
Chapter 389, original language song

Chapter 389, original language song

Yu Feng has learned a lot now!It turns out that high-level people eat with such virtues. 【】

Na Ren accidentally burped!She blushed, but said to Yu Feng naturally: "Can you teach Na Ren how to make this grilled fish?"

Yu Feng smiled, but shook her head and said, "This is the secret of the teacher's family. Actually, it's not very difficult. If Princess Naren wants to eat, we will open a shop after a while, and Jinling City can also get it."

Dehera licked his mouth, he didn't eat enough, so he had something to say.Hearing Yu Feng's words, he was very interested and said: "Then I must go to cheer for Lao De."

Su San wasn't full either, but she was six or seven percent full, and she was almost there if she wasn't hungry!While wiping his mouth with his hands, he smiled and said, "This is what you said, Lao De! Just to remind you in advance, what we ate this afternoon will cost at least 50 taels of silver on the table."

"You might as well grab it!" Dehera said to Su San.

"Would you like to eat or not!" Su San waved his hand, telling the soldiers to put away the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and said to Yu Feng, "From now on, just give me food for myself! Don't give so much. It's a waste to give too much." , if someone wants to eat, I can license them to buy ten taels of silver a dish from you, otherwise let them eat ordinary meals bought on the street."

Na Ren Ge Ri Le immediately said: "Tonight, Na Ren still wants to eat grilled fish, please trouble Miss Yu Feng!" After saying that, she waved her hand and asked the maid behind her to take out ten taels of silver and hand it to Yu Feng.

Dehera couldn't hold back his face for a moment, but had no choice but to remain silent.Xindao Narenge Rile would really embarrass herself.

Yu Feng would not be embarrassed to accept the money, so she took the money and said with a smile: "Thank you, Princess Naren, for taking care of life! Your grilled fish will be delivered with you at dinner."

But Naren Gerile said with a smile: "This is the most delicious fish Naren has ever eaten! Naren wants to be alone and eat quietly. Fortunately, it can be bought with money. Naren should thank Miss Yufeng."

After the bowls and chopsticks were put away, Yu Feng also withdrew.

Su San ordered tea to be served, and the three of them gathered around the charcoal fire and began to talk about the past and the present.The situation is like three old friends who haven't seen for many years, gossiping together.Chatting all over the world, talking about the sea and the sky.There is no more plot to ask questions.

After a night of thinking, both Dhela and Narengerile seemed to understand Su San's intentions, so they didn't talk about asking questions at all. If Su San wanted to talk, they would chat with Su San.

Therefore, for a while, the three of them argued endlessly about which breed of horse was good;

If Su San really wanted to talk, he could simply not talk.The breadth of his knowledge and the variety of what he has learned made De Hela feel overwhelmed, and Naren Gerile had a new understanding of Su San.

While talking, the three of them talked about the grassland.Dehera and Narengerile originally thought that Su San knew very little about grasslands, but Su San said: "Actually, Su San likes grasslands very much! I like the vast expanse that spans as far as the eye can see, and I like the restrained freedom."

Su San said these words from the heart!Na Ren was very confused, she never believed that Su San had been to the grassland.However, she really liked the deep look in Su San's eyes when he was talking about the grassland.

"Old De, do you know Matouqin? Many nobles in Beijing know this instrument."

Lao De shook his head and said: "Ama will, I heard about Ama when I was young! Then we went south, and Ama disappeared."

"It's such a pity! National things are the most precious things, will Na Ren know that?"

Naren nodded.

Su San sighed again: "It's a pity that there is no matouqin here! Otherwise, it's good to listen to it. Naren should also sing, right? Sing one for us, I want to hear the voice of the grassland."

Na Ren shook his head, and said with a slightly stupefied expression, "Songs in the prairie have to be sung in the prairie to have a taste!"

"Perhaps! But if you have grasslands in your heart, there should be grasslands everywhere."

"Then, can Su San sing grassland songs?"

Su San smiled and nodded!

Dehera said: "Sing and listen!"

Na Ren found that there was nothing Su San could do, so she also said, "Na Ren also wants to hear about it."

Su San said to the two of them: "Su San can take the lead and be the first to sing! But Su San can't sing alone! Su San sings first, Lao De also sings, and Na Ren presses down last, so as to show the spirit of participation. Let's Although we are not from the same country or the same ethnic group, singing is based on national boundaries and races. The three of us sing a grassland song together. This may not be a good story, how about it?"

Dehera said: "Princess Naren is willing to sing, and Lao De is willing to go out and sing!"

Na Ren smiled at the two of them and said: "You men are not afraid of singing, and Na Ren is even less afraid."

So Su San stood up, smiled at the two of them: "Su San sang this song in the original language! It's just that I can't remember some parts very clearly, so if there are some parts that you don't understand, you two just listen to it." .”

