact of the events that happened on the night of the Shangyuan Festival is still expanding!

At the beginning, Su San didn't expect that the situation would have a greater impact than what he imagined!

In his idea, he should first ask the emperor for a promise to be an official!Later, using the turmoil between the two countries as an excuse, he asked the emperor to act as Mo Shaohua's deputy.

He believes that the dispute between the two countries is a muddy water that neither the Second Prince's Party wants to wade into!My silly and bold request, with a probability of more than 80.00%, will be approved.In this way, he could rescue Mo Shaohua openly, and then speak to the emperor to rescue Mo Shaohua step by step.

This plan is safe and has a good chance of success!It's just that Su San didn't expect all this to happen so fast and so intensely that it was resolved in one night.

But it's also good!To avoid long nights and many dreams, there will be other changes.

As for the dispute between Beijing and Yuan that everyone avoids, Su San already has countermeasures, so he is not afraid of this part at all.

He knew very well that the affairs between Beijing and Yuan could not be managed by Feng Ren, and even if they were managed, they could not be controlled.Since you can't control it, then find another way to control it.

Anyway, the result that the emperor wants is that the envoys of the two countries stop, and don't bother the emperor anymore.Therefore, it is very difficult and frightening for others to solve things in his hands, and the solution is very simple.Think about the problem in a different way, and the difficult problem will become easier.

If the emperor insists on giving him a clear result, then he can still find a way to solve it.

It is impossible for the Jingren to admit that they are dealing with the Yuanren; and the Yuanren will also not admit that they are dealing with the Jingren.That being the case, it must be outsiders, bandits, or simply other foreigners who are targeting people from Jing and Yuan!Although it is difficult for discerning people to believe this kind of statement, the people of Jing country will believe it, the people of Yuan country will believe it, and naturally the emperor will also believe it.

Whoever doesn't believe it, let's do a thorough investigation!

He is used to dealing with this kind of thing, as long as the two countries of Beijing and Yuan stop here!Then there will be no problem.As for whether Jingren and Yuanren will stop, this question is not a problem for him. He has quite a lot of means and tricks, so that they have to stop.

Therefore, on the first day after the Shangyuan Festival, when Su Sanyi walked into the inspection office, the first thing he did was to send troops to the headquarters of the two countries!

Su San summoned Mo Shaohua and arranged a table for Mo Shaohua at the side table!Throw all the official duties that have been accumulated during this period of time to Mo Shaohua,

Then he said to Mo Shaohua: "Let Du Xing draw forty soldiers to guard the outside of Yuanren's compound! In the name of protecting Yuanren, all personnel entering and leaving Yuanren must be registered and filed! There is no legal Because of the reason, we have to persuade them not to walk around casually."

Seeing Su San directing him honestly, Mo Shaohua couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.I could only follow Su San's instructions, tore through the book and wrote it down!He didn't show Su San any more, just took the big seal from his hand and stamped it, and asked the hall official to hand it out.

Su San said again: "The Jingren should also be protected, but they can't send forty soldiers! Only twenty! After all, we have a better relationship with Yuanren. Let's take twenty soldiers from Jin Tieshi." .”

Mo Shaohua tore another piece of paper, wrote the line, and stamped it out.

Only then did Su San stand up in the hall contentedly, and while waving his hands to let Mo Shaohua handle official business, he called Feng Tianyuan to write a detailed account of what happened on the street last night on his behalf.

After a while, Feng Tianyuan drew up the memorial and handed it over carefully.He didn't know why Su San asked him to write this memorial!But since Su San trusted him so much, he had no choice but to do his best. Although he was a bit talented, his brain was rusted after staying in the post all these years. How could he write any good chapters? He was very uneasy for a while.

Su San took a look and saw that Feng Tianyuan wrote whatever he wanted, not exaggerating at all, they were all plain words!In fact, it was exactly what he wanted, so he only added a sentence at the end: I have been trying my best to resolve the matter between Beijing and Yuan, please allow the emperor to grant me a few more days of temporary agreement!

After paying the money, he handed it over to Feng Tianyuan and said, "Go to the East Mansion! Hand it over to Xiang Wu, and ask Xiang Wu to report it on his behalf."

After the memorial went in, before noon, the emperor approved it. After seeing it, Zhu's approval was added: as long as Aiqing thinks, it can be signed temporarily.

This is to hand over the real difference from the second rank to myself!Su San was slightly touched!Regardless of other things, he really has nothing to say about the emperor's kindness to him.However, some things cannot be changed.

