
Chapter 388, This is a man

Chapter 388, This is a man

Dehera hurriedly said: "Master Su, please send 40 more people to the Jingren Yuansuo, and the Jingren will double the cost." Dehera figured it out, since Su San wanted to come between the two countries so For a while, it's better to go along a little bit.After all, his own people are still here, if Su San refuses to let him go back, if the leader of the dragons in the camp is suppressed by the original people again, it will not be a good thing.Hearing Narenge Rile's response, he felt that having someone to protect him was not a bad thing.

Su San patted Dehera's shoulder suddenly and laughed: "Just say it, we men can't fall behind women. If you say a hundred, you can only give one hundred? What a sting! One catty of fried fish nuggets costs five hundred The price, one hundred, requires others to help. Is there such a good thing in the world? If you want Su San to talk about it, it’s better for you, Lao De, to double it as soon as you open your mouth. "

Narenge Rile felt that Su San was her nemesis!Every time you run into him, nothing good happens.Ever since she was a child, she never dared to touch her. It was this Su San who hit her on the forehead with a stick!From then on, every time he meets Su San, he gets angry.It seems that the old world specially sent such a person to make himself angry.

Don't fall into my hands, or you will be spoiled for choice!

Seeing Su San's duplicitous behavior, Dehera couldn't help but smile bitterly!

It's hard for him to imagine that this kind of tact and this kind of character that can change his face at any time will appear in a young man who enjoys the reputation of a great talent and looks gentle.

This is unreasonable, but also very special, which makes people feel a little confused and impressive at the same time.

The more I don't know about Su San's character, the more I want to explore!But the more I explored, the more I found that Su San's personality was changeable.So much so that I don't know what kind of person Su San is.Su San is like a mystery, a mystery that ordinary people cannot solve.

"Okay! Since the two of you have no problem with this matter, Su San will be generous today! Treat you to a delicious meal." Su San said happily: "It's hard to find food outside!"

The voice just fell!I saw a few soldiers escorting a woman and walking in holding several large food boxes.This woman is none other than Yu Feng.

Su San saw Yu Feng's eyes lit up, stood up and took the food box in Yu Feng's hand and said with a smile, "Are you preparing the food today?".

Yu Feng smiled slightly, bowed to Su San, turned her eyes around Dhela and Naren Gerile, smiled at Naren Gerile, and then said in response to Su San's words: "Hmm! It's hard to get this opportunity! It's just that there are so many people eating, and I don't know if there is enough to eat!"

Su San glanced at the dishes served by the soldiers, saw that there were five stir-fried vegetables, plus a pot of grilled fish, then clapped his hands and laughed, "There's also grilled fish."

"I just learned how to make it, and everyone said that Feng'er is good at it, so I boldly made one." Yu Feng smiled and held a small iron pot!Su San took the fire from the charcoal basin on one side, put it in the small stove, stuffed it under the iron pot and stewed.After a while, the fragrance drifted away.

Su San put the other five dishes in front of Dehra and Naren Gerile: "Just eat it, don't be polite! Just treat this as your own home."

While speaking, he pulled the grilled fish in front of him, and asked Yu Feng to sit next to him.He actually treated Naren and Dehera as air, and only said some witty things to Yu Fenger.It caused Yu Fengqiao to laugh again and again.

Narenge Rile didn't speak, and she didn't move her chopsticks. In fact, she was a little clumsy with chopsticks.So he didn't want to eat in front of Su San.

Dehera didn't care about this, just picked up the chopsticks and ate it!After taking the first bite, he let out an 'hmm', and squeezed a few more bites, saying: "It tastes delicious! It's really hard to find it outside. This girl's craftsmanship is really good."

Seeing that Dehera praised Yu Feng, Su San regained her spirits, picked up a few slices of winter bamboo shoots with her serving chopsticks and said to Dehera, "Try this, it's crispy and slightly sweet, and only the south can eat this. Jingguo doesn't have it." of."

Dehera ate it quickly, and it was really delicious!Not astringent at all, and very chewy.

Su San talked about the recipe of the winter bamboo shoots!Narenge Rile was a little tempted when he said that, and finally moved his chopsticks and tried a bite.Taking a bite, Narenge Rile, although he didn't say anything, the chopsticks didn't intend to stop, and he started to taste all kinds of dishes.

He even stood up, stretched out his hand to grab a piece of grilled fish in front of Su San and ate it!After eating, I couldn't help but stood up and took a second bite.

Seeing that Su San had no objection to Na Ren taking the grilled fish, Dehera also stood up to take the grilled fish!But Su San stopped with chopsticks: "Stop, stop! Su San doesn't even have enough food here, Lao De, why are you joining in the fun!"

Embarrassed, Dehera sat back awkwardly, but took a look at Naren Gerile.Su San said: "She is a woman with a very small belly, how much can she eat? Is this also jealous?"

Narenge Rile was taken aback for a moment, what do you mean a woman has a small belly!

He couldn't help feeling angry, knowing that if he continued to act reserved in front of Su San, he might not be able to eat enough!Then he stood up with his hips akimbo and said to Su San: "Didn't you say that you would treat us to a good meal? Why? This grilled fish is not something we can eat?"

Su San was about to answer!Narengerile picked up the whole grilled fish and said to Dehera, "Hey, bring that stove to the room!"

Dehera stood up immediately, reached out and drew the stove over.Narengerile put the small pot of grilling fish on the stove, and instead of sitting down, she ate it standing up, wishing she could grab it with her hands.

Su San let out a strange cry!Stretching out the chopsticks, he took a large piece of good meat from the belly of the fish and put it in Yu Feng's bowl.I grabbed another big piece for myself, and while swallowing the rice, I shook my mouth and started chewing.

Dehera is a native of Beijing, and he once let horses on the grassland in his early years. He really eats a lot, and his appetite is amazing. In order not to fall behind, he also stood up and accelerated his movements.

Na Ren was at a disadvantage because she wasn't familiar with chopsticks, but she stood there with a full airs, and she didn't look feminine at all.If Zhao Guang sees the scene in front of him, he will definitely turn pale with shock, and he probably won't have the idea of ​​marrying a woman like Narenge Rile again.

Su San, Dehera, and Na Ren, the three of them just stood on the edge of the table, eating and chewing at each other, often fighting with chopsticks for a good piece of meat or a good piece of fish!

The three of them stopped talking and ate with their heads depressed!I'm afraid that the other party will eat all the vegetables.

Narenge Rile was more ruthless, stuck the chopsticks in the fish bone, picked up the whole fish and said: "Oh, sorry! It got stuck. But, there are only fish bones left! I belong to a cat, and this I will eat the bones." In fact, there are still large pieces of fish that have not been divided.

Not to be outdone, Dehera directly held the small pot in his hand, and said: "The fish soup has been boiled dry, and if it continues to burn, it will burn the pot, so it can't be boiled anymore!" After all, put the soup, ingredients, and The fish and side dishes scattered in the ingredients are poured into the bowl together.

Su San was so angry that he emptied the bottom of the plate of the other five dishes!Even the soup and juice, swept it into his own bowl very quickly, even snatched a plate from Naren's hand, stopped De Hela from trying to grab another plate nearby, and after all was emptied, Su Sancai said: " Just eat some of your leftovers."

See all the plates are empty!The three people sat down contentedly, slowed down their speed, and ate leisurely, as if they were not the ones who were standing and snatching food just now, and had nothing to do with them.


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