After finishing speaking, he adjusted his mood, put on a cute smile, and sang cheerfully in the original Mandarin: "Awa! Hey! Then what is there to read? Oh, silence! How can Tudu be promising? Oh silence Guru! Ah, I remember Gulu Youwei? Oh, it’s silent! Gulu Gu’s body is full, and it’s a place! Mom! Hey! What’s the matter? Ah, Gulu Youwei? Oh, silence! ? Oh Silent Gu! Ah, I remember Gulu Youwei? Oh Silent Gu! How about Gulu Youwei! Youwei? That Gulu Youwei of Ah Nei! Oh, take advantage of it! Gulu Guwei has a whole body and a body, Kuwei!"

The expressions on Dhela and Narengerile's faces are extremely weird!Touching Su San like a monster.

This song is a scene where the father, mother and daughter have a conversation among three people!The songs are full of the fun of life, and they have a unique charm when they are sung.People from the grassland had never heard such a song, but they didn't know where Su San learned it from.

"Does it sound good?" After one song, Su San found that her voice was not bad!However, compared to Yu'er, it's still a little bit worse. This song is more interesting to teach Yu'er to sing. It's more suitable for me to sing songs with a thicker voice.

The two have already talked, and the singing should be said to be good!At least it's not ugly, the key is that there are voice changes in the song, which is not easy.Besides, it is not an exaggeration to give an excellent evaluation of a song in the original language from the mouth of a feudal man, which is a song they have never heard before.

Dehera smiled wryly and said, "After Su San sings like this, Lao De can't open his mouth! Just hum a few words."

Dehera's voice was very old, humming the nursery rhymes that she remembered from her childhood, with a strong local dialect, but Su San could hear some of it.

Narengeri was happy to see that both of them sang, so she also opened up her voice.It's a shame to say that, in fact, she is not good at singing, but she listens to others singing a lot, so there are a lot of out of tunes.But in this atmosphere, what everyone hears is just an artistic conception and feeling.Don't care about anything else.

"It's really nice!" Su San said earnestly: "Na Ren's voice is very clear and bright! Although he didn't let go of singing, he sang very well. Su San once knew a friend who wandered from the grassland to Yuan, and he sang in Fengyu. The song Over the Grassland is also very nice and artistic, just like the feeling of Na Ren singing, high pitched and clear, it makes you think about it."

The two looked at Su San expectantly.

Su San refused to let her go, so she followed the meaning of the words and began to sing: The blue sky, the clear lake, the green grassland, this is my home, alas, galloping horses, white sheep, and You girl, this is my home, yeah, I love you my home, my home my heaven, I love you my home, my home my heaven!

After singing a heart-pounding song, Na Ren's eyes became brighter again.Dehera on the other side was also mentally moved, his heart returned to the grassland, and his fighting heart actually faded a lot.

The three of them just chatted, chatted, laughed, sang and sang, completely forgetting about the outside world.At this moment, the national disputes disappeared in this atmosphere.Many years later, when Narenge Rile recalled the time with Su San in the side hall of the inspection department, his heart was still moving.

After Mo Shaohua finished handling many official affairs, put together some official affairs that needed Su San's signature, and typed out some official affairs that did not require Su San's signature, he realized that it was already half-afternoon!

After eating a few snacks in a hurry, he asked, "Where is Mr. Su?"

"What about asking questions in the side hall?"

Mo Shaohua snorted, knowing that Su San was dealing with Naren Gerile and Dehera.

He has been in Jinling City for many years and has dealt with Dehra a lot.Although this person is not very good with Solitu, he is also a thoughtful person.And Narenge Rile is not a kind person, neither of these two people is easy to deal with.

Su San was able to detain the two of them in the yamen for one night, that was already a remarkable feat.Now that Su San has sent soldiers to the headquarters of the two countries, shouldn't the two of them jump up?At this time, I'm afraid that the envoys of the two countries are attacking Su San from left to right?I don't know how Su San will deal with them. Even if this matter is over, how will Su San explain to the emperor the many things that happened before?

In order to save herself, Su San took on such a job that no one would accept, no matter what she said, she had to plan well for him.But is there any way to resolve the dispute between the two countries?Difficult.

"grown ups!"

"Oh!" Mo Shaohua glanced at the subordinates around him, and said, "I'm not an adult anymore! Just call Shaohua by his name."

The subordinate official was unwilling to call Mo Shaohua by his name directly, but skipped this section and said with a smile: "My subordinate, our Master Su is not easy."

"Oh, how do you see it?"

"This subordinate just went to the side hall over there! You don't know, Lord Su, Dehera, and Princess Naren, the three of them were talking and laughing, singing and dancing in the side hall! They had a great time. How happy?"


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