With this Zhu Zhu, it means that the emperor has given Su San the Nine Inspection Commission!Therefore, before the imperial decree came down, a group of officials who had already been informed came over to congratulate.

These are also things to come.

Let's talk about Du Xing's people and Jin Tiishi's people standing in front of the gates of the two countries, blocking the front and back doors. Naren Gerile and Dehera got the news immediately, and the two of them They all became furious, and they all wanted to ask Su San to clarify.

They wanted to ask Su San why they forcibly sealed the door of their prison, and why they restricted the personnel from entering and leaving the prison.

But Su San didn't see them at all, so he left them there until lunch time, and then met the two of them in the side hall at the same time.

Still laughing like that, he said to the two of them: "You also know that when I take office as a new official, everything is complicated! I don't have much time. I heard that the two of you want to see Su San. No, Su San hastily went to see Su San. I ran over, and I didn't even have time to eat lunch." Su San chuckled.

The two were stunned for a moment!This is called running over in a hurry. From morning to noon, two hours have passed.

Narengeri was happy to see that Su San was still in such an unscrupulous manner, knowing that she would not be able to ask any more serious questions.At any rate, she was self-aware, she suffered from Su San's loss last night, and this time she didn't take the initiative to ask about it.

But Dehera didn't know, so he hurriedly asked Su San: "Master Su! Your people blocked the gate of our Jingren Yuansuo, do you know about this?"

Su San chuckled, straightened up and said, "Tsk, Lao De. You, what are you doing with these business matters as soon as we meet? What can't we talk about after dinner? Come here! Has my lord's food been delivered yet?" , bring it here as soon as it’s delivered, I’m starving to death.”

Youdao is a person who stretches out his hand and doesn't hit the smiling face, and Dehera didn't know when he and Su San were so familiar, the name 'Old De' came out of the other party's mouth, so he had no choice but to lower his face and say: "Master Su! This matter is very serious. Yuansuo is a symbol of the dignity of Jing, and your behavior will have a very bad impact on the relationship between the two countries."

Seeing that Dehera spoke so seriously, Su San turned his face coldly and said: "Old De, what you said is not right! Su San is only thinking of the people of Jing. Being set on fire, safety has already become a problem. Since you can't protect yourself, then Su San sent people to protect you. Yuansuo, why did you offend the dignity of the Jing Kingdom? In this cold weather, you think it’s easy for me. Really, kindness is like a donkey’s liver and lungs. If it weren’t for the sake of our friendship, you would think that Su San would really like to take care of Jing What about the Guoyuan Institute?"

After all, get angry.

Dehera wanted to talk about the Beijing people's affairs, so he didn't need to be sealed off, but with Narengerile's expression on his face, Dehera stopped talking.

Su San ignored Dehera, then turned to Na Ren and said, "Some people just don't know how to be good! They are all for him, but they come to blame others. Princess Na Ren, you are not such a person."

Na Ren chuckled and said, "No!"

Su Sanyi clapped his hands, turned into a folding fan and said with a smile: "Let me just say, a beautiful appearance is usually the external expression of a beautiful heart. Princess Na Ren is so understanding, which really makes Su San very happy. Princess Naren took great care of her. In other places, Su San only sent [-] people, but to Yuanren's camp, Su San sent [-] people."

"That's thanks to Master Su for taking care of me!"

"Haha, it should be, it should be! After all, Princess Naren is going to marry into Fengguo in the future, so it's okay to take more care of her. Otherwise, forty people, outside the prison, will be blown by the wind again." It's raining again, and someone is willing, but Su San is not happy! After all, the attendance fee and the extra meal fee are not a small expense."

Narenge said happily: "Since Mr. Su is in such a difficult situation, then we can pay the money! Even if Naren invites Mr. Su to help maintain the compensation, how about it?"

Su San's face sank, he patted the table with a folding fan, and said in high spirits: "How can I make Princess Na Ren spend money? The princess already understands Su San very well, even if she doesn't say that Su San is meddling in other things."

Na Ren also tightened his face and said: "Master Su, don't be too late! The soldiers of the Feng Dynasty helped Yuanren protect the Yuansuo, which is already a great kindness! Let the soldiers suffer again, we can't live with it. This little bit of care, Su Don't be too late, my lord, Naren has made up her mind."

Su San sighed in embarrassment and said: "Su San also promised to give them an additional subsidy of [-] per day! Since Princess Naren said so, Su San could only reluctantly agree to let Yuanren pay the money. Already!"

"It's easy to say!" Narenge Rile was not angry because Su San made another extra money on her.

Su San turned to Dehra.


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